Calculating Speed of Sports Car at Inelastic Collision

In summary, a 920-kg sports car and a 2300-kg SUV collide at a red light, causing the bumpers to lock and the brakes to skid forward 2.8 m before stopping. The police officer, who knows the coefficient of kinetic friction between tires and road, calculates the speed of the sports car at impact using the conservation of momentum equation. The officer also uses kinematic equations to calculate the initial speed of the two cars. The conservation of momentum equation is then used to determine the initial speed of the moving car.
  • #1
A 920-kg sports car collides into a rear end of a 2300 kg SUV stopped at a red light. The bumpers lock, the brakes are locked, and the two cars skid foward 2.8 m before stopping. The police officer, knowing that the coefficient of kinetic friction between tires and road is .80 , calculates the speed of the sports car at impact. What was that speed?

This is all that I did before I got stuck.

I set up the conservation of momentum :920 kg * V[tex]_{1}[/tex]= 3220 * V[tex]_2{}[/tex]

Then I did F[tex]\Delta[/tex]t= [tex]\Delta[/tex]P

I found the force to be 25244= 3220 V[tex]_{2}[/tex] / [tex]\Delta[/tex]t

Now is where I get stuck. I think I did something wrong because I'm pretty sure I need to do v/t =d.

Also not sure if I should use kinetic energy in this one since it's not conserved.

Any help will be great. Thanks as always.

On a side note: Isn't it hilarious how the officer knows the kinetic friction and calculates the speed.
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  • #2
For this problem you need to work backwards. You have equations of kinematics, from which you can calculate the inital speed of the two interlocked cars (remember that for any force, including friction, F=m*a).

After that you can used conservation of momentum (the fact that m1v1=m2v2) to calculate the initial speed of the moving car.

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  • #3
why didn't I think of that. Thanks

FAQ: Calculating Speed of Sports Car at Inelastic Collision

1. How do you calculate the speed of a sports car in an inelastic collision?

To calculate the speed of a sports car in an inelastic collision, you will need to use the equation: Vf = (m1 * V1 + m2 * V2) / (m1 + m2). This equation takes into account the masses and velocities of both objects involved in the collision.

2. What is an inelastic collision?

An inelastic collision is a type of collision where the objects involved stick together after impact and energy is lost in the form of heat, sound, and deformation. This is in contrast to an elastic collision where the objects bounce off each other and no energy is lost.

3. How does the speed of the sports car affect the outcome of an inelastic collision?

The speed of the sports car plays a crucial role in the outcome of an inelastic collision. The higher the speed, the greater the impact and energy transfer, resulting in more damage and deformation to the objects involved.

4. Can the speed of a sports car be calculated in a perfectly inelastic collision?

In a perfectly inelastic collision, the objects involved stick together and move with the same final velocity. In this case, the speed of the sports car can still be calculated using the same equation, but the final velocity will be the same for both objects.

5. How can the calculated speed of a sports car be used in real-life situations?

The calculated speed of a sports car in an inelastic collision can be used to analyze and evaluate the severity of the collision and determine the necessary safety measures and precautions. It can also be used in accident reconstruction and determining the cause of the collision.
