Black holes and magnetic fields?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of black holes having a magnetic field and how it may be affected by gravity. One person shares two links about black holes and another expresses skepticism about the accuracy of simulations. The conversation then shifts to a question about the expansion of the universe and the potential impact of black holes.
  • #1
The Moog
Hey all,
Having stumbled across this forum completely by accident I thought I would stay for a while.
As such I have a question.

Would a black hole have a magnetic field?
I would assume that magnetic fields are affected by gravity and therefore any magnetic field would be destroyed when the star collapsed to form the black hole.
Any thoughts?

And hello all :)
Astronomy news on
  • #3
Oh god. The first article says "This simulation process is similar to weather-prediction techniques" EEK.

If it's as accurate as weather predictions then I'm afraid it's really not telling us much :(One question I have about the Big Bang and Black holes.

If black holes are so massive that light cannot escape. In the Big Bang (virtually infinitely larger than a black hole) how did things expand with the potentially massive gravitational field it would create?
  • #4
first of all the first article lik is poodoo. they make it sound as though once whatever ahs passed through the schwarzchild radius huge beams of energy go splirting out zillions of miles. nothing escapes the schwarzchild radius- except me

FAQ: Black holes and magnetic fields?

1. What is a black hole and how does it form?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star collapses in on itself, creating a singularity, which is a point of infinite density and zero volume.

2. How do magnetic fields play a role in black holes?

Black holes can have strong magnetic fields that are created by the rotation of the black hole or by the infalling matter. These magnetic fields can affect the matter around the black hole and can also play a role in the formation and behavior of the black hole's accretion disk.

3. Can black holes have different types of magnetic fields?

Yes, black holes can have different types of magnetic fields depending on their size, rotation, and the amount of matter falling into them. Some black holes have simpler, dipole-like magnetic fields, while others have more complex and powerful fields.

4. How do magnetic fields impact the behavior of matter around black holes?

Magnetic fields can influence the behavior of matter around black holes in several ways. They can control the accretion rate of matter onto the black hole, create powerful jets of particles, and accelerate particles to high energies. They can also shape the structure of the accretion disk and cause it to emit radiation in the form of X-rays and radio waves.

5. Can magnetic fields help us understand the properties of black holes?

Yes, studying the magnetic fields around black holes can provide valuable insights into their properties, such as their mass, spin, and accretion rate. Magnetic fields can also help us understand the behavior of matter in extreme environments and provide evidence for the existence of black holes in the universe.

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