Can Photon Accelerate in Vacuum?

In summary: Although the speed of photon is a constant in vacuum, it can be accelerated. This is seen as red and blue shifted light.
  • #1
Antonio Lao
It cannot because the speed of photon is a constant in vacuum. So it also cannot deccelerate in vacuum.
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  • #2
Thank you Capt. Obvious? :smile:

Although it is only the magnitude of the velocity that is constant. Since it is possible to change the direction of the photon, you could say that it can be "accelerated", but the acceleration vector is always perpendicular to the velocity vector.
  • #3
but the acceleration vector is always perpendicular to the velocity vector.

In circular motion.
  • #4
Integral said:
In circular motion.
Or whenever the acceleration changes only the direction of the velocity vector and not its magnitude.
  • #5
Linear Acceleration Of A Photon

There seems to be some question as to whether or not a photon can be linearly accelerated.

For a photon:

E = Pc

P = mc

E = mc^2 = hf

m = hf/c^2

Consider the gravitational attraction of two photons separated by a distance R.

F = G m1 m2/R^2


m1 a = G m1 m2/R^2


a = G m2/R^2


a = G hf/c^2R^2

Thus, if there can be action at a distance between two photons, and the Newtonian gravitational force law is correct, and the relativistic equation for energy is correct, and the quantum mechanical relation for photon energy is correct, then a photon can be linearly accelerated.

And if the Newtonian Gravitational Force Law is incorrect, but photons can experience real gravity, a photon will accelerate as it heads towards a sun, because it is being pulled. Indeed, if a photon can experience any force, then it can be accelerated.
  • #6
This sort of "acceleration" is observed as red and blue shifted light. Since the speed of light can vary its wavelength must change.
  • #7
Is this the point where the dependent of kinetic energy as a function of velocity

[tex] K.E. = \frac {1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

breaks away to depend on wavelength or frequency?

[tex] Energy = h \nu [/tex]
  • #8

Thanks you very much.
  • #9
Recall that force is defined as F := dp / dτ, not F := m a. Since |p| = hf/c for a photon, we can differentiate p2 to get:

2 p . dp / dτ = (h/c) df / dτ
or, in other words,

p.F = (h/2c) df / dτ

P.S. I'm using m for rest mass, F and p are 4-vectors, and . for the (Minowski) dot product.

P.P.S. Argh, you replied before I could delete it! I wanted to look up a detail or two. :frown: In particular, I think |p| = hf/c might only be valid for 3-momentum, not 4-momentum. It's been a while since I've done any of this in any detail! Maybe I should've wussed out and done it with 3-vectors!
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  • #10

Thanks again.

FAQ: Can Photon Accelerate in Vacuum?

1. Can a photon accelerate in a vacuum?

Yes, a photon can accelerate in a vacuum. According to the theory of special relativity, the speed of light is constant and cannot be exceeded. However, the energy and momentum of a photon can change, causing it to accelerate.

2. How does a photon accelerate in a vacuum?

A photon accelerates in a vacuum by interacting with other particles or fields. For example, when a photon is absorbed and reemitted by an atom, it will change direction and its momentum will be altered, causing acceleration.

3. Can a photon accelerate to infinite speed in a vacuum?

No, a photon cannot accelerate to infinite speed in a vacuum. As stated by the theory of special relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed possible, and no particle can exceed it.

4. Does acceleration of a photon in a vacuum violate the principle of conservation of energy?

No, the acceleration of a photon in a vacuum does not violate the principle of conservation of energy. While the energy of a photon can change, the total energy in a closed system remains constant.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding photon acceleration in a vacuum?

The understanding of photon acceleration in a vacuum has practical applications in various fields, such as telecommunications, astronomy, and particle physics. It helps in the development of technologies like lasers and fiber optics, and also aids in studying the behavior of light in space and the properties of subatomic particles.

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