Can wrist braces help with insomnia?

  • Thread starter franznietzsche
  • Start date
In summary: I don't remember what the hearing was about.It was about a zoning change for my neighbor's house. I don't live near them, so it didn't affect me. But I do live near a school, so it might affect future students.In summary, these people are experts on sleep and insomnia. They share their experiences and opinions on the matter.

Do you have Insomnia?

  • Yes, now tell me more about this sleep you speak of...

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • Zzzz.....

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • #106
honestrosewater said:
Yes, sleep is a horrible waste of time.

Moobear, do you know if anyone is trying to find a way to get all the benefits of sleep (whatever they may be) while still staying conscious?

Hypnotic sleep is supposed to work just as well in only 1/10th the time.
Physics news on
  • #107
Do you remember your sources?
  • #108
honestrosewater said:
Do you remember your sources?

Every stage hypnotist I've ever seen has said that. I have no idea if its true. The people i know who have been hypnotized say that it works very well.
  • #109
11:55 PM, dum de dum dum.
  • #110
Midnight. We currently out number the "sleep-o-philes" by 8 to 1. That should be sufficient to initiate the next phase of the plan.
  • #111
franznietzsche said:
Midnight. We currently out number the "sleep-o-philes" by 8 to 1. That should be sufficient to initiate the next phase of the plan.

Muwahahahahaha! :devil:
  • #112
Moonbear said:
Muwahahahahaha! :devil:

If only you knew that my Evil Genius score was 82%.

  • #113
franznietzsche said:
If only you knew that my Evil Genius score was 82%.


Great, now I have to go take the stupid Evil Genius test...
  • #114
What? 82%?! Obviously the author of this test could not comprehend the true evilness of my answers.
  • #115
HA! 87%

That means I'm the top Evil Genius!
  • #116
Smurf said:
HA! 87%

That means I'm the top Evil Genius!

Top Evil, but not top Genius.
  • #117
Right, now that we've established I am the leader of our evil organization, time to establish a chain of command.

Franz you will be in charge of building the secret underground hollowed-out volcanoe on a deserted island of indescriminate location.

honestrosewater, contact our subordinates in the white house and find the nuclear launch codes.

Moonbear, Get me my coffee.
  • #118
Smurf said:
Right, now that we've established I am the leader of our evil organization, time to establish a chain of command.

Franz you will be in charge of building the secret underground hollowed-out volcanoe on a deserted island of indescriminate location.

honestrosewater, contact our subordinates in the white house and find the nuclear launch codes.

Moonbear, Get me my coffee.

You forgot the subtle machiavellian manipulation of the foolish masses to put our lackeys into the the world governments. We need to control: Presidency of USA, PM of Britain, Cuba, Russia, and France, just so their government can't impotently complain about our takeover, cause we control it.

I'll call Carl Rove, that should do the trick.
  • #119
Good thinking #2, damnit, Honestrosewater is sleeping on the job again, so is moonbear, hire a new minion to get me my coffee!
  • #120
Smurf said:
Good thinking #2, damnit, Honestrosewater is sleeping on the job again, so is moonbear, hire a new minion to get me my coffee!

I nominate the blue midget as head coffee fetcher!
  • #121
I cannot stand this insubordination!
I'm going to go watch South Park, #2 your in command until my return.
  • #122
Smurf said:
I cannot stand this insubordination!
I'm going to go watch South Park, #2 your in command until my return.

Roger Roger
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  • #123
Sleeping? Never. I was arming the penguins.
  • #124
franznietzsche said:
Roger Roger

Now to consolidate my hold on the subordinates until i can pull his power structure out from under him in a coup de'tat that would have made Lenin proud.

Note to self: Control the urge to blurt out secret plans.
  • #125
Under #2's leadership, our power has grown to 9:1. hmmm...
  • #126
honestrosewater said:
Under #2's leadership, our power has grown to 9:1. hmmm...

Stop your blasphemous subversion. I'll have you reported for this. I will not tolerate your attempts to take over.
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  • #127
If you do not cease and desist immediately i will be forced to report the full extent of your plans to Lord Smurf.
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  • #128
I don't know, that sounds like a lot of work... and hard work doesn't seem to be very evil.
Why don't we just stick to the tried and true- deny, deny, deny.
  • #129
Okay, I'm back now... What? It looks like someone has been at my computer, posting traitorous posts... [wink, wink]
  • #130
Oh, well then we should find the cuplrit, and prove that it was them sending these seditious messages, not you.
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  • #131
Yes, we should start narrowing the list of suspects. It must have been someone who knew about our organization...
  • #132
WEll they obviously knew enough to know the physical locations of our computers so as to hack into them and access our secure networks. So we're looking for someone with resources, and computer skills. Probably someone operating from an isolated location, where he would be harder to track.
  • #133
And someone with a flimsy alibi... like they were alone watching an animated television show.
  • #134
No, surely they'd be smarter than that. If they were just "watching tv" we would know based upon our real time rating systems. The sudden decrease in the ratingsof an arbitrary show unknown to us would have revealed someone turning off their tv to go to a computer.
  • #135
Of course... unless they anticipated your thinking that they would be smarter than that? Inconceivable!
  • #136

Well I've searched the access points of our organization's computer network. I found no unauthorized accesses recorded at any point. This means the perpetrator was either a member, or had access to a member's terminal. But there are only a few terminals, which narrows our search considerably.
  • #137
Wait, I found a clue under the computer desk... it's a small piece of wood... oh, it's a reed... and judging from the size, a saxophone reed... hmmm... who do we know that plays the saxophone?
  • #138
I play the saxophone, what are you insinuating? I'll have you know, I'm a victim here too.
  • #139
Are you trying to frame me for framing you?
  • #140
I'm not saying anything... the evidence speaks for itself.

Besides, what the &$@% do you expect from a group of evil geniuses?