Blackbody Radiation and Motion: Exploring the Dynamics of Inertial Frames

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a spherical black body moving through a medium at a lower temperature. While in the body's rest frame, its emission is isotropic, but in the frame of the medium, there is a net emission that is blue-shifted in the direction of the body's motion and redshifted in the opposite direction. This leads to the deduction that the black body is not emitting isotropically, and there is a net impulse on the body that acts to slow it down. The conversation then delves into the question of where this impulse comes from and its corresponding Newton's-3rd-law pair. It is suggested that the body's own radiation and the radiation from other bodies at the lower temperature could be
  • #1
I just confused myself with this idea, need someone to fix it please!

Say a spherical black body temperature T is moving with velocity v in some direction through some medium with a lower temperature. In the sphere's rest frame this emission is isotropic, however, in the rest frame of the medium, the net emission is blue-shifted in the direction of the sphere's motion and redshifted in the opposite direction. The observer then deduces the blackbody is not emitting isotropically, with more energy being emitted forward than backwards.

eg. for every photon emitted forward with momentum hf1 there will be one emitted backwards with momentum hf2, where f1>f2 due to the relative Doppler shifting. The stationary observer should then deduce there is a net impulse on the sphere acting to slow it down.

Where does this impulse come from, and where is its Newton's-3rd-law pair?
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  • #2
This is a very nice question with an interesting answer.
The momentum of the sphere decreases in the same rate as its mass - as it loses energy, it gets lighter. The velocity stays the same.
  • #3
I agree with mfb regarding the effect of the body's own radiation. But there is also the radiation due to other bodies at the lower temperature. This will be red-shifted in the frame of the body and should slow down the body to rest.

FAQ: Blackbody Radiation and Motion: Exploring the Dynamics of Inertial Frames

1. What is a blackbody in an inertial frame?

A blackbody in an inertial frame refers to an object that absorbs all of the electromagnetic radiation that falls on it, regardless of the frequency or angle of incidence. It is an idealized concept used in physics to study the properties of radiation and thermodynamics.

2. How does the concept of blackbody in an inertial frame relate to thermodynamics?

The concept of blackbody in an inertial frame is important in thermodynamics because it helps us understand the transfer of energy and heat between objects. It also allows us to study the properties of thermal radiation and how it is affected by temperature.

3. What are the key characteristics of a blackbody in an inertial frame?

The key characteristics of a blackbody in an inertial frame are that it absorbs all incoming radiation, emits radiation at all frequencies, and its emission spectrum depends only on its temperature. It is also considered a perfect radiator and absorber of thermal radiation.

4. How does the theory of blackbody in an inertial frame support the concept of quantum mechanics?

The theory of blackbody in an inertial frame played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics. The study of blackbody radiation led to the discovery of Planck's constant and the concept of quantized energy levels, which are fundamental principles in quantum mechanics.

5. Can we observe a perfect blackbody in an inertial frame in real life?

No, a perfect blackbody in an inertial frame is an idealized concept and cannot be found in nature. However, scientists can create close approximations of blackbodies in laboratories using materials with high absorption and emission properties, such as carbon nanotubes.

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