Can a small black hole exist inside a larger black hole?

In summary, a mini black hole could exist as a black hole, inside a black hole of a few solar masses. If so, this would mean that we would not only be ignorant of the evolution of the microstates of the mini black hole as time passes, but also of the evolution of the total mass, angular momentum and charge of the mini black hole. However, a mini black hole could disappear without trace from observers outside a large black hole.
  • #1
Can a mini black hole exist as a black hole, inside a black hole of a few solar masses? If so,would this mean that we would not only be ignorant of the evolution of the microstates of the mini black hole as time passes - we would also be ignorant of the evolution of the total mass, angular momentum and charge of the mini black hole - can a mini black hole disappear without trace
from observers outside a large black hole?
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  • #2
kurious said:
Can a mini black hole exist as a black hole, inside a black hole of a few solar masses? If so,would this mean that we would not only be ignorant of the evolution of the microstates of the mini black hole as time passes - we would also be ignorant of the evolution of the total mass, angular momentum and charge of the mini black hole - can a mini black hole disappear without trace
from observers outside a large black hole?

a partial answer:
the ordinary GR theory in which black holes were first predicted
allows black holes to collide and merge

and people do numerical GR simulations of that kind of thing on computers
on the web you can see comic strip sequences of computergenerated pictgures of black holes colliding

I don't see any reason a little BH couldn't fall into a big one, and because of timedilation troubles we on the outside might not actually be able to see it fall thru the horizon

but in "reality" whatever that means the little black hole would exist inside the big one and, I guess, be succcckkkked into the center of the big one and slurped. And I guess the computer people could easily simulate that and crank out pictures of it happening.

essentially the little black hole would be falling in just the way a lot of other stuff is falling in----stones, old copies of Time magazine, cast-off Television sets, and whatever else.
  • #3
One of the moderators on sci.physics.research says that a small black hole in a big one is not meaningful because the schwarzschild metric is a unique and spherically symmetric solution for a black hole - do you agree with this?
  • #4
kurious said:
One of the moderators on sci.physics.research says that a small black hole in a big one is not meaningful because the schwarzschild metric is a unique and spherically symmetric solution for a black hole - do you agree with this?

well I defer to any experts, but the schw metric is a static solution that describes a black hole that looks exactly that way forever

I don't imagine one could have a static situation with a little BH inside the horizon of a big BH

But I can imagine a dynamic situation in which BHs collide and merge (producing a wonderful brief storm of gravity waves as they do)

and I can picture a little BH falling towards a big one----on its way to eventual destruction----and their horizons merging amoeba-style as the little one is eaten----and it seems to me that at least temporarily there should be two singularities inside the large one's horizon

it this is impossible mathematically then there's a clearcut issue to discuss here and obviously my intuitive picture is wrong, but I need a good link to something on the web to show me that---do you have the SPR Cornell archive link to that?

FAQ: Can a small black hole exist inside a larger black hole?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. It is formed when a massive star dies and its core collapses under its own gravity.

Can one black hole exist inside another?

Yes, it is possible for one black hole to exist inside another. This is known as a binary black hole system and occurs when two black holes are orbiting each other.

How are black holes detected?

Black holes cannot be seen directly as they do not emit any light. However, their presence can be detected through their effect on surrounding matter and light. Scientists use telescopes and other instruments to observe these effects and indirectly infer the presence of a black hole.

What happens when one black hole enters another?

When one black hole enters another, they begin to merge and form a larger black hole. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of gravitational waves, which can be detected by specialized instruments on Earth.

What can the study of black holes tell us about the universe?

Studying black holes can provide valuable insights into the fundamental laws of physics and the behavior of matter and energy in extreme conditions. It can also help us better understand the formation and evolution of galaxies, as black holes are believed to play a crucial role in their development.

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