Beer vs. Soda: Which is Worse for Your Health?

  • Thread starter Cyrus
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In summary, beer is better than soda for your body because it doesn't have nasties in it like soda does and it doesn't dehydrate you like soda can.
  • #36
Cyrus said:
Hangover from one beer?

Maybe not for someone with a high tolerance of alcohol :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #37
You would have to be a 70 lb 8 year old to get a hang over from one beer.
  • #38
Cyclovenom said:
Keep the beer and other alcohol beverages for the fridays and weekends, or special events.

I do say that after baby Ellie is born and nursed, I do want one good cold beer! The postpartum info I got today says nothing against that. Think my hubby can sneak it into me at the hospital, or will I have to wait til discharge?

I personally don't really see the harm in one beer a day, had responsibly. Personally, it helps my tendency towards insomnia... til the baby's born, I'm resolved just to be low key about work... and I'm getting by on tall glasses of ice water.
  • #39
Cyrus said:
You would have to be a 70 lb 8 year old to get a hang over from one beer.

Sounds like you are speaking from experience :-p

I myself enjoy a nice soda. Mainly because I am looking for a stimulant and my tastebuds are not use to coffee.
  • #40
One beer a day is not going to hurt you. If your body can't handle that then there is something else wrong with you that has nothing to do your beer intake. Once you reach adulthood I don't think there is even anything wrong with binge drinking. At least I've never seen any studies that said anything bad about it. Before you are an adult you can do a lot of damage with alcohol and if you are getting drunk everyday as an adult you can do damage, but one or two or three beers a day isn't going to hurt anything.
  • #41
physics girl phd said:
Think my hubby can sneak it into me at the hospital, or will I have to wait til discharge?

Hubby should walk in with a six-pack right after the delivery and announce, "You done good sweetheart, so I brung you a present" Preferably, he'll be wearing a jeans and an old undershirt.
  • #42
Cyrus said:
I think drinking a soda a day is has got to be much worse for you considering it has lots of acid, and sugar.

Also, beer doesn't have nasty chemicals in it like soda does.

The acid destroys the enamel.

Which one is worse?

Well, it's sort of obvious what you want us to think. :wink: In school they pretty much taught us that alcohol is the anti-Christ (it's a pretty religious public school, lol), but in all honesty, soda (or pop as we call it in Michigan) is probably worse for you in small quantities.
  • #43
physics girl phd said:
I do say that after baby Ellie is born and nursed, I do want one good cold beer! The postpartum info I got today says nothing against that.

One of my ex's married my best friend (I was best man at the wedding, so obviously we're still great friends). When their first child was disinclined to settle down, the ex would drink a glass of wine. Then she'd breast-feed him, and he'd go to sleep within minutes. :biggrin:
  • #44
Beer - however it is definitely affecting my short term memory .

BTW who in hell drinks a beer a day WTF ? , Trust me if you drink one beer you are definitely going to drink at least three ... at least .

Soda made my teeth rot , I'm done with soda with the exception of Coke Zero.
  • #45
GCT said:
I'm done with soda with the exception of Coke Zero.
Coke zero rots your teeth just as bad, it's got roughly the same pH value, the only difference being that it's sweetened by chemicals (and boy does that taste nasty). For me it's either the real deal or water. :smile:
  • #46
Cyrus said:
Hangover from one beer?
Most days I only drink one bottle of beer. A 40 oz. Busch.
Only for real men though.
  • #47
cristo said:
Wow, you're way cool, bragging about drink-driving :rolleyes:

As for the OP, I think I agree with you, Cyrus, in that a beer a day is better for you than a soda a day. It's also much nicer: a cold beer after a long day's work is delicious!

He was joking.
  • #48
dlgoff said:
Most days I only drink one bottle of beer. A 40 oz. Busch.
Only for real men though.

Drink a 40oz of skullsplitter.
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  • #49
Cyrus said:
Drink a 40oz of skullsplitter.

The words "bloody stool" come to mind.
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  • #50
GCT said:
BTW who in hell drinks a beer a day WTF ? , Trust me if you drink one beer you are definitely going to drink at least three ... at least .

When I get home from work I generally only have one drink. Sometimes two.
  • #51
WhoWee said:
The words "bloody stool" come to mind.

Have you never drink a real beer before: Are you sure your a man? It looks no different than Guiness, but tastes very different. This is an ale, guiness is a stout.
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  • #52
TheStatutoryApe said:
When I get home from work I generally only have one drink. Sometimes two.

lol, yeah. I love how he can't comprehend such a simple fact.
  • #53
Cyrus said:
lol, yeah. I love how he can't comprehend such a simple fact.

I don't remember how old GCT is. I remember though when I was younger that I used to have at least a few drinks at a time.
  • #54
Cyrus said:
Have you never drink a real beer before: Are you sure your a man? It looks no different than Guiness, but tastes very different. This is an ale, guiness is a stout.

It was a joke.
  • #55
WhoWee said:
It was a joke.
Cyrus is one of the most serious men I know here. He always tells it like it is. :devil:
BTW Cyrus. I want one of those skullsplitters. Makes me thirsty just to see it.
  • #56
Cyrus said:
Have you never drink a real beer before: Are you sure your a man? It looks no different than Guiness, but tastes very different. This is an ale, guiness is a stout.

Is Skull Splitters available in the US? I don't think I have seen it anywhere before.
  • #57
Flat said:
Is Skull Splitters available in the US? I don't think I have seen it anywhere before.

Yep, I sell it. Plus I've drank it at an ale house. It's a good beer. It really tastes unlike any other beer I can describe. It's very distinct. They come in 4 packs, and run about $14 for the pack, or $10 each if your in a restaurant. (Restaurants rip you off on alcohol by well over 50%)

Yesterday I had this:

It was ok. But I am not crazy for dark beers. It's like a guniness but not as bitter, and a slight aftertaste due to the oatmeal.

It's similar to their taddy porter


except the after taste is different.

Their lager is ok, and I really like lagers. But I wouldn't try theirs again. (I think the bottle I had was too old because it didnt make any head when I poured it. I think it went flat).


BTW: I have never had a sam adams (diff brand than above) that I like. I think they all taste horrible.
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  • #58
Cyrus said:
Yep, I sell it. Plus I've drank it at an ale house. It's a good beer. It really tastes unlike any other beer I can describe. It's very distinct. They come in 4 packs, and run about $14 for the pack, or $10 each if your in a restaurant. (Restaurants rip you off on alcohol by well over 50%)

Nice, I will have to search around for it. Reading some of the reviews on it online, it seems like it has an interesting taste.
  • #59
What about wheat beer? The stuff I get at my local microbrewery is out of this world.
  • #60
dlgoff said:
What about wheat beer? The stuff I get at my local microbrewery is out of this world.

Don't get me started on hefeweizens.


This is by far the best. Imported from germany, worth every penny.

Bluemoon is junk, IMO. I don't like it and I don't see why people hype it up. There's better tasting beer out there IMO. Id rather have a shocktop than a Bluemoon.

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  • #61
Good stuff from Belgium :!)
  • #62
I think we can conclude that there are lot more beer lovers than soda lovers :smile:

I like Windhoek lager (from Namibia), but now that I'm living in Belgium, I like a good Leffe or Duvel.

Still, I think my favourite Ale is Kilkenny.
  • #63
redargon said:
Still, I think my favourite Ale is Kilkenny.


Which reminds me of the perfect beer for Cyrus...
  • #64
AHAHAHA! Awe thanks ape!

Pech lambic are amazing


They are like a woodchuck, but better.
  • #65
Cyrus said:
AHAHAHA! Awe thanks ape!

Pech lambic are amazing.

They are like a woodchuck, but better.
No problem.

Lambic is quite good though sweet. I'm not sure how many beer drinkers would like it. I've had raspberry and peach. The raspberry actually had a tartness to it that most raspberry flavoured drinks don't.

As for cider I usually go for Hornsby's amber. I used to know several different types but I guess cider isn't as popular any more and I haven't found a very large selection any where in years. There used to be one called Hardcore Black that I liked. Woodchuck is practically like drinking apple juice but its good. Wyders I think is a bit expensive for being a cider that isn't terribly note worthy. Ace is a microbrew cider that was much too acidy and dry for me. The local snooty grocery store used to have a nice snooty selection of beers and such but they got rid of most of it. :-/
  • #66

Obviously you are a connoisseur of beer. So how is it that you can only drink one beer/day? Or is it that one really good beer does the trick? I really envy your good fortune to be able to sample all those good ones.
  • #67
dlgoff said:

Obviously you are a connoisseur of beer. So how is it that you can only drink one beer/day? Or is it that one really good beer does the trick? I really envy your good fortune to be able to sample all those good ones.

I take one beer home. Once I drink it, there are none left to drink.
  • #68
I think beer is much preferable to soda, in moderation, of course.

This is one of my favorites - Redhook ESB. Don't know that I would drink it out of an Erlenmeyer flask though.


Do you have it where you live?
  • #69
I prefer , but like to try out whatever microbrew a restaraunt carries.

Unless it's hot out. For thirst or hot weather, I'd drink a coke even though it's worse for you than beer (although I kind of prefer just plain old water to either). In fact, if you're talking about what I drink at home, I'm much more likely to drink a coke than a beer. A six pack of beer can last a couple months at my place.
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  • #70
If it's only one a day, and the rest of your diet is healthy, and you're otherwise healthy, I don't think it matters which you have. If you start coming home and thinking, "Man, I need a beer," or it increases from one to more than one a day, then it's time to think about whether a habit is forming...and that's the same if we're talking about soda too. I just spent three days on a bus and sharing cabins in the middle of nowhere with about 25 other faculty, and you have never seen a bigger group of caffeine and sugar addicts...only two in our group opted for diet soda, and one chose a non-caffeinated beverage (he was the smoker, so had a different source of stimulant)...mornings were VERY quiet until everyone got their coffee (we stopped at one B&B for a dinner and breakfast and at dinner they asked how many people would drink decaf in the morning so they had an idea how much to make, and NOBODY raised their hand). We did just fine not having any alcohol during most of the trip (one evening we sat around with beer and wine while chatting, but even though none of us had to drive anywhere, nobody had more than one or two, though were still seeking tea and coffee).

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