Can Distances Be Defined Without a Coordinate System?

In summary: D=1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34 (I am assuming there is no dimension beyond 10, since M-theory agrees with this conjecture).In summary, the conversation discussed the use of a frame of reference for defining distance and whether distances can be defined without a coordinate system. The concept of adding a higher dimension, specifically time, was also mentioned as a way to unify the laws of nature. There was also a discussion on the dimensionality of space and the potential effects of adding an extra compact dimension. The idea of a total dimensionality of
  • #1
Antonio Lao
Is the use of a frame of reference for the sole purpose of defining a distance?
Can distances be defined without a coordinate system?
Physics news on
  • #2
Is the one and only reference frame (ether frame) another word for absolute rest? And if there are many reference frames can each defines a relative rest?
  • #3
I think of the Quark to Quark measure and the metric. Consider the energy value :smile:

Hyperspace, by Michio Kaku Page 84 and 85,

"To see higher dimensions simplify the laws of nature, we recall that any object has length, width and depth. Since we have the freedom to rotate an object by 90 degrees, we can turn its length into width, and its width into depth. By a simple rotation, we can interchange any of the three spatial dimensions. Now if time is the fourth dimension then it is possible to make "rotations" that convert space into time, and vice versa. These four-dimensional "rotations" are precisely the distortions of space and time demanded by special relativity. In other words, space and time have mixed in a essential way, governed by relativity. The meaning of time as being the fourth dimension is that time and space can rotate into each other in a mathematical precise way. From now on, they must be treated as two aspects of the same quantity: space-time. Thus adding a higher dimension helped to unify the laws of nature."
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  • #4
Antonio Lao said:
Is the use of a frame of reference for the sole purpose of defining a distance?
Can distances be defined without a coordinate system?

A tensor equation that is valid for one coordinate system is good for other coordinate systems. Coordinates are used for convenience, it seems.

Worldlines seem much more "realistic" than imaginary paths and tangent vectors. Coordinate independence, is very interesting.

Richard Feynman's sum over histories-path integral, gives a particle's worldline, from point A to point B. The action principle applies, it appears that the universe has laws to maximize efficiency.
  • #5
Antonio Lao said:
Is the use of a frame of reference for the sole purpose of defining a distance?
Can distances be defined without a coordinate system?
Isn't that what Ernst Mach was up to, using solely the relative distances between the particles as parameters?
  • #6
Antonio Lao said:
Is the one and only reference frame (ether frame) another word for absolute rest? And if there are many reference frames can each defines a relative rest?

It is not necessary to have an absolute frame of reference to determine distance measurements, because with the ether model distances are invariant regardless of whether frames of reference are used.
It is also possible for the ether in different parts of the universe to be in relative motion, and so, locally it is possible to have several “local” absolute frames of reference. If our motion relative to the ether is zero, then we can say we are at rest in an absolute (local) frame of reference.
The term absolute is used in relation to the motion of the ether.
There can exist one theoretical absolute frame to which everything is references, but this has no affect on how the laws of physics will work at a local level.
  • #7

Michio Kaku said:
From now on, they must be treated as two aspects of the same quantity: space-time. Thus adding a higher dimension helped to unify the laws of nature."

Space is basically three dimensional. Can subtracting dimension (say from 3 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 0) also helped more to unify the laws of nature?
  • #8
arildno said:
Isn't that what Ernst Mach was up to, using solely the relative distances between the particles as parameters?

I think what Mach was up to is more to do with absolute acceleration. In a universe devoid of matter, Mach argued that the distinction between spinning and not spinning is not possible, that is no motion or acceleration if there is no frame for comparison.
  • #9

Worldlines seem much more "realistic" than imaginary paths and tangent vectors. Coordinate independence, is very interesting.

Can you tell the dimensionality of worldlines or distances (curve lines)? Is this a stupid question?

Worldlines are embedded in 4-dim spacetime but they are still lines hence 1-dimensional (maybe a higher kind of one-dimensionality?).

If n is the level of dimensionality then the total dimension of spacetime is given by 3n+1. 4-dim is where n=1, 1st level. 7-dim is where n=2 (2nd level), 10-dim is where n=3 (3rd level).
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  • #10
Antonio Lao said:

Space is basically three dimensional. Can subtracting dimension (say from 3 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 0) also helped more to unify the laws of nature?

The standard model in its formation has to follow a defined pathway? :smile: When you get to that point, what is revealled of that energy, but the "potential=a probabilistic deterination at Planck length?)" for this point to be expressed in the dimenisons you are asking? Rotation?

The effect of adding an extra compact dimension is more subtle than that. It causes the effective gravitational constant to change by a factor of the volume 2pR of the compact dimension. If R is very small, then gravity is going to be stronger in the lower dimensional compactified theory than in the full higher-dimensional theory.

There is a much simplier generalization that I am looking for. You have to move accordingly from euclidian coordinates, to understand gaussian curvatures as well understanding you have unified the dynamcis into GR. But it goes past this with Kaluza and Klien.

The lesson here fro me was to understand this progression from the work of the Fifth Postulate, and with the help Sacchheri, Gauss and Reinmann Minkowski, Lorentz, and Bolyai, we can see this progress of the dyamical nature that does not just end in classical definitions? You have to leave the sphere as someone said here yesterday.

By looking at the metric in the quark to quark distance we are given a view of this dynamical gravity field as "dimension?"
  • #11
What I am doing in my research is to give a definition of a total dimensionality of reality based Level of Existence (LOE).

Total dimension, D= 3n+1, where n is the level. And the "1" is really the one dimension of time.

For n=0, D=1 (this is the level I'm using for my theory of quantized 1-dim space where spacetime and force are equivalent).
For n=1, D=4 (probably 4-dim spacetime of SR and GR)
For n=2, D=7
For n=3, D=10 (probably 10-dim of superstring theory)
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  • #12
I am looking for a link to Hyperphysics for demonstration of what you are saying. In the meantime I place this for consideration. Link will be placed here when ready.

The Kaluza-Klein compactification of strings can be done on more than one dimension at once. When n dimensions are compactified into circles, then this is called toroidal compactification, because the product of n copies of a circle is an n-torus, or Tn for short.

I had a demonstration for one to see this, but the link is gone. In it's place, imagine the famous belt trick. Greg Egan is very helpful here. As well, Helicoid visualizations.
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  • #13
For n=0, D=1, the structure of a doubly twisted Moebius strip splits into a Hopf ring.
This ring is representable by vector products forming two distinct ring structures, [itex] H^{+} [/itex] and [itex] H^{-} [/itex]

[tex] H^{+} = F_1 \times r_1 \cdot F_2 \times r_2 [/tex]
[tex] H^{-} = r_1 \times F_1 \cdot F_2 \times r_2 [/tex]

FAQ: Can Distances Be Defined Without a Coordinate System?

1. Why is a reference frame important in scientific research?

A reference frame is crucial in scientific research because it provides a consistent and objective point of view from which observations and measurements can be made. Without a reference frame, it would be difficult to accurately compare and interpret data, as there would be no standard frame of reference.

2. How does a reference frame affect our perception of motion?

A reference frame determines how we perceive motion. For example, if we are standing on a moving train, our reference frame is the train, and everything outside appears to be moving in the opposite direction. However, if we are standing outside the train, our reference frame is the ground, and the train appears to be moving. This highlights the importance of choosing the appropriate reference frame in scientific research.

3. Can a reference frame be changed or manipulated?

Yes, a reference frame can be changed or manipulated depending on the needs of the experiment or observation. For example, in studying the motion of a car, the reference frame can be changed from the ground to the car itself, or to an outside observer. However, it is important to clearly define and state the chosen reference frame in order to accurately interpret the data.

4. What is the difference between an inertial and non-inertial reference frame?

An inertial reference frame is one in which Newton's laws of motion hold true, meaning that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. A non-inertial reference frame is one in which these laws do not hold true, such as in an accelerating or rotating frame. In scientific research, it is important to choose an appropriate reference frame that follows the laws of motion in order to make accurate observations and measurements.

5. How does the choice of reference frame affect the outcome of an experiment?

The choice of reference frame can greatly impact the outcome of an experiment. Choosing an inappropriate or non-inertial reference frame can lead to inaccurate measurements and conclusions. It is important to carefully consider and define the reference frame in order to ensure reliable and valid results.

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