Can the integration of sine be proven using Euler's formula?

In summary, there are several ways to prove the integration of the sine function, including using Taylor series, the definition of a derivative, and Euler's formula. The constant of integration is arbitrary and can be chosen to be any value, as long as the derivative of that value is zero. The graph provided does not accurately represent the integral of sine, but rather a combination of the cosine function and an arbitrary constant. The ultimate goal is to find a way to connect the mathematical and geometrical solutions for the integration of sine.
  • #1
Is there any proof for the integration of sine function beside the "fundamental theorem of calculus"

I know that the derivative of sine function is driven by the limit of sin(x)/x , is there a way to prove the integration of sine like this.

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  • #2
Er, what exactly are you looking for here? Are you looking for a proof that the integral of sin(x) is -cos(x)?
  • #3
Yes, exactly, this is what I am looking for
  • #4
The power series for sin and cos are one way to look at it. You can also derive it from the definition of derivative and the angle addition formulas.
  • #6
I'm wondering if there would be some way to prove it using Riemann sums, which I think is what the OP is going for. But I'm not sure how to do that... set [tex]\Delta x[/tex] to 1/n, I guess, and then what for sin(xi)?
  • #7
Char. Limit said:
I'm wondering if there would be some way to prove it using Riemann sums, which I think is what the OP is going for. But I'm not sure how to do that... set [tex]\Delta x[/tex] to 1/n, I guess, and then what for sin(xi)?

I guess you could do something like that, but the differentiation/integration are readily available (and easy to derive) for your standard a . x^n, which is a lot easier to do on a term by term basis.

I remember a very very long time ago (when I was in high school), we used some results of certain limits (like lim sin(x)/x as x -> 0) and the definition of a derivative to get sin(x) from first principles. That may be what you're asking but to verify its along these lines:
  • #8
Char. Limit said:
I'm wondering if there would be some way to prove it using Riemann sums, which I think is what the OP is going for. But I'm not sure how to do that... set [tex]\Delta x[/tex] to 1/n, I guess, and then what for sin(xi)?

Actually this is exactly what I hope to find. a way to prove it using Riemann sums.
I didn't ask this question before until I noticed that the integration of sine looks this


How can i tell from the figure that the integration is -cos(x)
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  • #9
It would probably be easier to show that the derivative of -cos(x) is sin(x), using the difference quotient definition. After that you could use the fundamental theorem of calculus (assuming you can use that?)
  • #10
chiro said:
In case you're unaware of what power series are (and taylor series) see:

I got your point but if I integrate sin(x) as in the form of Taylor series :


I end up missing 1


it should be -cos(x)+1
  • #11
You're forgetting about the constant of integration. This is exactly the reason that it's important, the integral is not complete without it!
  • #12
In this case can you help me to show how to calculate C. it should be -1 in order to have the integration of sin(x) as -cos(x)
  • #13
I'm not sure what that plot is showing, but it's not the integration of sin(x) to get cos(x). At first glance the curve doesn't have the correct period or height to be the integral of the sine curve, but even if the two curves were plotted on different scales, the large yellow curve is not just a cosine. It looks more like a sin^2(x) curve - look at the way the curve bends as it reaches the x axis, and compare it to the sine curve beneath it. EDIT: Okay, it's a cos(x)+const, I guess I missed that.
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  • #14
mnada said:
In this case can you help me to show how to calculate C. it should be -1 in order to have the integration of sin(x) as -cos(x)

Yes its an arbitrary constant. If you want it to be -1 then you make it -1. That's what arbitrary means.

Why is it arbitrary? Because the derivative of any constant is zero. It doesn't have to be any specific number in order to have this property.
  • #15
Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it.
First of all I understood the idea of C and how to get the integration of sin by Taylor series.
I also found another mathematical proof which is a kind that I was looking for "by using Euler’s formula
For me now the mathematical proof is set.

For the above graph the thick curve is the integration of the sin as the area under the curve (note that the integration of sin from 0-pi is 2 and this is what you have here).

you can look at this graph as 1-cos(x). My last goal is how to bring together the mathematical solution with the geometrical solution

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FAQ: Can the integration of sine be proven using Euler's formula?

1. What is the integration of sin(x)?

The integration of sin(x) is equal to -cos(x) + C, where C is the constant of integration.

2. How do I integrate sin(x)?

To integrate sin(x), you can use the power rule and the trigonometric identity cos(x) = sin'(x). The resulting integral is -cos(x) + C.

3. Why is the integration of sin(x) important?

The integration of sin(x) is important in many applications of mathematics, including physics and engineering. It allows us to find the area under the curve of a sine function and is also used in solving differential equations.

4. Can I use a calculator to integrate sin(x)?

Yes, most scientific calculators have a built-in integration function that can be used to find the integral of sin(x).

5. Is there a shortcut for integrating sin(x)?

Yes, you can use the substitution method to simplify the integration of sin(x). This involves replacing sin(x) with another variable, u, and then solving for the integral in terms of u before substituting back in for x.

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