Big Bertha: German Gun that Shelled Paris

  • Thread starter runner1738
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    German Gun
In summary, the German Big Bertha shell had an initial speed of 1.22 km/s at an initial inclination of 85.3 degrees to the horizontal. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. The shell hit Paris .0248055472 km away.
  • #1
During World War 1, the Germans had a gun called Big Bertha that was used to shell Paris. the shell had an initial speed of 1.22 km.s at an initial inclination of 85.3 degrees to the horizontal. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. How far did the shell hit? Answer in units of km.
i got that answer to be .0248055472 km and that was right then i tried
visin(theta)/g=t, and i got 124.0711849 as my time, but that wasnt right? then what equation do i use? thank you
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  • #2
You must use the horizontal component of the initial velocity, because you found the horizontal distance traveled. Use the angle value and trigonometry to find it.
  • #3
vxi=1.22cos(85.3)=.099649805, so then the distance is 24.8055472 m, and i still don't see how you use trig to get t?
  • #4
Watch your units and make sure you use either meters or kilometers consistently. I meant use trig to find the horizontal component of velocity, but I now see you've already done that. Now remember that

[tex]v=\frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t}[/tex]

and solve for [itex]t[/itex]. (Hint: this is a gun, and the distance is short; it's going to be quick.)
  • #5
d=.0248055472 which is right, is vxi = 1.22(vi)cos(85.3)? cause when i did .0248055472/.0999649805=.2481423702 wasnt right and i only have one more try
  • #6
both the 1.22 and the distance are in km
  • #7
Highly weird. That's the answer I get. The only thing I could think of is that this program or whatever you're using requires rules regarding significant digits to be respected, but your previous answer was accepted and it was unrounded, so I'm not sure. Perhaps someone else will see what we're missing.
  • #8
this is the answer it has recorded for 9) 0.0248055, i seriously think this program is off sometimes even a little bit cause I've gotten a lot of close answers but none that are exactly what it was on the computer
  • #9
but in your mind my answer is correct right? the .248141898 s? casue if it is I am going to go into his office hours and show him that i had it right
  • #10
Yes, that is the answer I get. Explain your method to your prof, perhaps he knows something we don't, but this is how I would do the problem, and the answer seems reasonable.
  • #11
ill see what his answer is at midnight then get back to you so you can see how he did it
  • #12
someone suggested 0=1.22sin(85.3)-(9.8)(t), and i got .1240711849 which was my first answer
  • #13
correct answer was 248.142 how is that s, cause i had that answer but it was .248142, why did they turn the km in m, shouldn't it not have made a differnece?
  • #14
Hm. The suggestion in post #12 is incorrect because the horizontal component of the velocity of the projectile is constant and unaffected by gravitational acceleration.

Alright, the answer listed was the same but with the decimal moved over, so don't worry too much. You are right, it should not make a difference if you use kilometers or meters as long as you are consistent throughout the problem. I'm not sure how they got that answer. I wonder what your prof will say about the method (hey, I'm learning too!).
  • #15
we all are but that is just what is making me is i got .248142 and the real answer according to the computer was 248.142
  • #16
no i messed up my answer for 9 was 24.8055 , cause it was in km not m and then divide by the vxi which was .0999649 and got the answer i should have gotten

FAQ: Big Bertha: German Gun that Shelled Paris

What is Big Bertha?

Big Bertha is the nickname for a series of large-caliber artillery guns developed by the German army in World War I. The name was given by the Germans, but was also used by the Allies to refer to the guns.

When was Big Bertha first used?

The first Big Bertha gun was used in August 1914 during the Battle of Liège. It was used to shell the Belgian fortifications, marking its first use in combat.

How far could Big Bertha shells reach?

The original Big Bertha gun could fire a 43.5 cm shell up to 9 miles (14.5 km). However, later versions of the gun were able to reach even longer distances of up to 75 miles (120 km).

What impact did Big Bertha have on the war?

Big Bertha played a significant role in the early years of World War I, as it was able to destroy enemy fortifications from long distances. It was also used in the first and second Battle of the Marne, causing heavy casualties and destruction. However, as the war progressed and the technology of warfare evolved, Big Bertha became less effective and was eventually replaced by other weapons.

Where is Big Bertha now?

Most of the Big Bertha guns were destroyed or scrapped after World War I. Only a few examples remain, such as the one on display at the Imperial War Museum in London. There are also replicas of the gun in museums and military memorials around the world.

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