Black Hole Mass Accretion Temperature

In summary, the speaker is asking for help in finding the temperature of a cloud of material falling into a black hole and the peak wavelength it would radiate. They are unsure of how to relate the gain in kinetic energy to the temperature and suggest using Wein's law. Another person suggests using the relationship 1/2m(v)^2=3/2kT or Boltzmann's law instead.
  • #1
Hey everyone,
I have a quick question. I have to find out how hot a cloud of material falling into a black hole would become. I have a hint that it is due to the gain in kinetic energy the material experiences as it falls in, but I'm not sure how to relate the two. Also, I have to find the peak wavelength that would radiate if the material emitted as a blackbody, but I'm assuming I can just use Wein's law once I know the temperature.
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  • #2
I just thought of something,
could I use the relationship 1/2m(v)^2 = 3/2kT to find the temperature from the kinetic energy?
  • #3
Boltzman's law appears more appropriate.

FAQ: Black Hole Mass Accretion Temperature

What is "Black Hole Mass Accretion Temperature"?

"Black Hole Mass Accretion Temperature" refers to the temperature of the material that is being pulled into a black hole and adding to its overall mass. As the material falls towards the black hole, it heats up due to friction and other processes, resulting in a measurable temperature.

How is the temperature of black hole mass accretion determined?

The temperature of black hole mass accretion is determined by observing the spectrum of radiation emitted by the material as it falls towards the black hole. By analyzing the wavelength and intensity of this radiation, scientists can calculate the temperature of the material.

What is the relationship between black hole mass and accretion temperature?

The relationship between black hole mass and accretion temperature is not a direct one. While a more massive black hole may have a higher accretion temperature due to its stronger gravitational pull, the temperature also depends on the properties of the material being accreted, such as its density and composition.

Can black hole mass accretion temperature be measured directly?

No, black hole mass accretion temperature cannot be measured directly. It can only be inferred by analyzing the radiation emitted by the material as it falls towards the black hole. This is because the extreme conditions near a black hole make it impossible for any physical instrument to directly measure the temperature.

Why is studying black hole mass accretion temperature important?

Studying black hole mass accretion temperature is important because it provides valuable insights into the physical processes happening near a black hole. It also helps us understand how black holes grow and evolve over time, and how they affect their surrounding environments.
