Black Holes and Variable Infinities

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of black holes and their sizes, specifically the question of whether one infinity can be bigger than another. While the singularity of a black hole may be described as infinitely dense, its mass is finite. The conversation also mentions the concept of infinities, with the idea that some infinities may be larger than others. However, in the example given, both infinities are actually the same size. The conversation also touches on the theoretical limit of precision in defining the position of a point, known as the Planck length, and how it relates to the density of black hole singularities.
  • #1
Hi all,
I have been thinking about black holes and the different sizes that they come in. With regular black holes and super massive and all of the in between black holes it begs a question. Can one infinity be bigger than the other? All black holes are said to have infinitely dense centers with infinite levels of mass. But Super Massive are, well, super massive and thus common sense would say that they are even more dense than regular black holes. But when you look at the research it still says that it is infinitely dense and has an infinite amount of mass.

I have read simple explanations that there are also an infinite amount of points between one inch and two inches on a ruler but an even bigger infinite number of points between one inch and one foot on that ruler.

Would all of these infinities simply imply that the numbers are indeed finite. But we don't have the means of getting precise readings, or does it go deeper than that?

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  • #2
arrow564 said:
centers with infinite levels of mass
This is incorrect. While you can describe the singularity of the black hole as being infinitely dense (I myself do not like to go down this route but you may), its mass is indeed finite. So a solar mass black hole may have ~10^31kg of matter, while a supermassive hole will have upwards of 10^40 kg. The point is that the mass is finite, not infinite.
I have read simple explanations that there are also an infinite amount of points between one inch and two inches on a ruler but an even bigger infinite number of points between one inch and one foot on that ruler.

This is also incorrect. In this circumstance, both infinities are the same size. An example of two different sized infinities would be, say, the total number of integers and the total number of real numbers between 0 and 1 (the former set is the smaller). For more technicalities, look up countable and uncountable sets and some of the results derived by Cantor.
  • #3
There is a theoretical limit on how precisely you can define the position of a point known as the Planck length. A related rule limits maximum density - which is called the Planck density. I am partial to this particular limit when it comes to the density of black hole singularities, but, that is strictly a personal choice.

FAQ: Black Holes and Variable Infinities

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. This is due to the extreme density and mass of the object, which causes a distortion in the fabric of space and time.

2. How are black holes formed?

Black holes are formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses under its own gravity. This can also happen when two or more smaller black holes merge together.

3. Can we see black holes?

No, we cannot see black holes directly as they do not emit or reflect any light. However, we can detect their presence through their effects on surrounding matter and light.

4. What is a variable infinity?

A variable infinity is a concept in mathematics and physics that refers to a value that can change or vary continuously. In the context of black holes, it is used to describe the infinite density and gravitational pull at the center of a black hole.

5. Are there different types of black holes?

Yes, there are three main types of black holes: stellar, intermediate, and supermassive. Stellar black holes are the smallest and are formed from the collapse of a single massive star. Intermediate black holes are larger and their origins are still being studied. Supermassive black holes are the largest and are found at the center of most galaxies.

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