Can Physics Explain Astrology?

  • Thread starter quantumcarl
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In summary, this thread is a result of discussions in the other Astrology threads in this area of the Physics Forums. Members are invited to share their ideas or solid data regarding the physics of astrology. Some believe that the differing electromagnetic fields and changing gravitational forces due to planetary alignments may have some effect on humans, citing the phenomenon of lunacy and our ability to sense gravity. However, there is no solid evidence to support this belief and it is also argued that the changes in gravity would be too small to have such a large impact on personalities. Additionally, the positions of the sun and moon have changed since the beginning of astrology, calling into question its accuracy. Some argue that astrology is a pseudoscience and can easily be debunked, while
  • #71
"The Physics Of Astrology."

An interesting mix of words. Physics in fact is the science which directly proved the claims of Astrology false!

I saw some people mentioned it above a bit, so I won't repeat all the details...
Physics news on
  • #72
Originally posted by Adam
We adopted Germanic/Norse names:
Sunday - Sun day.
Monday - Moon day.
Tuesday - Tiw's day
Wednesday - Woden's (Odin's) day.
Thursday - Thor's day.
Friday - Frigg's day.
Saturday - remained Saturn's day.

Odin should have a day, along with his horse.

But astrology claims those to be the days origins. This is what I have learned at least.

"The Physics Of Astrology."

An interesting mix of words. Physics in fact is the science which directly proved the claims of Astrology false!

I saw some people mentioned it above a bit, so I won't repeat all the details...

You are correct, this has already been discussed...but if you would have read through all of the posts you would see that this thread was not intended to be scrutinized from a physics points of view.

EDIT: Kerrie stated, and she WOULD know...

Originally posted by Kerrie
first off, I would like to say that some people's tone in this topic is a little harsh, and they need to not get so defensive about astrology or other "mythical" theories, as it shows a deep streak for intolerance-the human trait that ultimately destroys one another...

as a practicing beginning astrologist:


therefore, it most likely does not fit into the logic of physics...

astrology is a tool, and a language that has been misused by so many that now it will most likely never get a real chance to be fully understood on the objective only proof that it does work are the many people (that i do not know on a personal level) have done natal charts for and have named specific tendencies they possesses more so then others...

so, as long as there are people trying to prove it as a science, it will continue to have the reputation it has...for those who understand it's language will find the ability to understand people and their motives much better...

You conclude.
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  • #73
Kyle - I did read the whole thing. Why do you assume I did not?

The author posed this statement:

"If anyone has any ideas or solid data that has to do with the physics of astrology... please feel free to share them here."

I have indeed solid data, and that's what I posted.
  • #74
taken from


Therefore, think not that mere "floating balls of matter" affect ones destiny from distant regions of space, but rather that the Unity of the Supreme One, in His ineffable Splendor and Mystery, constituted man as a microcosm of the vast universe, and reflects "below" in the material world, that which occurs "above" in the Celestial World. The Mystery is that all is One, connected, and events that occur synchronistically, according to Laws of Nature that are both revealed and concealed, have a mysterious relationship

please note that my own views of "him" are not exactly as this author's also starts the text off as astrology being the oldest science, but i think the definition of science in this text is used very loosely...
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  • #75
Astrology and resonance

I put on my website an animated gif-image (which I made for another website):

This is the text that goes with it:

Astrology. What can be a possible explanation?

Since the HUBBLE telescope we know that our Universe is GIANT! Behind each spot there are thousands of stars, thus photons, neutrino's and also radiation is sent to us. A planet is a just a moving spot. It has it's own structure (cfr. Jupiter is only gas).

A possible explanation for Astrology can be that each planet acts as a lens (focusing the energies it receives) or as a blocking structure (dispensing/spreading) for these energy bombardments.

In this animated image I made a green square and a white square with in each some galaxies. These may have each billions of light years in distance between them, so they may send other types of radiation. The green and white spot on the trajectory of Mars will be -at a specific moment - covered by Mars and at that moment Mars might "re-transmit" these energies, colored by it's own structural composition.

A transit over such spots might influence the concept of embryo's during specific growing phases (think about the basic start of the eyes in week X, nerves in week Z, synapses in week Y, ...

Third Week.—By the end of the third week the embryo is strongly curved, and the primitive segments number about thirty. The primary divisions of the brain are visible, and the optic and auditory vesicles are formed. Four branchial grooves are present: the stomodeum is well-marked, and the bucco-pharyngeal membrane has disappeared. The rudiments of the limbs are seen as short buds, and the Wolffian bodies are visible, ...

Fifth Week.—The embryo is less curved and the head is relatively of large size. Differentiation of the limbs into their segments occurs. The nose forms a short, flattened projection. The cloacal tubercle is evident ...

Sixth Month.—The body is covered by fine hairs (lanugo) and the deposit of vernix caseosa is considerable. The papillæ of the skin are developed and the free border of the nail projects from the corium of the dermis. Measured from vertex to heels, the total length of the fetus at the end of this month is from 30 to 32 cm.).
If you need the other details:

The fast planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon) pass such different areas every day. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do it slowly.

quote: Cosmic messengers
Among the commonest particles in the Universe are neutrinos. Like photons, they outnumber the protons and neutrons of bulk matter by around one thousand millions to one. Each cubic centimetre of space contains a hundred or so neutrinos left over from the Big Bang at the beginning of the Universe. Every second, 60 thousand million neutrinos from the Sun pass through each square centimetre of the Earth surface and through you!

... and they pass through those baby ... in week x, y, ... while different type of emissions originated from other cosmic spots passed each planet that maybe ... acts as a (gravitational = intensify radiation) lens or as a blocking structure?

You need more?
Quote: Sit quietly, and count off 10 seconds to yourself. Roughly 200 trillion neutrinos from the sun, from cosmic rays, and from distant supernovas have just passed through you, but you'd never know it. Neutrinos are the ghostliest of subatomic ... click:

Oh yes ... there also this: : _Einstein's general theory of relativity assumes that the force of gravity propagates at the speed of light. Sergei Kopeikin of the University of Missouri in Columbia came up with an experiment.
He argued that the time delay of a light signal passing through the gravitational field of a moving planet depends on the speed of gravity. What is more, he said, it should be possible to measure the effect, and hence gravity's speed, by watching how Jupiter's gravity bends background light.
In September 2002, Kopeikin and his colleague Ed Fomalont of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia, did that using radio telescopes around the world. Their conclusion was that gravity does indeed move at the speed of light.

I believe it is intellectual weakness to deny apriori a number of phenomena.
We must say: IF it would be real HOW would it work?

Now I saw on this thread a lot of scientific superiority. But has physics all the answers? The 10 most fundamental questions: , such as number 10 : When a particle in a quantum-mechanically pure state disappears into a black hole, its state changes to a thermal one; it now has a particular temperature. This constitutes a fundamental violation of the laws of quantum theory. How does it occur?
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  • #76
Originally posted by pelastration
I put on my website an animated gif-image (which I made for another website):

This is the text that goes with it:

Astrology. What can be a possible explanation?

Since the HUBBLE telescope we know that our Universe is GIANT! Behind each spot there are thousands of stars, thus photons, neutrino's and also radiation is sent to us. A planet is a just a moving spot. It has it's own structure (cfr. Jupiter is only gas).

A possible explanation for Astrology can be that each planet acts as a lens (focusing the energies it receives) or as a blocking structure (dispensing/spreading) for these energy bombardments.

In this animated image I made a green square and a white square with in each some galaxies. These may have each billions of light years in distance between them, so they may send other types of radiation. The green and white spot on the trajectory of Mars will be -at a specific moment - covered by Mars and at that moment Mars might "re-transmit" these energies, colored by it's own structural composition.

A transit over such spots might influence the concept of embryo's during specific growing phases (think about the basic start of the eyes in week X, nerves in week Z, synapses in week Y, ...

Third Week.—By the end of the third week the embryo is strongly curved, and the primitive segments number about thirty. The primary divisions of the brain are visible, and the optic and auditory vesicles are formed. Four branchial grooves are present: the stomodeum is well-marked, and the bucco-pharyngeal membrane has disappeared. The rudiments of the limbs are seen as short buds, and the Wolffian bodies are visible, ...

Fifth Week.—The embryo is less curved and the head is relatively of large size. Differentiation of the limbs into their segments occurs. The nose forms a short, flattened projection. The cloacal tubercle is evident ...

Sixth Month.—The body is covered by fine hairs (lanugo) and the deposit of vernix caseosa is considerable. The papillæ of the skin are developed and the free border of the nail projects from the corium of the dermis. Measured from vertex to heels, the total length of the fetus at the end of this month is from 30 to 32 cm.).
If you need the other details:

The fast planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars and Moon) pass such different areas every day. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do it slowly.

quote: Cosmic messengers
Among the commonest particles in the Universe are neutrinos. Like photons, they outnumber the protons and neutrons of bulk matter by around one thousand millions to one. Each cubic centimetre of space contains a hundred or so neutrinos left over from the Big Bang at the beginning of the Universe. Every second, 60 thousand million neutrinos from the Sun pass through each square centimetre of the Earth surface and through you!

... and they pass through those baby ... in week x, y, ... while different type of emissions originated from other cosmic spots passed each planet that maybe ... acts as a (gravitational = intensify radiation) lens or as a blocking structure?

You need more?
Quote: Sit quietly, and count off 10 seconds to yourself. Roughly 200 trillion neutrinos from the sun, from cosmic rays, and from distant supernovas have just passed through you, but you'd never know it. Neutrinos are the ghostliest of subatomic ... click:

Oh yes ... there also this: : _Einstein's general theory of relativity assumes that the force of gravity propagates at the speed of light. Sergei Kopeikin of the University of Missouri in Columbia came up with an experiment.
He argued that the time delay of a light signal passing through the gravitational field of a moving planet depends on the speed of gravity. What is more, he said, it should be possible to measure the effect, and hence gravity's speed, by watching how Jupiter's gravity bends background light.
In September 2002, Kopeikin and his colleague Ed Fomalont of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia, did that using radio telescopes around the world. Their conclusion was that gravity does indeed move at the speed of light.

I believe it is intellectual weakness to deny apriori a number of phenomena.
We must say: IF it would be real HOW would it work?

Now I saw on this thread a lot of scientific superiority. But has physics all the answers? The 10 most fundamental questions: , such as number 10 : When a particle in a quantum-mechanically pure state disappears into a black hole, its state changes to a thermal one; it now has a particular temperature. This constitutes a fundamental violation of the laws of quantum theory. How does it occur?

These are great ideas, pelastration. I won't steal any of them!

I especially like the bits about planets and other structures blocking elements of the universe. The common view is that they cause an effect... rather than cause the lack of an effect...

thanks for bringing some pioneering spirit to this thread!
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  • #77
Using fundamental Newtonian physics it is easy to calculate the force that planets, the sun, the moon or any distant star exerts on the human body. When the numbers are crunched, it turns out that the doctor or nurse standing near a new born baby exert stronger gravataionsl force then any other massive body in the universe (other then the earth). I think it is save to say that the planets cannot have any effect on our emotial makeup.


LA made a totally false statement a few days back, He claimed that 3 OCT 03 was similar to 3 Oct 02 only in the name, this is patentley false, 3 Oct 03 has the same amount of DAYLIGHT as 3 OCT 02 (or any other 3OCT to within a few minutes. It does depend a bit on how far from a leap year you are. This is true in spite of the fact that 3 OCT lies in the period of rapid day length change.

In my mind the only possible valid astronomical effect on a presons emotional make up is the length of daylight that person is exposed to in the early months of life. A June/July baby will will know little of heavy clothing and darkness, while a Dec/Jan Baby will be continuoulsy bundled and will see little of the outside environment.

Of course these effects will be reversed with the hemisphere, and more strongly felt in the ancient days when all humans were more exposed to the elements. In our current culture we move rapidly from house to car to house with little time spent outside, this is esspecially true for newborn infants.
  • #78
Originally posted by Integral
Using fundamental Newtonian physics it is easy to calculate the force that planets, the sun, the moon or any distant star exerts on the human body. When the numbers are crunched, it turns out that the doctor or nurse standing near a new born baby exert stronger gravataionsl force then any other massive body in the universe (other then the earth). I think it is save to say that the planets cannot have any effect on our emotial makeup.

You may want to find some proof to back up this statement. Its fine to speculate... like I always do... but, if you are going to question my speculations with your speculations... this goes absolutely no where...

so, please provide proof that a nurse or a doctor (mid-wife or father) standing beside the birthing mother and the new born have more effect on the new born than other environmental factors.

Try crunching the numbers.

What is the molecular weight of the mother, doctor, father, nurse and interns=combined when compared to the molecular weight of Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and 6 other planets plus the Sun?

Now compare relative gravitational influences.

Now compare the blockage created by the above nonclementures (as presented by pelastration) and the effects on the new born... or ovum et al.
  • #79
The relationship is simple, I kinda figured you would be courious enough to do it yourself, guess not.

so the force of gravition between two bodies is

F= Gm1m2/r2
G=6.67E-11 Ntm2kg-2
let us assume that the mass of baby is 4kg It the table below I am assumeing a moderate weight for the docter and have computed the distance to the planets as their CLOSEST approach to earth. As you can see the force due to the planets is indeed larger if the dr is 1 meter from the baby, but smaller if the docter is holding the baby. So if we were to consider the mass of the hospital or of any massive machinery in the room with the baby, perhaps the bed would count, you can see that the influence of the planets is not significant.
for the Dr
Mass= 75kg
Distance = 1m
force= .200E-07N

DR holding baby
Mass= 75kg
Force= 20.0E-07N

mass = 1.90E+27kg
distace= 7.20E+11m
Force = 9.78E-07N

Mass = 6.40E+23kg
Distance = 8.00E+10m
Force= .267E-07N

Mass = 4.90E+24kg
Distance= 5.00E+10m
Force = 5.23E-07N

By the way Molecular weight has nothing to do with the problem. I have given you the formula you need to compute the force due to the distant stars, if you can do a web search and find the mass and distace.

Also the formula used assumes a shperical doctor, if you were to compute the force considering the distribution of mass it may be somewhat different, but of the same order of magnitude.
  • #80
The relationship is simple, I kinda figured you would be courious enough to do it yourself, guess not.

so the force of gravition between two bodies is

F= Gm1m2/r2
G=6.67E-11 Ntm2kg-2
let us assume that the mass of baby is 4kg It the table below I am assuming a moderate weight for the docter and have computed the distance to the planets as their CLOSEST approach to earth. As you can see the force due to the planets is indeed larger if the dr is 1 meter from the baby, but smaller if the docter is holding the baby. So if we were to consider the mass of the hospital or of any massive machinery in the room with the baby, perhaps the bed would count, you can see that the influence of the planets is not significant.
for the Dr
Mass= 75kg
Distance = 1m
force= .200E-07N

DR holding baby
Mass= 75kg
Force= 20.0E-07N

mass = 1.90E+27kg
distace= 7.20E+11m
Force = 9.78E-07N

Mass = 6.40E+23kg
Distance = 8.00E+10m
Force= .267E-07N

Mass = 4.90E+24kg
Distance= 5.00E+10m
Force = 5.23E-07N

By the way Molecular weight has nothing to do with the problem. I have given you the formula you need to compute the force due to the distant stars, if you can do a web search and find the mass and distace.

Also the formula used assumes a shperical doctor, if you were to compute the force considering the distribution of mass it may be somewhat different, but of the same order of magnitude.
  • #81
Originally posted by Integral
The relationship is simple, I kinda figured you would be courious enough to do it yourself, guess not.

so the force of gravition between two bodies is

F= Gm1m2/r2
G=6.67E-11 Ntm2kg-2
let us assume that the mass of baby is 4kg It the table below I am assuming a moderate weight for the docter and have computed the distance to the planets as their CLOSEST approach to earth. As you can see the force due to the planets is indeed larger if the dr is 1 meter from the baby, but smaller if the docter is holding the baby. So if we were to consider the mass of the hospital or of any massive machinery in the room with the baby, perhaps the bed would count, you can see that the influence of the planets is not significant.
for the Dr
Mass= 75kg
Distance = 1m
force= .200E-07N

DR holding baby
Mass= 75kg
Force= 20.0E-07N

mass = 1.90E+27kg
distace= 7.20E+11m
Force = 9.78E-07N

Mass = 6.40E+23kg
Distance = 8.00E+10m
Force= .267E-07N

Mass = 4.90E+24kg
Distance= 5.00E+10m
Force = 5.23E-07N

By the way Molecular weight has nothing to do with the problem. I have given you the formula you need to compute the force due to the distant stars, if you can do a web search and find the mass and distace.

Also the formula used assumes a shperical doctor, if you were to compute the force considering the distribution of mass it may be somewhat different, but of the same order of magnitude.

This is beautiful! Thanks for all the work on this.

What I am assuming about astrology is that distance is factored out... presence is factored in... it is my assumption that astrology is a quantum medium. This may be why it is considered "psuedo".

Does this help to diminish the importance of your equations?

Distance being relative only. I realize this is a relative universe... according to our 5 senses. But I believe there is a considerable influencial dynamic exerted upon the relative by the quantum existence or the existence of the quantum universe.

In any case, when we remove distance... I believe the planets have the doctor, nurse, baby, MRI magnet, hospital-total, cement outside, mountain range nearby and the planet Earth pretty well out weighed and well influenced.

Please excuse the "molecular weight" thing screw up. I meant weight or as you have incredibly pointed out "mass". Thanks again.
  • #82
I have shown you the physics, what you speak of is not physics. I thought this was a thread of the Physics of Astrology. The only possible physical force acting is that of gravity. I have shown that the physical effects of distanct astronomical objects cannot be of sifnificance. Though in my original post I did provide significant effect which varies with the season that could be a factor in human emotional make up. I am somewhat surprised that you have not even mentioned that.
  • #83
Growth stages of the embryo ...

Originally posted by Integral
Using fundamental Newtonian physics it is easy to calculate the force that planets, the sun, the moon or any distant star exerts on the human body. When the numbers are crunched, it turns out that the doctor or nurse standing near a new born baby exert stronger gravataionsl force then any other massive body in the universe (other then the earth). I think it is save to say that the planets cannot have any effect on our emotial makeup.

You speak about a new born baby.
In the new born baby his basic structure is already fixed.
The baby's basic structure will not be changed by the presence of the doctor or the nurse.

We need to look to the situations/stages of GROWTH ... of the embryo .
If due a cosmic event X the 'first' basic cellular splitting of organ Y is influenced in a negative way that organ Y will have a "bad start" which will influence it's later growth as embryo, and it's later function when born and in it's further life.

Originally posted by pelastration
I put on my website an animated gif-image (which I made for another website):
A possible explanation for Astrology can be that each planet acts as a lens (focusing the energies it receives) or as a blocking structure (dispensing/spreading) for these energy bombardments.

In this animated image I made a green square and a white square with in each some galaxies. These may have each billions of light years in distance between them, so they may send other types of radiation. The green and white spot on the trajectory of Mars will be -at a specific moment - covered by Mars and at that moment Mars might "re-transmit" these energies, colored by it's own structural composition.

A transit over such spots might influence the concept of embryo's during specific growing phases (think about the basic start of the eyes in week X, nerves in week Z, synapses in week Y, ...

Third Week.—By the end of the third week the embryo is strongly curved, and the primitive segments number about thirty. The primary divisions of the brain are visible, and the optic and auditory vesicles are formed.

So specific and "temporal unique' radiation maybe determinate the outcome of very important BASIC stages in the embryo's growth. That will influence the complete further structure of the embryo.
For example: when in the third week the optic and auditory vesicles are formed and the energy bombardments are of quality Z then the eyes and ears will contain a layer with Z quality.


While the newly formed animal is developing its various types of tissues it is called an embryo but, after these tissues are acquired and until birth or hatching, it is called a foetus.

Stages of Embryology

In a telolecithal egg, cell division starts as a small disk and does not spread very far into the viscous yolk mass on which the disk is located.

Cleavage is the process by which a zygote or fertilized ovum subdivides into smaller cells called blastomeres. When a new embryo has subdivided into a ball of eight or more blastomeres, but has not yet formed layers of blastomeres, it is called a morula.

The morula starts to form a new animal from a clump cells called the inner call mass(A). Then the morula forms itself into a layer of cells called the trophoblast(B) surrounding a fluid filled space - the blastocoele(C) .

The trophoblast contributes to the placenta and is lost at birth. The inner cell mass together with the trophoblast form a blasotocyst. The embryo developing from the inner cell mass becomes roofed-over by amniotic folds that later fuse to form a complete layer - the amnion.

Endoderm cells (F; which eventually form the gut and its associated organs like the liver) spread from the inner cell mass over the inner surface of the trophoblast and, at this stage, the blastocyst is said to be bilaminar or two- layered.

The blastocyst becomes trilaminar or three-layered when mesoderm cells (E; which eventually will form muscles, bones, and fat) migrate from the inner cell mass spreads between the outer trophoblast layer and the inner endoderm layer.

The mesoderm layer then splits internally, and a cavity expands within the mesoderm to become the extra-embryonic coelom(G).

F. Organogenesis

Germ layers differentiate
i. Ectoderm
--Brain, nervous system, hair, and skin
--Neural tube a primary target of malnutrition

ii. Mesoderm
--Muscles, Bones, Cardiovascular, Reproductive, and Excretory Systems
--Also a major target of malnutrition and toxins.

iii. Endoderm
--Digestive and respiratory systems, some glandular organs.
  • #84

What ever. In that case the size of car the mother has been riding in, the side of the bed she sleeps on, the proximity of the refridgerator, all of the objects which are part of the life of the mother will have a larger physical effect then the planets.

Why do you waste server space by quoting yourself?
  • #85
in my own personal opinion, it might be possible that the "physics" of astrology are yet to be discovered...

as the law of correspondence goes, when one believes that everything in the universe has a connection (even a minute one)

as above, so below
as within, so without
as the universe, so the soul

for those who choose not to see how this works, will not understand the language of is not a science, and therefore physics as we know it today, will not be able to "prove" it...
  • #86
neutrino's may change the insight too?

Originally posted by Integral
What ever. In that case the size of car the mother has been riding in, the side of the bed she sleeps on, the proximity of the refridgerator, all of the objects which are part of the life of the mother will have a larger physical effect then the planets.
I seems you don't get it ... or don't want even to try to understand it.

But indeed we may not exclude that a 'radiating' microwave device may influence also the billions momenta of 'essential' cell splitting of mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm in the embryo.
The massive neutrino impact (and maybe particles not yet discovered) will influence much stronger than rather passive objects because:
- some transits of slow planet take a long time of CONSTANT lensing or repulsion/shielding.
- particle bombardment may destroy of mutate on the fundament levels of bounding.

Since the Moon is very fast and sizewise massive its influence will be large in magnitude too.
Probably yesterday eclipse will have also influence on the just procreated embryo's since their starting splitting just started.
Originally posted by Integral
Why do you waste server space by quoting yourself?
Since you pay the bills I understand that such unacceptable behavior worries you.
I repeated that because I understood you didn't understood. I was right.
OK I will ignore your NEXT reply to make the balance back.
Of course you can report it to yourself and exclude me from this thread or even of PF.
  • #87
Chill out!

Why the agression? I have been talking physics, you are being obnoxious, why?

IF you consider the fact that the moon, makes nine complete revolutions of the Earth during the gestation period of a baby it essentially nullifies itself.

But indeed we may not exclude that a 'radiating' microwave device may influence also the billions momenta of 'essential' cell splitting of mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm in the embryo.

You are absoulty correct, I do not understand a word of this, what are you saying?

If you will read my posts you may notice that I am talking about gravity, I have spoken of daylengty as a significant factor. You seem to be ignoring my posts and rambling on about an entirely different topic. If you are going to quote me please address my posts.
  • #88
There is much more between heaven ...

Originally posted by Kerrie
in my own personal opinion, it might be possible that the "physics" of astrology are yet to be discovered...

as the law of correspondence goes, when one believes that everything in the universe has a connection (even a minute one)

as above, so below
as within, so without
as the universe, so the soul

for those who choose not to see how this works, will not understand the language of is not a science, and therefore physics as we know it today, will not be able to "prove" it...
Indeed. When you don't want to see it ... you will not see it.
My target is to 'integrate' in an integral way the various aspects in a logic knowledge system.
Progress always starts on the abstract level, then is materialized in matter (brain, symbols, letters, maths, paper, books, website, ... and eventually patents and products). That takes time ...
Every product - like a telephone, a car, the Web - started with a dream, an idea, ...
  • #89
Originally posted by Kerrie
in my own personal opinion, it might be possible that the "physics" of astrology are yet to be discovered...

as the law of correspondence goes, when one believes that everything in the universe has a connection (even a minute one)

as above, so below
as within, so without
as the universe, so the soul

for those who choose not to see how this works, will not understand the language of is not a science, and therefore physics as we know it today, will not be able to "prove" it...

Thanks for coming back Kerrie. You have a point. However, astrology has been known to prove itself... with no one's help!

OK Integral... I think Kerrie has made a point about what I'm asking here. There has been little effort put into the actual mechanics involved with astrology. We are pioneering.

Loop quantum gravity may play a factor in the physics of astrology.

Pelastration: The New Born idea comes from the fact that, AT BIRTH, the personality goes through an incredible TRAUMA... during this trauma the personality may be far more suseptable to certain positions, placements, presence and other psuedo-relative-quantum factors.
  • #90
Originally posted by quantumcarl
Thanks for coming back Kerrie. You have a point. However, astrology has been known to prove itself... with no one's help!

OK Integral... I think Kerrie has made a point about what I'm asking here. There has been little effort put into the actual mechanics involved with astrology. We are pioneering.

Loop quantum gravity may play a factor in the physics of astrology.

Pelastration: The New Born idea comes from the fact that, AT BIRTH, the personality goes through an incredible TRAUMA... during this trauma the personality may be far more suseptable to certain positions, placements, presence and other psuedo-relative-quantum factors.
quantumcarl ... the new born doesn't falls from the blue. ;-)
It's various growth phases will influence also his perception ... and the birth trauma is one of the factors. For sure during growth the child is in a kind of quantum superposition and at birth this state of mind comes to consciousness.

Kerrie, maybe you will appreciate some more explanation on : "But indeed we may not exclude that a 'radiating' microwave device may influence also the billions momenta of 'essential' cell splitting of mesoderm, endoderm, ectoderm in the embryo."

We need now to materialize some terms:
On the moment of Fertilization (lets take as symbol F) the cell starts to split in three essential levels: mesoderm (M), endoderm (En), ectoderm (Ec).
Cell splitting: 1 ->2 ->4 ->8 ->16 -> 32 ->64 ->128 -> , etc. Let's relate them to TIME (T).
T16 means the number of days in which the numbers n of cells are made.

RSj : is the symbol for the Radiation Shielded by Jupiter.
RSm: is the symbol for the Radiation Shielded by Moon. etc.
RLj: is the symbol for the Radiation Lensed by Jupiter. etc.
RLs: is the symbol for the Radiation Lensed by Saturn. etc.
RBx : is the symbol for the Radiation Bombardment by Space sector x. etc.
RQx: is the symbol for the Radiation quality Space sector x. etc. To simply let say there are green (g = harmonic) and red (r = disharmonic) qualities. RQxg= thus positive.

On Jan 1, 2000, on T1 'Little John' was procreated.
At that moment T1 there was (1) RSj of RBx with RQxg and (2) RLs of RBy of RQyg.
Let hypothese that M (mesoderm) is most sensible to RQxg - which is shielded at that moment: -> growth of M: the first M cells is retarded.
Let hypothese that Ec is most sensible to RQyg - which is Einstein lensed at that moment: -> growth of Ec: the first Ec cells are boosted.

So the growth of Little John first cells is unbalanced: M is less developed than Ec.
Because of M is less developed in it's basic structure little John will ALWAYS have a basic problem related to all organs following from M (Muscles, Bones, Cardiovascular, Reproductive, and Excretory Systems).

But lucky for Little John Ec was more developed in it's basic structure so he will ALWAYS have a basic advantage related to all organs following from Ec (Brain, nervous system, hair, and skin) and influence migration of related cells.

Now if Little Mary is procreated on March 21, 2000 the positions and conditions of Jupiter (RB z155) and Saturn (RBf3511) have changed since Jan 1 2000 (the T1 of Little John). So Little Mary's M and Ec will have a different growing pattern than Little John's.
Maybe here M (bones) is over-excited by RLj giving here the basics for a larger head.

Now while Little Mary is in here T1 our Little John is already in his T80. And thus RLj will cause in Little John an over-excitement on a growth phase in for example En (T80: the finishing phase in a specific glandular organ).

Next to this a device like a micro-wave oven, a television set, a mobile, ... will also radiate frequencies which may damage or over-excite M, Ec and En.
And also other environmental aspects like photons (daylight) and occasional events like food may will influence T1, T2 --> ±T270.

We may presume that during the development of M, Ec and En there are very essential KEY-moments.
The T1 to T10 will surely be essential since at these moments the basic qualities of M, Ec and En are determinated. Around T21 the eyes are started ... so there again there will be billions of combinations, but the basics of the eyes are already settled in T1 to T10.

Some people may think that 'IF you consider the fact that the moon, makes nine complete revolutions of the Earth during the gestation period of a baby it essentially nullifies itself. '
Of course this is not correct since such a view puts T1, T28, T56 ... on the same level.

So the development is like a tree with all kind of branches. Once a branch starts all his sub-branches and leaves and fruit will inherent follow that position and qualities.

I hope you understand.

This link can be interesting: Radiation Health Effects of Dosages <>
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  • #91
typically, astrologers do not consider the celestial aspects to affect a fetus entirely dependent on it's mother for life...natal astrology works at the time of birth, because at that moment the individual has free will away from the mother who had housed him or her in a womb...
  • #92
Originally posted by Kerrie
typically, astrologers do not consider the celestial aspects to affect a fetus entirely dependent on it's mother for life...natal astrology works at the time of birth, because at that moment the individual has free will away from the mother who had housed him or her in a womb...
Kerrie, since 1964 I make astrologic themes. ;-)
I use them to receive information which can not be obtained in another way.
I am open to any system of information gathering. I never say apriori "no". So in 1964 I said: let's see. And indeed it's usefull for sure.
But that doesn't make it to me an absolute system.
If you want to come to a Physics of astrology you need to include parameters like Mesoderm, ectoderm and endoderm because they are the basic physical defolding in the physical world. Then you can link them to chakra's and if you want to reincarnation and conservation of energy.
Western astrology is nice and analytic , but the sythesizing Chinese is nice too.

As said in my previous reply: the moment of birth is the change of mind from superposition to self-consciousness as an indepent unity.
  • #93
Originally posted by Kerrie
typically, astrologers do not consider the celestial aspects to affect a fetus entirely dependent on it's mother for life...natal astrology works at the time of birth, because at that moment the individual has free will away from the mother who had housed him or her in a womb...

Kerrie, is the exact time and place (hemisphere) of birth is acounted for?

QuantumCarl, I asked this because, as the saying goes, "The moon is always full, you just can't always see it." In other words, the relation of the child at time and place of birth to the heavens, if indeed significant, is greatly altered by a few hours. The Earth could place itself between the child and several heavenly bodies and negate or alter any influence of gravity, electro magnetism, radiation field, etc. from those sources.

As I said earlier, if there is a relationship of Astrology to a physical science I would look closer to the child. There are proven correlations between the mother's food and drug intake during pregnancy and the child's condition after birth (children born with addictions of drug addict mother's, birth defects from drinking alcohol, etc.). Eating habits and sleeping habits change with the seasons (some foods are more readily available on a seasonal basis such as fruit and vegetables and the way they are processed, some people don't go to bed until after dark even early to bed types). Temperature on the day before a child is born could have an effect far greater than the position of Mars on the birthday, etc.

I would look closer for a relationship of science to Astrology.
  • #94
Originally posted by Artman
Kerrie, is the exact time and place (hemisphere) of birth is acounted for?

QuantumCarl, I asked this because, as the saying goes, "The moon is always full, you just can't always see it." In other words, the relation of the child at time and place of birth to the heavens, if indeed significant, is greatly altered by a few hours. The Earth could place itself between the child and several heavenly bodies and negate or alter any influence of gravity, electro magnetism, radiation field, etc. from those sources.

As I said earlier, if there is a relationship of Astrology to a physical science I would look closer to the child. There are proven correlations between the mother's food and drug intake during pregnancy and the child's condition after birth (children born with addictions of drug addict mother's, birth defects from drinking alcohol, etc.). Eating habits and sleeping habits change with the seasons (some foods are more readily available on a seasonal basis such as fruit and vegetables and the way they are processed, some people don't go to bed until after dark even early to bed types). Temperature on the day before a child is born could have an effect far greater than the position of Mars on the birthday, etc.

I would look closer for a relationship of science to Astrology.

I don't have time to go into all of this but I will remind the audience that the tides are governed by the moon and its phases... and, not suprizingly, lunacy seems to tie in there somewhere.

I will also note that when a person is born the astrologer calculates what planet and what constellations are RISING... as in on or above the horizon of the new born's event horizon.

These implications and suppositions seem to take care of some of the raized questions in the quote above. Thank you.
  • #95
The moon may well have an effect, but hasn't it had it all through the pregnancy? What if the baby is born on a moving vehicle? Does the direction that the mother is facing during the delivery make a difference? What about a breach birth?

Too many variables.
  • #96
Originally posted by Artman
The moon may well have an effect, but hasn't it had it all through the pregnancy? What if the baby is born on a moving vehicle? Does the direction that the mother is facing during the delivery make a difference? What about a breach birth?

Too many variables.

Many variables indeed.

I will take a post from FZ+ (I believe it was him who posted this) and apply it here...

If you drop a pen the chances of it landing in a certain spot are astronomically inprobable, many many variables can affect its final resting spot. But you can very easily guess the basic area it will land in, and with a high degree of accuracy. All astrology does, I believe, is make fairly, not entirely, rough estimates of personalities, and such. And with the methods it describes it can be fairly accurate.

I certainly do not believe astrology, I posted a while back a lengthy post that outlines my position, but it is just as accurate as any method you could come up with in gauging ones future.
  • #97
Originally posted by kyle_soule
...I certainly do not believe astrology, I posted a while back a lengthy post that outlines my position, but it is just as accurate as any method you could come up with in gauging ones future.

The odd thing is that I have seen a correlation between several personality types and their Astrological sign. My wife is a classic example of her sign of Gemini, I am a typical Libra, I know several others who fit well with theirs. I doubt that the alignment of the planets at the moment of birth could effect this, considering the variable factors that are not the same at the same month in different years and in different hemispheres. The sun and the moon are not as variable as say the position of Jupiter or its relation to Mars and Venus, etc.
  • #98
The moon may well have an effect, but hasn't it had it all through the pregnancy? What if the baby is born on a moving vehicle? Does the direction that the mother is facing during the delivery make a difference? What about a breach birth?

astrology is a "struggle" of sorts between the independent free will of a human being (fetuses are not considered to have this yet) vs. the "blue print" of tendencies, strengths, and weakness aka: the natal chart

EXACT time is best in order for the natal chart to be accurate

latitude and longitude are considered when calculating the place of birth, so i don't think a moving vehicle would make much of a difference...the Earth moves a whole lot faster then a car anyway...

breach birth makes no what matters is the exact time when the child is free from her mother..

libra and gemini are both "air" signs, you both are probably more intellectual then emotional, spiritual or logical...

astrology affects more of a person's pychology over a physical health, although i have studied many charts and compared to a person's health...the moon and rising sign of a person can determine vulnerable parts of the body should illness set in...
  • #99
Originally posted by Artman
The odd thing is that I have seen a correlation between several personality types and their Astrological sign. My wife is a classic example of her sign of Gemini, I am a typical Libra, I know several others who fit well with theirs. I doubt that the alignment of the planets at the moment of birth could effect this, considering the variable factors that are not the same at the same month in different years and in different hemispheres. The sun and the moon are not as variable as say the position of Jupiter or its relation to Mars and Venus, etc.

It is true you will notice tendencies towards personalities, but the predictions of personalities aren't always accurate, and are pretty vague and cover a large portion of the population. I think you will also find people 'forming' themselves to fit their sign, or disregarding the predictions that aren't true.
  • #100
Originally posted by Kerrie
astrology is a "struggle" of sorts between the independent free will of a human being (fetuses are not considered to have this yet) vs. the "blue print" of tendencies, strengths, and weakness aka: the natal chart
Kerrie, do you think astrology's departure point is the idea of reincarnation?If so, the conception (Spirit - chakratic - coupling with DNA) is the start of the vehicle. In such case growing - as putting extra material layers over the spirit - makes the spiritual entity to 'forget' his spiritual experiences of past lives. What is your opinion about this?
  • #101
Originally posted by Kerrie
astrology is a "struggle" of sorts between the independent free will of a human being (fetuses are not considered to have this yet) vs. the "blue print" of tendencies, strengths, and weakness aka: the natal chart

EXACT time is best in order for the natal chart to be accurate

latitude and longitude are considered when calculating the place of birth, so i don't think a moving vehicle would make much of a difference...the Earth moves a whole lot faster then a car anyway...

breach birth makes no what matters is the exact time when the child is free from her mother..

libra and gemini are both "air" signs, you both are probably more intellectual then emotional, spiritual or logical...

astrology affects more of a person's pychology over a physical health, although i have studied many charts and compared to a person's health...the moon and rising sign of a person can determine vulnerable parts of the body should illness set in...

This sort of information is invaluable to what we are trying to determine in this thread... the physics of astrology. Physics is all about positions, effects, coordinates and prediction. Simlarily, as Kerrie has illustrated... astrology tends toward these same sentiments and synergies. Thanks Kerrie.
  • #102
thanks russ...i also think it is important for those who are considering the validity of astrology also be as well educated in astronomy and geometry, as knowledge in both will help tremendously in understaning how astrology functions...

palestration, i am not sure i understand your suggestion completely?
  • #103
Originally posted by Kerrie
thanks russ...i also think it is important for those who are considering the validity of astrology also be as well educated in astronomy and geometry, as knowledge in both will help tremendously in understaning how astrology functions...

palestration, i am not sure i understand your suggestion completely?

Russ??!? You can call me qc !
  • #104
Originally posted by Kerrie
palestration, i am not sure i understand your suggestion completely?
Ok I rephrase, but in fact and answer also ;-)

1. What's the vision behind astrology ?
I always thought it is based on the idea of reincarnation. (which is conservation of spiritual energy).
By astrology it is thus possible to see in what phase the person (the vehicle) is in the karmatic wheel.

2. During the procreation (the act) the free spiritual vehicle connects with the matter (DNA) through the chakra-connections. From that moment spirit and body are joined.

3. After this basic joint the embryo grows. It is still conscious about it's past spiritual life and spiritual entity.

4. But the more the embryo grows the more it is involved in body-related development. Extra material layers make that the attention changes from spiritual to material focus. That's because now the conservation of the new body is most important.
That makes that the spiritual entity 'forget' his past spiritual experiences.
So the foetus has after nine months almost a 'blank' consciousness.

5. The shock/trauma of birth pushes the baby in a new reality. The moment of birth, the place of birth and corresponding positions of planets indicate the future "perception of reality".
You can say: with what colored spectacles will this person see in this life? If he or she has red glasses he or she will see everything with a red shine, etc..
The moment and place gives the Ascendant and Midheaven (most important houses), and exact aspects between the planets.

6. Because the combinations of positions of the planets are unique the same positions will occur only back in about 16,000 years. That makes us unique.

7. Of course the basic physical properties of the person started with: the DNA given by the parents.
and other factors:
8. - the moment of conception which indicates what planet trajectories in the next nine months may excite the growth phases of endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm (see previous),
9. the seasons and light influence.
10. the food and other exogenous factors of the mother (smoking, drugs, smog, radiation, ...).

In my opinion important:
A. The dynamics of life: the social impact related to percept reality (influence of religion, family, school, ...) will also play next to point 5.
B. Astrology - and the karma - include some predestination. This is not absolute. The future has periodical degrees of self-generating repetition: the person will repeat some failures again and again, till he transcends by insight.
C. Astrology predicts that structural problems (spiritual and physical) will be excited when fundamental weak spots are attacked by specific planetary positions (cfr. shielding / lensed). This happens also in positive sense. Example: a 'bad' aspect of some planets including the Moon may repeat every seven days (two squares + one opposition + one conjunction), but also every seven years.

Of course there is more ...

What is your opinion about this?
  • #105

I am not sure if I think that astrology shows the "progress" of where a person is in the karmatic wheel. I believe the energy that makes us alive is influenced by the celestial aspects, but that energy doesn't necessarily evolve, but changes. So in fact, our spiritual energy that gives us our will, our desires, etc reincarnates into another life, perhaps changed by it's previous experiences of being carnated into the physical world. Ultimately, I believe all of life is connected as one, but has it's own expression of the "The One".

Is this more or less what you were trying to communicate? The human verbal language can be a major barrier when trying to understand one another

Otherwise, I very much agree to your perception of astrology in your post.

QC~PLEASE forgive me! That was an embarrasing mistake!