Calculating Spinning Probabilities in Richard Feynman's QCD

In summary, Richard Feynman discusses the varying chance of reflection for light photons off water in his book QCD. The probability changes 36000 times per inch for red light without explanation. To calculate this, one must determine the number of wavelengths per inch, which is approximately 36000 for red light.
  • #1
In the Richard Feynman book QCD, he talks of the chance of reflection of a light photon off water varies from 0% to 8% (depending on the width of the layer). He says that the probability changes 36000 times per inch for red light without showing how it is done (ie. how he got the 36000 rotations per inch for red light) (page 27)

I may have missed something simple, but how do I calculate this? (ie, how many times does blue light rotate after traveling an inch)?

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  • #2
Simply the number of wavelengths per inch.
1 inch ~= 0.0254 m, and red light is ~700 nm so 0.0254/700E-9 ~= 36000.
  • #3
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FAQ: Calculating Spinning Probabilities in Richard Feynman's QCD

1. What is QCD and how does it relate to calculating spinning probabilities?

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is a theory that describes the strong nuclear force, which is responsible for binding quarks together to form particles such as protons and neutrons. In this theory, the quarks have a property called "spin" which affects their interactions with each other. Calculating spinning probabilities in QCD involves using mathematical equations to determine the likelihood of certain spin configurations occurring in particle interactions.

2. Why is it important to study spinning probabilities in QCD?

Studying spinning probabilities in QCD helps us better understand the fundamental interactions between subatomic particles and the behavior of the strong nuclear force. This knowledge is crucial for developing a more complete understanding of the universe and for making accurate predictions in particle physics experiments.

3. How does Richard Feynman's approach to QCD calculation differ from other methods?

Feynman's approach, known as the "Feynman Path Integral," involves summing over all possible paths that a particle can take between two points in space and time. This allows for a more comprehensive calculation of spinning probabilities, taking into account all possible interactions between particles. Other methods may focus on specific interactions or approximations, leading to less accurate results.

4. What challenges are involved in calculating spinning probabilities in QCD?

One major challenge is the complexity of the equations involved. QCD is a highly mathematical theory, and the calculations can become very complicated, requiring advanced techniques and high computing power. Additionally, the strong nuclear force is much stronger than the other fundamental forces, making it difficult to accurately predict the behavior of particles in certain interactions.

5. How do experimental results compare to theoretical predictions for spinning probabilities in QCD?

Experimental results have generally been in agreement with theoretical predictions for spinning probabilities in QCD, providing evidence for the validity of the theory. However, there are still some discrepancies that require further investigation and refinement of the calculations. With advancements in technology and techniques, it is expected that the accuracy of these predictions will continue to improve.
