Can I Get to Know Her Without Classes Together?

In summary, this person seems interested in you, but may have reservations about dating someone from your school. You should try to build a relationship slowly by talking to her in private.
  • #36
thatoneguy6531 said:
I don't know if I'll end up liking her, I'd just like the chance to get to know her. I think I just need to wait till I see her alone in the hallway or something... she's always with this one other girl at lunch, who I also have never spoken to.

Okay, so you started this thread well over a month ago and still haven't talked to her.

Here's the problem... while you're waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to her, some other guy is going to muster his courage and do it. Then you'll be left waiting on the sidelines.

As a general rule, people like being asked out. It's an ego boost. They may decide that they don't want to go out with you for a plethora of reasons - many of which will have nothing to do with you. But even if she doesn't find you attractive, even if her parents won't let her date, even if her friends judge you critically, or you're from a different social group... it will still feel good to know that someone has picked her out of a crowd and decided that he wants to get to know her better.

So how do you muster your courage?

First off, it helps to rationalize your fears. Ask yourself, what - realistically - is the worst that could happen? She has a boyfriend already? She's not interested and says no? While these things may hurt, they won't bring your world to an end. In fact, you may be better off in that you'll be able to move on with your life.

Second, practice. Of course it's hard to go up to someone you don't know and start a conversation. How many times do you get to do this in your daily life? Why not practice (the conversational aspects, I mean) by approaching other people you don't have a romantic interest in? Maybe try talking a little more to a shy kid who really needs a friend? Or spend a minute to ask the clerk at the grocery story how her day is going (assuming you're not holding up the line).

Third, (and perhaps in contrast to my first two points) don't over-think it. The act of asking someone out doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, it doesn't even have to be moderately smooth. But it does have to happen if two people are going to go out. So, just do it.
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  • #37
The timid bird watches the other birds snap up the worm. Life is too short to live in regret of what you might have missed, so, why not just find out? Hell, neither one of you knows if you can even get along. It's not the kind of thing you can sort out in a Penrose diagram.

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