Can Mathematics Predict Higher Levels of Complexity?

  • Thread starter heusdens
  • Start date
In summary: I can't think of any purpose.Originally posted by heusdens The purpose of a cat is to inspire silly questions that can't be answered, like what is the purpose of this thread. :0)
  • #106
Originally posted by Mentat
Consciouness can, indeed, be defined.
Please do, then.
Originally posted by Mentat
Besides, something that exists may be undefinable.

Live long and prosper.
Physics news on
  • #107
Consciouseness = active state of neurons.
  • #108
1. Drag - I see in some of your posts you continuously ask that once a person say X can be defined, you demand of them to define it.

You need to realize that one can prove that X can be defined without defining it.

Furthermore you continuously assume one means X has an ABSOLUTELY OBJECTIVE DEFINITION. We aren't making this assumption, you are.

Please look into this.

2. To the cat comment, the origon of this post. I will disregard your word PURPOSE, for the sake of an ecological answer.

The "purpose" of a cat in an ecological environment is extremely complex. But to see the basics, one must look at what the cat gives out that others take in. that's it's purpose. Simply put.

If you're not looking for an ecological answer, sorry purpose doesn't exist.

If you're looking for one in terms of HUMAN ecology, and the human based domesticated cat.

It's still the same answer as a template, but specifcs are so different.

The cat gives "out" something the human recieves.

1. attention from another organism
2. Pleasing sensations, licking, purring, warmth, furriness
3. etc...
  • #109
Originally posted by Alexander
Consciouseness = active state of neurons.
Why do you need to use this semanticly complicated
word to define something so simple that can
just be called that. btw, is that an official
scientific definition ?
Also, you do realize of course that consciousness
is then also, for example, the nerve from my
little finger connected to two active electrodes.
Not a great thing it is then, is it ?

Live long and prosper.
  • #110

Originally posted by heusdens
What is the purpose of a cat?
To be fed by humans.

What is the purpose of humans? To feed cats.
  • #111
No, purpose of humans is to drink good beer.
  • #112
Originally posted by Adam
What is the purpose of humans? To feed cats.
Originally posted by Alexander
No, purpose of humans is to drink good beer.
I really like both !
  • #113
Originally posted by drag
Please do, then.


Live long and prosper.

That means that I needn't define it, in order for it to exist, right?

Anyway, I will define it: The state of being aware.

If you'd like an example, how about the fact that you are aware of my question right now?
  • #114
Originally posted by Alexander
Consciouseness = active state of neurons.

No, active state of neurons produces consciousness. There's a very big difference.
  • #115
Greetings Mentat !
Originally posted by Mentat
Anyway, I will define it: The state of being aware.

If you'd like an example, how about the fact
that you are aware of my question right now?
Then explain "aware"...:wink:
This chain breaks down in the end or is infinite
because you have no concrete explanation. And, the
simple fact is that because you only have
this singular unexplainable thing - which you
might consider your consciousness or the result
of physical processes as explained by science,
you can not make use of it due to lack of definition.
That is, maybe you're right (nothing is certain -
including this satement ), but even if you
are - while we have science which explains the
obseved by dealing with SEPARATE things in the
observed data, we do NOT, apparently, have anything
else with which to associate consciosness or
we do not have the appropriate reasoning system,
for now, to incorporate consciosness into
science. So, it may exist and it may not, but
at the absense of a system in which to put it
we probably can't deal with such a separate
and singular concept. And if we can't deal with it
or draw any data from it - we can't make use of
it and might just as well ignore it, until purhaps
it does appear in context with something else or
is discovered to have a structure we can deal with.

This is like receiving data input from the
Universe on totally different unconnected levels.
So, either one of the levels is not real at all
but a mere assumption and a result of the other
level, or - we're the connection but we have
not yet succeeded in fomalizing it. (Or, maybe
it's something comletly different...)

Live long and prosper.
  • #116
Originally posted by Mentat
No, active state of neurons produces consciousness. There's a very big difference.

Exactly what is the difference?
  • #117
Alex. See the difference between these two statements...

Betty = Alex
Betty produces Alex

COme on now, it' sobvious!

BTW - active neurons don't produce "consciousness" unless your definition of "consciousness" is "the active state of neurons". Get it?

Define terms...
  • #118
Originally posted by Alexander
Exactly what is the difference?

The difference is that the active state of neurons is a physical phenomenon, while consciousness is a metaphysical consequence of that physical phenomenon.
  • #119
Originally posted by drag
Greetings Mentat !

Then explain "aware"...:wink:
This chain breaks down in the end or is infinite
because you have no concrete explanation.

No, it does so because language is dependent on it's own definitions. I could take any word, and follow the "define that new term" road forever, if I wanted to, but that doesn't mean that the use of the word lacks concrete explanation.

That is, maybe you're right (nothing is certain -
including this satement ), but even if you
are - while we have science which explains the
obseved by dealing with SEPARATE things in the
observed data, we do NOT, apparently, have anything
else with which to associate consciosness

Not ture, we have the active "firing" of neurons, which happens during "conscious thought".

BTW, I think you should see some of my responses to Manuel_Silvio about his Uncertainty idea (that nothing is really certain), in the thread "I think therefore I am", because I clearly explained that it is a paradoxical (and completely unusable) concept.
  • #120
Greetings once again, Mentat ! :smile:
Originally posted by Mentat
No, it does so because language is dependent
on it's own definitions. I could take any word,
and follow the "define that new term" road forever,
if I wanted to, but that doesn't mean that the
use of the word lacks concrete explanation.
I am referring to SCIENTIFIC explanation - the
only type most of us consider likely acceptable
because it is a direct consequence from the
data input we have - observation. You can not
provide me with a SCIENTIFIC explanation for
that term, for now at least, can you ?
Otherwise, it indeed makes no sense of picking
on words.
Originally posted by Mentat
Not ture, we have the active "firing" of neurons,
which happens during "conscious thought".
Which happens as a response to another "firing"
discribed in space-time by well defined particles
from QM, or science in short, an so on...
So ?
How do you make a clear distinction between
this observed happenning in your brain and
this observed happenning in a rock ?
Originally posted by Mentat
because I clearly explained that it is a
paradoxical (and completely unusable) concept.
It is, indeed. But it just so happens
to be that this concept is the only one
that, so far, seems to always make sense. :wink:

Fascinating ! How DO you PROVE that a
concept is paradoxical ?

Live long and prosper.
  • #121
Originally posted by drag
I am referring to SCIENTIFIC explanation - the
only type most of us consider likely acceptable
because it is a direct consequence from the
data input we have - observation. You can not
provide me with a SCIENTIFIC explanation for
that term, for now at least, can you ?
Otherwise, it indeed makes no sense of picking
on words.

A scientific explanation for what term?

Which happens as a response to another "firing"
discribed in space-time by well defined particles
from QM, or science in short, an so on...
So ?
How do you make a clear distinction between
this observed happenning in your brain and
this observed happenning in a rock ?

By what happens on a macroscopic level. I am no different, at the subatomic level, than any other physical entity, but that doesn't mean that I am no different altogether.

It is, indeed. But it just so happens
to be that this concept is the only one
that, so far, seems to always make sense. :wink:

No it doesn't. It's paradoxical, and thus unusable. A paradox is the end of a rational path. When one comes to paradox, one either abandons the path they are on, or resorts to complacency and acceptance.

Fascinating ! How DO you PROVE that a
concept is paradoxical ?

See "I think therefore I am" for a detailed debate on the matter.

Basically, I showed that trying to doubt everything must include doubting the premise that tells you to doubt everything. Thus you have no reason to doubt everything, and (in fact) cannot take for granted that you should do so. But, the reason you cannot take for granted that you should do so is that you have already taken it for granted.

This is much like the paradox of limitlessness, and I think wuliheron would probably be better at explaining it than I.
  • #122
Greetings Mentat !
Originally posted by Mentat
A scientific explanation for what term?
Consciousness. If you wish to participate in a
discussion it may be usefull to remember what
it's about, or at least a matter of good manners. :wink:
Originally posted by Mentat
By what happens on a macroscopic level. I am no
different, at the subatomic level, than any other
physical entity, but that doesn't mean that I am
no different altogether.
You are implying a fundumental difference
of the same entities and laws taken on a different
scale. I see no scientificly supported reasoning,
for now, that can justify such a claim.
Originally posted by Mentat
No it doesn't. It's paradoxical, and thus unusable.
A paradox is the end of a rational path.
Indeed. However, any rational path we ever
took so far(except one :wink:), has some end - a limmit.
Thus, this concept always applies so far. It's
usefullness is another issue and can be discussed
once all sides support this idea as likely, since
usefullness is a subjective term.
Originally posted by Mentat
Basically, I showed that trying to doubt everything
must include doubting the premise that tells
you to doubt everything. Thus you have no reason to
doubt everything, and (in fact) cannot take for
granted that you should do so.
Of course, so ? :wink:
Like I said to you once - there are turtles all the
way down... Wherever that is if at all...
That's why it's called a paradox - it makes no sense. :wink:

Doubt or shout !

Live long and prosper.
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  • #123
Originally posted by drag
Greetings Mentat !

Causality. If you wish to participate in a
discussion it may be usefull to remember what
it's about, or at least a matter of good manners. :wink:

My sincerest apologies, but your side-stepping the main argument has confused me.

You are implying a fundumental difference
of the same entities and laws taken on a different
scale. I see no scientificly supported reasoning,
for now, that can justify such a claim.

How about the fact that Meteorology and Biology are entirely different practices. Think about it.

Of course, so ? :wink:
Like I said to you once - there are turtles all the
way down... Wherever that is if at all...
That's why it's called a paradox - it makes no sense. :wink:

Then what is it's use?
  • #124
Greetings !
Originally posted by Mentat
My sincerest apologies, but your side-stepping the
main argument has confused me.
Bloody hell ! I got cunfused with the other thread,
I meant CONSCIOUSNESS not causality. SORRY !
Originally posted by Mentat
How about the fact that Meteorology and Biology
are entirely different practices. Think about it.
I have. Thay are not different in terms of
physical laws. The are different in terms of the
concepts we use to discribe them (different
verbal/mathematical/whatever discriptions) because
they display different levels and types of
order within the very wide bounderies that these
laws allow for.

Anyway, I want to understand clearly once and for
all - Do you think that consciousness is something
beyond/in addition to the laws of physics or not ?
Originally posted by Mentat
Then what is it's use?
wuli dedicated whole threads to this. :wink:

One potential use, that I believe is indeed
very usefull (but I can't absolutely prove it )
is that such a perspective means that you
must respect all views and opinions (because
tomorrow they might just turn out to be correct).
This is VERY important I think, both in life and
for a scientist, for example. Another potential
benefit is the seemingly likely chance that this
perspective will not allow you to make mistakes
when dealing with philosophical and sometimes
potentially other types of ideas. Because, as they
say - "Assumption is the mother of all f**k - ups." .
(I can "hide" more letters in that expression if
someone here feels I should. :wink:)

Live long and prosper.
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  • #125
Originally posted by drag
Because, as they say - "Assumption is the mother of all f**k - ups." .
(I can "hide" more letters in that expression if
someone here feels I should. :wink:)

What does "fork - up" mean?

(Sorry my english is not so good...)
  • #126
Originally posted by heusdens
What does "fork - up" mean?

(Sorry my english is not so good...)
Are you serious ?
  • #127
Originally posted by drag
Greetings !

Bloody hell ! I got cunfused with the other thread,
I meant CONSCIOUSNESS not causality. SORRY !

That's alright. I've made the same mistake (but I edited, or erased just before posting).

I have. Thay are not different in terms of
physical laws. The are different in terms of the
concepts we use to discribe them (different
verbal/mathematical/whatever discriptions) because
they display different levels and types of
order within the very wide bounderies that these
laws allow for.

That's the point. The point is not whether they are physically different, at the subatomic level, but whether they are different.

Anyway, I want to understand clearly once and for
all - Do you think that consciousness is something
beyond/in addition to the laws of physics or not ?

Objection, this question is entirely irrelevant the discussion :wink:.

wuli dedicated whole threads to this. :wink:

One potential use, that I believe is indeed
very usefull (but I can't absolutely prove it )
is that such a perspective means that you
must respect all views and opinions (because
tomorrow they might just turn out to be correct).
This is VERY important I think, both in life and
for a scientist, for example. Another potential
benefit is the seemingly likely chance that this
perspective will not allow you to make mistakes
when dealing with philosophical and sometimes
potentially other types of ideas.

I urge you to read the last few pages of "I think therefore I am". Manuel_Silvio tried to argue for total Uncertainty (the doubting of all things), and it just doesn't work. The truth of the matter is: it is impossible to take for granted that you shouldn't take anything for granted. This should be obvious, but some people are just trying to hard to see the truth. It's like in the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance", where he said: "It's like truth knocks on the door, and you scream 'go away, I'm looking for truth', and so it goes away".
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  • #128
Greetings Mentat !
Originally posted by Mentat
That's the point. The point is not whether they are physically different, at the subatomic level, but whether they are different.
Explain, please.
Originally posted by Mentat
Objection, this question is entirely irrelevant
to the discussion :wink:.
In light of what you appear to mean by consciousness
and purpose, I think it certainly is and could
save us a lot of time. :wink:
Originally posted by Mentat
The truth of the matter is: it is impossible to take
for granted that you shouldn't take anything for granted.
This should be obvious, ...
You do not understand what the PoE IS.
It is not true or false of something, it
can not be demonstrated by any clear claim
or argument. It can not be limmited or even
partially defined. If I say just one word of it
then I'm already denying its paradoxical nature.
This is the paradox of God, the Universe and
everything and that is precisely why the word
paradox is used (it's the closest thing we
have to call something totally undefinable).

Live long and prosper.
  • #129
Originally posted by drag
Explain, please.

They are different at the macroscopic level, as you have agreed. This means that they are different (as a result order, connections, and the actions of the subatomic particles that make them up working together), even if not at the subatomic level.

You do not understand what the PoE IS.
It is not true or false of something, it
can not be demonstrated by any clear claim
or argument. It can not be limmited or even
partially defined. If I say just one word of it
then I'm already denying its paradoxical nature.
This is the paradox of God, the Universe and
everything and that is precisely why the word
paradox is used (it's the closest thing we
have to call something totally undefinable).

This means that the PoE, as a concept, is entirely impossible. You have said it yourself (repeatedly, if you ask me) in just this (quoted) paragraph.
  • #130
Greetings !
Originally posted by Mentat
They are different at the macroscopic level, as you have agreed. This means that they are different (as a result order, connections, and the actions of the subatomic particles that make them up working together), even if not at the subatomic level.
I agreed to that ?!
I did not agree, at any time as far as I can
remember, that there is some different, from
normal - physical theory, thing called consciousness.
Originally posted by Mentat
This means that the PoE, as a concept, is entirely impossible. You have said it yourself (repeatedly, if you ask me) in just this (quoted) paragraph.
Hmm... Maybe wuli's way works better at times. :wink:

"On the surface of the ocean one can see unconcievable
depth or just a reflection."
Me (copyrights reserved )

P.S. I HATE most of these so-called meaningfull quotes.

Live long and prosper.
  • #131
Originally posted by drag
I agreed to that ?!
I did not agree, at any time as far as I can
remember, that there is some different, from
normal - physical theory, thing called consciousness.

I never said that you agreed to anything like that. I said that you agreed that physical objects are different at the macroscopic level, than at the subatomic.
  • #132
Originally posted by Mentat
I never said that you agreed to anything like that. I said that you agreed that physical objects are different at the macroscopic level, than at the subatomic.
That depends on how you define "different".
To me the difference is the same as the difference
between the pieces of a huge puzzle which has
infinite solutions using the same pieces and
provided that the pieces fully respect the laws
of physics once the puzzle is set in motion.
Nothing more.

Peace and long life.
  • #133

Originally posted by heusdens
What is the purpose of a cat?

why, to make more cats, of course. isn't that our purpose as well?
  • #134
Originally posted by drag
That depends on how you define "different".
To me the difference is the same as the difference
between the pieces of a huge puzzle which has
infinite solutions using the same pieces and
provided that the pieces fully respect the laws
of physics once the puzzle is set in motion.
Nothing more.

No offence, but your sentence needs re-wording, or there is no chance of it's making sense to me. Again, I don't mean to offend, I just can't make head or tail of what you're trying to say.
  • #135
Originally posted by Mentat
No offence, but your sentence needs re-wording, or there is no chance of it's making sense to me. Again, I don't mean to offend, I just can't make head or tail of what you're trying to say.
What's unclear ?
I basicly said that for me the only
difference is the scale and accordingly
complexity of the entities and laws at work.
No fundumental differences involved.

Live long and prosper.
  • #136
Originally posted by drag
What's unclear ?
I basicly said that for me the only
difference is the scale and accordingly
complexity of the entities and laws at work.
No fundumental differences involved.

Live long and prosper.

Well, I disagree (and apologize for not having understood before). I don't think there would be such different branches of Science, if there was no difference between the behavior of something's fundamental particles, and the behavior of the [macroscopic] thing itself.
  • #137
Originally posted by Mentat
Well, I disagree (and apologize for not having understood before). I don't think there would be such different branches of Science, if there was no difference between the behavior of something's fundamental particles, and the behavior of the [macroscopic] thing itself.
Why is researching a single grain of sand called
chemistry and researching many sand dunes called
geology ?
Complexity. :wink:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo Da Vinci

Live long and prosper.
  • #138
Originally posted by drag
Why is researching a single grain of sand called
chemistry and researching many sand dunes called
geology ?
Complexity. :wink:

You're just making my point. Complexity makes something of an qualitativly different order.
  • #139
Originally posted by Mentat
You're just making my point. Complexity makes something of an qualitativly different order.
Not exactly. Mathematics (which is primarily
what modern science is) IS apparently capable of
predicting the higher complexity levels from
the lowest ones we have. It's just extremely
difficult for us today.

Live long and prosper.
  • #140
Originally posted by drag
Not exactly. Mathematics (which is primarily
what modern science is) IS apparently capable of
predicting the higher complexity levels from
the lowest ones we have. It's just extremely
difficult for us today.

Live long and prosper.

While this is true, it doesn't change anything. Mathematics can describe anything (for the purpose of this argument, let's not argue that point, please), but that doesn't mean that everything it describes is of the same qualitative order.