Can electrons move faster than Light?

In summary, the article discusses electron currents that move faster than the speed of light. It provides evidence that these currents are responsible for pulsar phenomena.
  • #1
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  • #2
It says polarization currents, not electrons. It specifically says that the charged particles themselves move slower than the speed of light. Please work on your reading comprehension.

This is analogous to how the group velocity of a wave can exceed the speed of light, but the particles in the wave all travel slower than the speed of light.
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  • #3
Sorry I assumed polarization currents were electrons. I found another article that explains it much better so I think I get it now. Schmidt and Singleton's presentations provide strong support for a pulsar emission mechanism (the superluminal model) due to circulating polarization currents that travel faster than the speed of light. These superluminal polarization currents are disturbances in the pulsar's plasma atmosphere in which oppositely-charged particles are displaced by small amounts in opposite directions; they are induced by the neutron star's rotating magnetic field. Mystery solved. The underlined explanation is what I was looking for.

Khashishi this is a better way to answer a question its much less harsh.
  • #4
mpolo said:
Khashishi this is a better way to answer a question its much less harsh.
He wasn't being harsh so much as just expressing a little frustration, IMO. There is a problem with posting sensationalist threads and titles about things that are almost certainly not true. We get that a bit too much here at the PF. But it's okay, you are just learning, which is a good thing. Just keep in mind that when you read a pop-science article, they will be using sensationalist phrases that are easily misunderstood.
  • #5
BTW, there actually is a situation where an electron can travel faster than the speed of light (in a dielectric medium). Check out this wikipedia page for more information if you're interested:


FAQ: Can electrons move faster than Light?

1. Can electrons move faster than light?

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light (299,792,458 meters per second) is the ultimate speed limit in the universe. Therefore, no particles, including electrons, can travel faster than this speed.

2. Is it possible for electrons to exceed the speed of light?

No, it is not possible for electrons, or any other particles, to exceed the speed of light. As mentioned before, the speed of light is the maximum speed at which anything can travel in the universe.

3. Can electrons travel at the speed of light?

No, electrons cannot travel at the speed of light. They can get very close to the speed of light, but they can never reach or exceed it. This is because they have mass, and according to the theory of relativity, an object with mass cannot travel at the speed of light.

4. What happens if electrons were to travel faster than light?

If electrons were to somehow travel faster than light, it would violate the laws of physics as we know them. It would also cause time dilation and other strange effects predicted by the theory of relativity.

5. Can anything in the universe travel faster than light?

No, nothing in the universe can travel faster than light. All particles, including photons (particles of light), are bound by the speed of light. The only exception is the expansion of the universe itself, which can exceed the speed of light, but this is due to the expansion of space itself rather than the movement of particles.

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