Building a Slingshot in a 1m Cube - Grade 12 Physics Project

In summary, the conversation discusses the creation of a slingshot for a physics project. Various suggestions are given, including using wood, rubber bands, and latex tubing. The use of latex tubing is recommended for its strength and potential to create a longer range. Links are provided for further information on how to make a slingshot and where to purchase materials.
  • #1
Well... I am in grade 12 Physics and we were asked to make a Slingshot to fit within a 1 meter cube. If anyone has any ideas or know any websites with plans to making one.. it will be very helpful

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Muhehe, I am sorry, this time no diagrams as I did in the golf club one :) I suggest you repost this into the HW/engineering forum, better chance of getting proffesional help.
Though I don't know what exactly you mean by sling ****. If its the Y shaped one either go find some shaped wood or just stick some wood togever and put strong rubber band between the 2 sticks.

Also one very useful method is - for those who know me know what's coming - yes! Using google!
Tonnes of it, even some youtube videos.
Good Luck with it.

  • #3
Can it be electromagnetic? :biggrin:
  • #4
dst said:
Can it be electromagnetic? :biggrin:

Well it would be useful when people want help to atleast specify the thing they want a bit more... besides why did the word slingSHOT got consored?

  • #5
Use latex tubing instead of rubbber bands. People have made water balloon slingshots that stretch for over 10 feet this way.

Link to water balloon slingshot site, note the babes in the drawing look a tad better than the guys in the actual photo below.

Latex tubing is also used as the tension source to lauch radio control gliders similar to a person launching a kite, and you can get stronger strengths for a shorter pull / more tension:

Here's a link to one source of latex tubing of various strengths:

and a link to the former distributor with some actual data:

I've stretched the rubber to 350%, a bit more than shown in the graph.
At 350%, the heavy duty tension increases from 24lbs to 27lbs. This is now
called the "4 meter unlimited" at hosemonster.

For my radio control glider, I use 60 feet of the heavy duty / 4 meter unlimited, with 210 feet of monofilament fishing line. I pull back 180 (300%) to 210 (350%) feet for a launch. Here's a video of me with an Artemis Light, 10'2" wingspan, but only 4 1/4 pounds weight.

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FAQ: Building a Slingshot in a 1m Cube - Grade 12 Physics Project

What materials are needed to build a slingshot in a 1m cube?

To build a slingshot in a 1m cube, you will need the following materials:

  • A sturdy cube with a side length of 1m
  • A strong rubber band or elastic material
  • A small pouch or pocket for holding the projectile
  • A support or handle to hold the slingshot
  • A projectile, such as a small pebble or ball

What principles of physics are involved in building a slingshot in a 1m cube?

Building a slingshot in a 1m cube involves principles of mechanics and energy. The rubber band or elastic material stores potential energy, which is converted into kinetic energy when the projectile is released. The trajectory of the projectile is determined by the principles of projectile motion. The support or handle of the slingshot must be designed to withstand the tension and forces involved in the launching of the projectile.

How does the length of the rubber band affect the distance and speed of the projectile?

The length of the rubber band affects the distance and speed of the projectile by changing the amount of potential energy stored in the band. A longer rubber band will have more potential energy, resulting in a greater distance and speed for the projectile. However, the tension and strength of the rubber band must also be considered. A shorter, stronger rubber band may be able to launch the projectile with more force, resulting in a greater distance and speed.

What safety precautions should be taken when building and using a slingshot in a 1m cube?

It is important to take safety precautions when building and using a slingshot in a 1m cube. The rubber band or elastic material used should be strong and securely attached to the support or handle. The slingshot should always be pointed in a safe direction, away from people and objects. The person using the slingshot should wear protective eyewear and should be aware of any potential hazards in the surrounding area.

How can the accuracy of the slingshot be improved?

The accuracy of the slingshot can be improved by carefully adjusting the length and tension of the rubber band. Additionally, the person using the slingshot should practice and become familiar with the mechanics and trajectory of the projectile. Factors such as wind and angle of release can also affect the accuracy, so these should be taken into consideration when aiming.

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