Big Bang Expansion Creates Planets?

In summary, the BB Theory proposes that the universe was initially small and then rapidly expanded, causing particles to separate in a specific direction. This expansion was caused by quantum fluctuations, and gravity then played a role in creating denser regions that eventually formed planets.
  • #1
If I understand what the BB Theory proposes, all the universe was originally confined to the size of something very small, like a dot or an atom. This small dot or atom or whatever was said to explode, although some say there was no explosion in the sense of a bomb going off, but would be more accurately described as everything began to expand like raisons going away from each other as would happen when you bake raison bread in an oven.

If I am stating the theory correctly, it would appear that whatever caused this expansion to occur caused the raisons to separate in a specific direction, i.e. away from each other, hence the expansion.

If I am understanding the BB Theory, whatever force at the beginning that caused this expansion of material to occur is the only force being described, maybe roughly described as the buckshot that would come out of a shotgun when the trigger was pulled.

So the question is, the trigger has allegedly been pulled, the particles are now expanding in a specific speed and direction. Newton said " object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.'

What 'unbalanced force' is proposed to act upon these elements that would cause them to change their direction of separating and expanding and to then come together to somehow create planets?

Thanks - Gary
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  • #2
Onehope said:
What 'unbalanced force' is proposed to act upon these elements that would cause them to change their direction of separating and expanding and to then come together to somehow create planets?

  • #3
Onehope said:
If I understand what the BB Theory proposes, all the universe was originally confined to the size of something very small, like a dot or an atom. This small dot or atom or whatever was said to explode, although some say there was no explosion in the sense of a bomb going off, but would be more accurately described as everything began to expand like raisons going away from each other as would happen when you bake raison bread in an oven.

If I am stating the theory correctly, it would appear that whatever caused this expansion to occur caused the raisons to separate in a specific direction, i.e. away from each other, hence the expansion.

If I am understanding the BB Theory, whatever force at the beginning that caused this expansion of material to occur is the only force being described, maybe roughly described as the buckshot that would come out of a shotgun when the trigger was pulled.

So the question is, the trigger has allegedly been pulled, the particles are now expanding in a specific speed and direction. Newton said " object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.'

What 'unbalanced force' is proposed to act upon these elements that would cause them to change their direction of separating and expanding and to then come together to somehow create planets?

Thanks - Gary
Basically, quantum fluctuations made it so that some regions were a tiny bit more dense than other regions. Gravity caused the denser regions to collapse.
  • #4
Yes, quantum fluctuations in the primordial universe resulted in uneven energy distribution [density gradients] across the then observable universe which ultimately permitted gravity to initiate large [and small] scale stucture formation.

Related to Big Bang Expansion Creates Planets?

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific explanation for the origin and evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a single, incredibly dense and hot point, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

2. How did the Big Bang lead to the creation of planets?

The Big Bang theory states that after the initial explosion, matter and energy rapidly expanded and cooled. As the universe continued to expand, gravity caused this matter to clump together, forming stars and eventually, planets.

3. What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements in the universe, and the redshift of galaxies. These pieces of evidence all point to a universe that began with a single, explosive event.

4. Is the Big Bang theory widely accepted by scientists?

Yes, the Big Bang theory is widely accepted by the scientific community. It has been supported by observations and experiments from various fields of science, including cosmology, astronomy, and physics.

5. Can the Big Bang theory be tested?

While we cannot directly observe the Big Bang, scientists have been able to make predictions based on the theory that have been confirmed by observations and experiments. This supports the idea that the Big Bang theory is a valid explanation for the creation and evolution of the universe.

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