Boost Your Calculus I Grades: Tips for Bouncing Back After a Low Midterm Score

  • Thread starter preceptor1919
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In summary, the student did poorly in their midterms and feels that there is something they can do more to improve their grade. There is some advice given for how to do better in the future and the student is told that if they do well in their next midterm then they will likely need to get an A in order to transfer.
  • #1
Hello!We just finished our calculus I midterms and I can say that I did pretty bad considering that this is a foundation score is 60% and class average is 64%.

I did everything I can to prepare for this exam. Did all exercises in books, and I even did well in most of quizzes. Is there anything that I can do more to bounce back from this? I really need to have better grades because I am planning on transfering to a university and it is pretty competitive for transfer students
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  • #2
This is a tricky situation because normally I would say that its probably you, that you are over exaggerating your efforts but because the class average is very low it may not be, but in my experiences, especially at a community college, my fellow students would always complain and do bad as a whole and I would always do well. Let me ask you, were most of your problems algebraic or did you just not know what to do on the problems conceptually? Either way you are doing something wrong.

I don't care if you have a bad professor because honestly you can always skip the classes(obviously make the quizzes and tests, but I've never had a professor flunk me because I didn't come to class while simultaneously doing well on exams, they'd have to be very sick if they did that) and study from the book (I prefer this actually because I can learn the material on my own rate instead of furiously trying to copy down all the notes on the board during lecture). My suggestion is read the book before class and then go to class and ask whatever questions you have as the professor approaches them during lecture, many people fail to do the readings and expect to pick the concepts up in one class, which is stupid, also while you may be doing "all the problems" you aren't doing them enough.
  • #3
Well I didn't actually do everything in the book, but the ones that he recommended + some extra

I did not have much problem with concepts(except for the one where you have to infer the graph of f'' by looking at f) and some of the questions I just made some silly mistakes(like making something a negative when it should be a positive which messes up everything) and this is maybe because of the time pressure, but if I am really prepared for the exam, time pressure shouldn't be a problem right?Algebraically, I can say I am pretty decent, I got a 95 in the diagnostic exam required for taking the course.

I do think that his questions was poorly worded that I have to read twice or thrice for some questions.I will probably need to get at least an A in the next midterm if I still want a decent grade. In your experience, do exams get harder after the midterms?
  • #4
if most of you problems were just silly mistakes and anxiety then you just have to relax more, and the best way to do this is to do more of the problems (I don't mean do every problem in the section, but for the ones the instructor assigns as homework, do those multiple times over) that way you come into the test feeling confident, don't worry about finishing the test first or anything either, just take things at a nice slow and steady pace, if you don't see how to solve a problem within a minute or so,skip it and come back later, get what comes to you easily done first, that way if there is a problem that you are really stumped on, you at least have the rest of the exam finished.

Calculus does build on top of itself a bit, but for the most, it doesn't get much harder, once you get maximum/minimum/graphing out of the way, that's the last you'll see of it most likely outside of the final(and multivariable calculus)
  • #5

Hello there,

First of all, it's great that you have put in effort to prepare for your calculus I midterm. However, sometimes even with thorough preparation, we may not do as well as we hope. Don't be discouraged by your score, as there are still ways to improve and bounce back from a low midterm score.

One thing you can do is to review your midterm and identify where you went wrong. This will help you understand your weak areas and focus on improving them. You can also seek help from your professor or a tutor to clarify any concepts that you may have struggled with on the exam.

Another tip is to stay consistent with your studying. Keep practicing and reviewing your notes and exercises regularly to reinforce your understanding of the material. This will also help you stay on top of your coursework and prevent any gaps in your knowledge.

Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help or clarification when needed. Your classmates and professors are great resources, and working together can help you gain a better understanding of the material.

Lastly, try not to focus too much on your midterm score. Remember that it is just one assessment and there are still opportunities to improve your grade. Keep a positive attitude and continue to work hard, and you will see improvement in your grades.

Good luck with your studies and your transfer plans!

Related to Boost Your Calculus I Grades: Tips for Bouncing Back After a Low Midterm Score

1. Why did I receive a low grade in my midterm?

There could be several reasons for a low grade in a midterm, such as not studying enough, not understanding the material, or making careless mistakes. It's important to reflect on your study habits and seek help from your instructor if needed.

2. Will a low grade in my midterm affect my overall grade?

It depends on the weight of the midterm in your course. If the midterm is worth a significant portion of your grade, then it may have a larger impact. However, if the midterm is only a small portion of your grade, then it may not have as much of an effect.

3. Can I retake the midterm to improve my grade?

It ultimately depends on your instructor's policies. Some instructors may offer a retake or allow you to make up the exam in some other way. It's best to talk to your instructor about your options.

4. How can I improve my grade for future exams?

Some ways to improve your grade for future exams include studying more effectively, seeking help from your instructor or a tutor, and practicing with past exams or study guides. It's also important to have a good understanding of the material and to manage your time during the exam.

5. Will a low grade in my midterm affect my chances of getting into graduate school or a job?

It's possible that a low grade in a midterm could have an impact on your overall GPA, which could in turn affect your chances of getting into graduate school or getting a job. However, one low grade in a midterm is unlikely to significantly impact your chances. It's important to focus on doing your best in your courses and improving your overall academic performance.

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