Beyond Belief Science talking about religion

In summary: Cyrus, have you seen or read anything by the fifth horseman of the apocalypse (Victor Stenger)? I have almost finished his earlier "The Comprehensible Cosmos; Where Do The Laws of Physics Come From?". His latest book is very interesting.In summary, the conversation covers a variety of topics related to science, religion, and belief. The participants discuss various lectures and videos they have watched, including talks by Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Richard Dawkins. They also mention books by John Allen Paulos and Victor Stenger. The conversation touches on the relationship between religion and science, and the idea that religions make fact claims about the natural world. One participant mentions their interest in meditation and their
  • #71
Moridin said:
Red herring. Now you are trying to avoid admitting that your assertion that the majority do not do it is wrong.

No, yours are not self reported, because they are simply a bookmark of people being born into institutions and do not reflect what they actually believe. The real test is to show the level of secularization in the country.
Fine, you win. Those other 100+ million people who claim to be Christians in Canada, France, UK, and Germany are all liars. They attend church merely to mock god, and that cross above the door is there for irony.

The oppression of women and the threats of apostasy is widespread. I can say that Islam causes terrorism if its scriptures support it and people who are terrorists because terrorists due to the very fact of scriptures!
Then I could say all Christians and Jews are slave-owning fascists. The bible does support slavery, yet slavery was made illegal in the US over 100 years ago, and it was never legal in Canada. What is your explanation for this? You'll just say over and over again that Islam is somehow different. I get the feeling there's some kind of veiled racism behind your opinions that makes you think Christians (mostly white) are fundamentally different from Muslims (mostly brown), and that's why one can be moderate while the other cannot be moderate. Actually, moderate is a bad term. I should say "one of those people who says they're religious on government surveys but practice common sense in their daily lives."
Now it is not, since you confessed it yourself.

P1: Shutting the door on an issue is anti-science
P2: The door is shut on whether or not the Holocaust took place
C: The teaching that Holocaust took place is anti-science
You probably suck at math. Basically what you're saying is that you can make some positive claim and anybody who disagrees with it is wrong, true? Well we might as well shut the door on string theory since some people disagree with that. We should stop keeping confidential government records just in case somebody tries to read them later and get some ideas or something. Hurr burning books and suppressing debate is a good idea. Maybe we should censor newspapers too just to make sure people don't start thinking.

You are plunging deeper and deeper into irrationality, by your denial of the Holocaust.
Thanks for insulting my Ukrainian Jewish heritage. You're trying to use that retarded patriotic logic of "dissent of the government makes you anti-american". Here you're saying research into a contrary hypothesis is immoral and should be stopped. So if somebody disagrees with something that is fundamentally understood, such as Newtonian physics, we should stop that person? Isn't that how things like String Theory come about? Disagreeing with the accepted theory?
Again, there is no such thing as "state atheism", just like there is no such thing as "state athorism" or "state a-unicornism". Also, atheism is not a religion, it is the lack of god-belief. The USSR and China did not oppose religion, they where religions.
Which basically agrees with what I said before. Allow me to quote myself:
ShawnD said:
They're still basing this on the assumption that humans won't just find another way to separate themselves. First we hate each other because we're a different color. Then it's because they're a different religion. Then it's because people in this area talk funny. Then it's because they want to be called Unified Atheist League instead of United Atheist Alliance. Stopping religion won't stop people from being idiots.
So basically China and USSR eliminated religion and immediately replaced it with... religion. I'm sure nobody saw that one coming :rolleyes:
No, they where not secular at all, since they had the same religious mentality as I shown earlier.
They eliminated god but replaced it with something equally irrational. Isn't this a good example of how trying to eliminate organized religion doesn't work? Christianity went away, but blind patriotism showed up in its place. USSR can do no wrong. Long live USSR!

Christian Hitler's actions lead to the death of 55 million. And let us not forget the crusades, the inquisition, the slaughter of native Americans, the forced conversion of northern Europe, witch trials, the genocide of blacks by the Catholics Church and so on.
Absolutely. People do insane things and justify them with insane reasons. I assume Hitler's hatred of Jews was more directed towards "ethnic Jews" as opposed to the religion itself. He also hated Gypsies and Slavs even though Slavs were mostly Christian as well. His cleansing likely had very little to do with religion, but it is often passed off as being religiously motivated. Associating concentration camps with Christianity is as wrong as associating gulags with atheism. Crazy people are crazy no matter what religion they are. I don't think of suicide bombers as being islamic nutcases are much as they are nutcases. People who shoot American abortion doctors are flat out insane, regardless of whatever cult they follow. Ending religion will not stop terrorism, nor would it stop people who shoot abortion doctors. I put those on the same level as people who blow up animal testing labs because they support animal liberation. There doesn't seem to be an underlying religious reason for blowing up animal labs, but the tactics used are exactly the same as those who do terrorist acts for religious reasons.

Neither Stalin or Mao where atheists, since they considered themselves as Gods. Further note that correlation does not imply causality. Both Stalin and Mao where old-age men. That does not mean that the fact that they where men caused them to be dictators. Furthermore, since atheism is completely neutral, unlike Christianity or Islam, it does not contain any imperatives, so atheism cannot cause anything, by definition (unlike Christianity or Islam).
You're assuming that idealistic atheism is attainable. This sounds similar to people who claim USSR was not real communism and that communism is totally doable if <impossible circumstances> occur. Idealistic atheism will not happen. It will always create some new religion that immediately takes over where the old religion left off.
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Physics news on
  • #72
Fine, you win. Those other 100+ million people who claim to be Christians in Canada, France, UK, and Germany are all liars. They attend church merely to mock god, and that cross above the door is there for irony.

No, there is nothing that says that they claim to be Christian or attend church. It simply says that at their birth, they where bookmarked by religious institutions.

Then I could say all Christians and Jews are slave-owning fascists. The bible does support slavery, yet slavery was made illegal in the US over 100 years ago, and it was never legal in Canada.

No, because that would be empirically false.

What is your explanation for this? You'll just say over and over again that Islam is somehow different.

Islam is different because its effects on society is greater; oppression of women, inequality, theocracy, threats against homosexuals and apostates are not rare in the Middle East, but frequent. Therein lies the difference.

I get the feeling there's some kind of veiled racism behind your opinions that makes you think Christians (mostly white) are fundamentally different from Muslims (mostly brown), and that's why one can be moderate while the other cannot be moderate.

Ad hominem.

Islam is not a race. Hundreds of millions of Christians in Africa are blacks, much more black than Muslims. Secularized, liberal Christians are fundamentally different from conservative fundamentalist Muslims. I do not see that many US Christians who actively oppress women, promote inequality, theocracy, threats against homosexuals or apostates. Do you? Muslims can certainly be secularized, but most Muslims are not. Most Christians are.

I am critical of religion, not religious people. I despise Christianity as much as I despise Islam. Unfortunately, the two religions have a vastly different effect on our modern society. The secular west has immobilized Christianity, whereas the Middle East nourishes Islamic theocracy. There are several harsh critics of Islam, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq who is also "black".

You probably suck at math. Basically what you're saying is that you can make some positive claim and anybody who disagrees with it is wrong, true? Well we might as well shut the door on string theory since some people disagree with that. We should stop keeping confidential government records just in case somebody tries to read them later and get some ideas or something. Hurr burning books and suppressing debate is a good idea. Maybe we should censor newspapers too just to make sure people don't start thinking.

I noticed that you did not try to deny the fact that you think teaching that the Holocaust is anti-science. Please respond to this.

When there are clear scientific facts that contradict old religious myths from the iron age of humanity, myths is going out the door, just like we do not teach creationism or Holocaust denial is school. I have no problem censoring newspapers who incite violence by proclaiming that the Holocaust is a myth. But seeing as how you logically deny the Holocaust, you might oppose this?

Thanks for insulting my Ukrainian Jewish heritage.

There are plenty of Jews who, like you, deny the Holocaust, such as Yousef al-Khattab, formerly Joseph Cohen. I am not insulting anything; it is you who claim that promoting truth is somehow anti-science.

Here you're saying research into a contrary hypothesis is immoral and should be stopped.

The Holocaust happened. We have a massive amount of scientific evidence for it. Give up.

So if somebody disagrees with something that is fundamentally understood, such as Newtonian physics, we should stop that person? Isn't that how things like String Theory come about? Disagreeing with the accepted theory?

String theorists do not disagree with Newtonian Mechanics; they build on it. If someone disagrees and tries to shove his or her ideas into the school system without evidence or research, they should be stopped, yes.

So basically China and USSR eliminated religion and immediately replaced it with... religion. I'm sure nobody saw that one coming

Then your argument that the USSR and China somehow failed because they got rid of religion collapses. Naturally, you have to put science and reason in the place of religion.

They eliminated god but replaced it with something equally irrational. Isn't this a good example of how trying to eliminate organized religion doesn't work? Christianity went away, but blind patriotism showed up in its place. USSR can do no wrong. Long live USSR!

Eliminating organized religion by secularization, the separation of state and church, the promotion of science and reason certainly works. Just look at Sweden or Norway.

I assume Hitler's hatred of Jews was more directed towards "ethnic Jews" as opposed to the religion itself. He also hated Gypsies and Slavs even though Slavs were mostly Christian as well. His cleansing likely had very little to do with religion, but it is often passed off as being religiously motivated.

The Holocaust was a fundamentally Christian enterprise and had everything to do with religion. It was built on the Christian persecution and slaughter of Jews for 1500+ years. Hitler never repudiated his membership of the Catholics Church and prayer was said for him, on his birthday, by the Vatican, even at the end. According to the Catholic historian Paul Johnson, 50% of Luftwaffe / SS where confessional catholics, and none of them where ever threatened with excommunication.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Adolf Hitler

This was worn by all soldiers ("God is with us")


One of the favorite books of Hitler's party was Martin Luther's On The Jews and Their Lies.

Steigmann-Gall, Richard "The Holy Reich: Nazi conception of Christianity, 1919-1945," (Cambridge University Press, 2003) is an excellent book on the topic.

Associating concentration camps with Christianity is as wrong as associating gulags with atheism. Crazy people are crazy no matter what religion they are,

When Hitler's actions was specifically motivated by Christianity and Christian doctrine, such as association cannot be wrong.

People who shoot American abortion doctors are flat out insane, regardless of whatever cult they follow.

What if they had not been indoctrinated into Christianity? Do you think they would have done it anyways?

According to a Federal Bureau of Prisons report in 1997, ~83% of the inmates in prison are Christians (about the same percentage of the population are Christians), but only 0.2 % are atheists/agnostic/freethinkers (corresponding to ~8%). Christians are severely overrepresented in American jails over atheists.

There doesn't seem to be an underlying religious reason for blowing up animal labs, but the tactics used are exactly the same as those who do terrorist acts for religious reasons.

Again, where are the Buddhist suicide bombers? The reason there are Islamic suicide bombers and not Buddhist, is because martyrdom plays a central part in Islamic theology, whereas it does not do so in Buddhist philosophy.

You're assuming that idealistic atheism is attainable. This sounds similar to people who claim USSR was not real communism and that communism is totally doable if <impossible circumstances> occur. Idealistic atheism will not happen. It will always create some new religion that immediately takes over where the old religion left off.

Atheism is simply the lack of god-belief ("a-" without, no; theism = god-belief). If by ideal atheism, you mean a secular country that emphasize democracy, reason and evidence, it is very much attainable; Sweden and Norway are pretty much there.

A communist state would, ideologically, not have classes or a state, but communism is practically impossible (not to mention both empirically false and intellectually bankrupt).
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  • #73
I need to admit I'm wrong on some of this stuff. I saw this youtube video and realized that I just can't relate to Americans. On my end it seems like there is a lot of moderation in religion because religious people I've met are generally very tolerant. Even the ones who went as far as only listening to christian rock and christian radio were very open to other world views. Americans I'm debating with are coming from the world in that video. We might as well be on different planets.
  • #74
Moridin said:
Again, where are the Buddhist suicide bombers? The reason there are Islamic suicide bombers and not Buddhist, is because martyrdom plays a central part in Islamic theology, whereas it does not do so in Buddhist philosophy.
I suggest you research jibakutai ('the great suicide mission') practiced by the overwhelmingly buddhist Japanese since the time of Kusunoki Masashige 1336 and exemplified by the Kamikaze missions of WW2.

p.s. How has Cyrus managed yet again to start an anti-religion thread :rolleyes:
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  • #75
Actually, its a thread on the beyond belief lectures that has important scientists talking about religion in society with links (unlike your plane thread). Take notes art.

Its about the science of religion, and how the two are increasingly in opposition.
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  • #76
Cyrus said:
Actually, its a thread on the beyond belief lectures that has important scientists talking about religion in society with links (unlike your plane thread). Take notes art.

Its about the science of religion, and how the two are increasingly in opposition.
Important scientists can talk about religion all they like but I understood religious discussions weren't allowed on here not least because this thread, although ostensibly dressed in 'the emperor's new clothes', like your others quickly degenerate into mindless Muslim bashing :rolleyes:
  • #77
No one is midlessly bashing muslims. Apparently, you have not wached the videos or kept up with the discussion. I love how you come in here with nothing better to do than try to lock my thread - go get a hobby. I would start with Infadel, by Ayaan Hirsi ali (former muslim).
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  • #78
Jibakutai, and virtually everything else stemming from Bushido, has one important requirement: (crudely) to not fight an unequal. Masashige went on what was essentially a suicide mission against the armies of an opposing shogunate. The WWII kamikaze flew at warships of the opposing navy. To my knowledge, the use of jibakutai on civilian populations was rare.
  • #79
Cyrus said:
No one is midlessly bashing muslims. Apparently, you did have not wached the videos or kept up with the discussion. I love how you come in here with nothing better to do than try to lock my thread - go get a hobby. I would start with Infadel, by Ayaan Hirsi ali (former muslim).

Perhaps it is you not following your own thread
Then you are forced to confess that the reason Muslims blow themselves up is not due to some arbitrary, vague "culture", but because of religion, since if it was "culture", we would see Buddhists blowing up Chinese people.
and even claims that suicide bombing is so synonymous with the Muslim religion any Muslim who is not a suicide bomber is not a true Muslim
So? That would be because they do not follow their religion, and can thus not be called "Muslim", just like capitalists cannot be called communists
and you claim this isn't mindless Muslim bashing. Give me a break...

As for your own contribution to anti-religion
Huckleberry, the conclusions most certainly do invalidate God in the biblical sense. If your 'religious text' is found to be in error, then its not the word of God. If its not the word of God its simply the word of man, and God cannot be the divine author of it. It seems that when shown wrong, you are holding on to whatever you can to rationalize a false ideology. What is so hard to believe that God is not real, anymore than thor or Zeus is not real? I am sure you would consider anyone that believes in thor to be crazy.
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  • #80
Gokul43201 said:
Jibakutai, and virtually everything else stemming from Bushido, has one important requirement: (crudely) to not fight an unequal. Masashige went on what was essentially a suicide mission against the armies of an opposing shogunate. The WWII kamikaze flew at warships of the opposing navy. To my knowledge, the use of jibakutai on civilian populations was rare.
The request was
NOW ANSWER THE QUESTION! Where are the Buddhist suicide bombers?
the target in this context is irrelevant.
  • #81
Art said:
Perhaps it is you not following your own thread and even claims that suicide bombing is so synonymous with the Muslim religion any Muslim who is not a suicide bomber is not a true Muslim and you claim this isn't mindless Muslim bashing. Give me a break...

As for your own contribution to anti-religion

Art, if you have nothing better to do, I suggest you get lost. I am not wasting any more time on you trying to provoke me. Yes, I contributed to anti religion because that was the point of what the conference was about. Maybe you should pay attention and read before yapping away looking foolish. See, here is why I don't respect you anymore Art: because you make wild claims, and many blatant anti-ameircan claims in the politics section, with no more reason than to blame the US. You just like to argue and provoke people lately. Art, you're a smart guy; but, its time for you to grow up.

PS, don't quote Moridin and say I said it. You need help. Leave me alone.
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  • #82
Cyrus said:
Art, if you have nothing better to do, I suggest you get lost. I am not wasting any more time on you trying to provoke me. Yes, I contributed to anti religion because that was the point of what the conference was about. Maybe you should pay attention and read before yapping away looking foolish.

PS, don't quote Moridin and say I said it. You need help.
Cyrus I find your comments on religion offensive. I have never made any attempt whatsoever to convert you to my beliefs nor have I ridiculed what you believe or do not believe in. I'd appreciate the same courtesy.

edit Please don't lie Cyrus. I never attributed Moridin's comments to you, I provided them as examples of Muslim bashing to show that you did not appear to have been following the posts in your own thread. Please detail the anti-American posts I have made in PW&A. When originally accused of that it was in relation to my anti-war, anti-GWB views but as the vast majority of Americans now agree with my viewpoint does that make them anti-American too??
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  • #83
My comments are in line with the talks of what was said and held by the scientists in the conference I have linked. If you find it offensive, that's too bad. I am not here to please you. Now, if want to contribute to what was said in the conference, then go ahead. Otherwise, leave. I am out of patience for you waltzing in here uninformed and barking at me.

As for respect, go read the first chapter of Dawkins, called undeserved respect. How you can question anyones reasons for belief in any subject and their reasons for belief, other than religion, as if it is somehow something offensive to question. Why do you think you get a special pass on criticism for religious beliefs and get to play the 'im offended' card when someone does?

If you have issue with Zeus or Thor, go watch the video on Richard Dawkins talk on religion. Its taken straight from his mouth at the talks.

Also, why do you quote questions asked by one person a few pages back with answers from someone to a different person? Do you like to misquote people Art? See what I mean by provoking others. You just did it to Gokul. Seriously, get real.

Q: Did you even watch a single lecture video posted?

Also, muslim bashing? Did you miss the portion on christianity? Or are you picking and choosing what was said to provoke me Art?
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  • #84
Cyrus said:
My comments are in line with the talks of what was said and held by the scientists in the conference I have linked. If you find it offensive, that's too bad. I am not here to please you. Now, if want to contribute to what was said in the conference, then go ahead. Otherwise, leave. I am out of patience for you waltzing in here uninformed and barking at me.

If you have issue with Zeus or Thor, go watch the video on Richard Dalkins talk on religion. Its taken straight from his mouth at the talks.

Also, why do you quote questions asked by one person a few pages back with answers from someone to a different person? Do you like to misquote people Art? See what I mean by provoking others. You just did it to Gokul. Seriously, get real.

Q: Did you even watch a single lecture video posted?

Also, muslim bashing? Did you miss the portion on christianity? Or are you picking and choosing what you want to provoke me with Art?
:rolleyes: You appear to have a serious reading comprehension problem Cyrus so I'll explain it to you. I responded to a post by Moridin. Gokul then replied to my reponse and so I replied to him quoting the context of my original response. If you still do not understand it perhaps you could ask a friend to explain it to you. Btw are you suggesting that because you and/or others slate Christianity as well as Islam that makes it all okay?? BTW I'm a Christian..
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  • #85
Art, for the last time. Please contribute or leave. I am trying my best here to deal with you.
  • #86
Anyways, I thuoght this talk was somewhat interesting. The first speakers Q&A was not bad on the evolution of morality. I thought she made a good point about morality being taught to God in the one example she cites from the bible.

The second speaker (Loyal Rue) is actually a professor of theology. I am just starting that portion, so it should be interesting to hear from the other side.
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  • #87
Locking pending moderation decision.

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