Before you die, what do you want to see become a reality

  • Thread starter MathJakob
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In summary: Some examples:Without being ridiculous and try to keep it within the boundaries of what could be possible, what would you like to see become a reality more than anything else?Some examples:Discovery of life elsewhere.Servant robots.Digitisation of the brain.A cure for cancer.Conclusive proof other dimensions exist.How the big bang happend.Discovery of another universe.World Peace.
  • #71
I'd LOVE to see a new, SAFE, renewable energy source so society can stray away from fossil fuels. I'm no environmentalist, but I think everyone can understand the benefits of renewable energy.

My high school biology teacher was just telling us today how he went to a nanotechnology conference, and they had teams build small cars that ran on hydrogen. When I asked why they couldn't do this with full size vehicles, he said because hydrogen is explosive... Isn't gasoline explosive too?
Physics news on
  • #72
Hydrogen at room temperature is a gas, tanks in cars would have hydrogen with a high pressure. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is extremely dangerous.
Gasoline evaporates if it can, but the tank itself is not under pressure and it is not as bad as hydrogen.
  • #73
A place to stay
"Oi! A real one ..."
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.
  • #74
Pythagorean said:
A place to stay
"Oi! A real one ..."
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.


And there I thought I was the only person who read too much into music.

I don't remember this song. I shall listen to it tonight.

Unless of course, I die, before I get to my place to stay.

But I doubt I'll die tonight.


We shall talk in the morning.
  • #75
Before I die, I'd like to see people finally understand what the internet is and isn't. Not one person I've run across online actually knows. Of course, since I worked for the company that invented the concept with the US government and worked in it for the past 3+ decades, I know.

It's not a "thing", it thousands of companies and governments all contributing pieces of data connections.

It's not a "right".

Politicians have no clue what the internet is, they go by what people tell them, usually special interest lobbyists.

Then there are individuals and companies that create websites that can be accessed through the myriad data connections that form parts of what we call "the internet". They are not the "internet".
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  • #76
OmCheeto said:
We shall talk in the morning.

Watched a video of the song.
Yes, these last 100 years, have been brutal.
Things I want to see... hrmmm...

All lawyers must die!


Wait! That was Shakespeare... Never mind... :redface:
I can hear the drones, already...
  • #77
mfb said:
I see innovations on a daily basis, and I think this is really awesome

Yeah the thing is all this optimism is something I took into account. What you didn't take into account is that the coin has a second side, pessimism, if you don't get your fix soon. A habit that gives a high doesn't only give highs, it also gives lows.

You probably misunderstood my way of thinking though. I mainly criticized spectators. I think being the actual innovator is the real joyful thing, even if sometimes you fail, people are hardwired to want to struggle (it explains how all Billionaires still work at the age of 80+). But if they just stand in front of a screen waiting for innovations to come merely as spectators they will have highs and they will have lows. And frankly they will have more lows if they are too fixated. e.g. I'm waiting now for new GPUs to come out and it's such a long process (move it TSMC!).

Evo said:
They are not the "internet".

The thing is besides the historical origin or even some of the current infrastructure, in practice a country can now just disconnect from the rest of the world and have its own internal network. So in my view, the internet is nothing but a 'network'. I don't really have to qualify it further since that's the main quality of it, that it networks computers in an area. If the internet - as you define it - disappeared, then we'd miss mainly the lack of networking, rather than the underlying technological details or its historical origin, even if some of those details are in some cases defining (e.g. the quality of having an IP address whenever you connect anywhere.)
  • #78
Why do I have have to carry 5 freaking keys around in my pocket at all times? Is it too much to ask, this day and age, to not require keys anymore?? Cars have been able to be opened remotely for a long time, but for some reason this hasn't transferred yet to anything else. When will my "smart" phone be able to open all of my doors??

Am I asking too much? I'm not requesting a servant robot or a flying car over here :mad:
  • #79
human animal hybrids

technological telepathy/telekinesis etc
  • #80
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