Can You Master This Unique Sci-Fi Trivia Challenge?

In summary, the author of the series of novels written under the pseudonym of Paul French, was not French and the book's hero was a robot who passed an impossible test.
  • #36
I am truly stumped. I ran through the whole cast and support for that Ep. and couldn't find anything!

Ivan you dirty dancer.
Physics news on
  • #37
MotoH said:
I am truly stumped. I ran through the whole cast and support for that Ep. and couldn't find anything!.

I'm disappointed. :frown:

Do you know what happens in Mayberry?
  • #38
Ivan Seeking said:
I'm disappointed. :frown:

Do you know what happens in Mayberry?

I do... Andy Griffith, and Mayberry is the "town" in NC... but... the maneuver? Stumped!
  • #39

The commercial included is incidental and not a clue.
  • #40
Ivan Seeking said:

The commercial included is incidental and not a clue.

Oh, I love those old commercials! I still listen to OTR (Old Time Radio), and one of my favourite, "Buy Blue Coal! It's the finest anthracite you can have for the home!" and of course, "Petri Wine, because 'Petri took time, to bring you good wine.'"

That said, unless Ron Howard is the link, I'm TOTALLY stumped.
  • #41
Ivan Seeking said:
NEW QUESTION: The first person to get this or the previous question goes next. This question includes a non-sci-fi reference.

What is the connection between Mayberry, North Carolina, and the Corbomite Maneuver.

Clint Howard. He was Leon in Mayberry, and Balok, captian of the Fesarius.
  • #42
Frame might of beaten me to it. But the link is that Clint Howard plays the child progity that is the one behind Balok in the STOS eps "The Corbomite Maneuver". Clint is the brother of Ron Howard.
  • #43
Oh, I was going for the Ron-Clint connection, but Janus gave a valid answer first. Clint Howard did appear on the Andy Griffith show. I had forgotten about that!

The answers to the first question were Abe and Aaron, who would time travel to the past by entering a rather crude looking box [boxers, like sliders] kept secretly in a U-Haul storage unit, for a certain period of time. At first, while in the past, they hid in a hotel and avoided answering their cell phones in order to avoid changing the past in ways not intended. This comes from what I consider to be the best hard sci-fi time travel movie ever made, made on a budget of about $6000 no less, the award winning, Primer.
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  • #44
Janus said:
Clint Howard. He was Leon in Mayberry, and Balok, captian of the Fesarius.

HOLY explative deleted! I wouldn't have gotten that in a million years, and I love star trek(s)! Hell, I have a funny story about a car ride with the fellow who played Gowron (Robert O'Rielly)... he apparently visited Marlon Brando's house, and the conversation played out thusly...

Rob talking to those of us in the car, and this is obviously paraphrased from memory told us this story: He [Rob] met Marlon Brando, later in his Brando's life. He invited him into his home, and chatted, but I no longer remember that portion of his story sadly. Brando's daughter walked by, said hello, and left on her way. So, again, according to O'Rielly, Brando looks at him and asks, "So... do you like my daughter?"

Needless to say, Rob didn't have a ready answer for this, but almost IMMIDIATELY after asking that question, Marlon Brando asks, "...Do you like Hagen Daasz?" Then heads off to snag a pint from the freezer. I cannot describe how odd it was (I was quite young) seeing the man who played a character I loved from STNG, talk about this surreal experience.

That was it. That, was the sum total of the meaningful conversation Brando offered... and Rob, who from the little I know of him (met him a few times after that) is not shy or overly reserved, but by his own admission he was absolutely flabbergasted! I mean, this is a hero to him, and in the same breath he asks for an opinion on his daughter, and then ice cream!


Truly... the world is strange. I've worked around a few actors when I was younger (purely incidentally), and they're damned normal for the most part, but apparently not Marlon Brando. :

Anyway... that's my tangent.
  • #45
Hari's legacy.
  • #46
Janus said:
Hari's legacy.

Would this be Psychohistory; combing history, sociology, and mathematical statistics to make exact predictions of the collective actions of very large groups of people. Delvopled by Hari Seldon the intellectual hero of Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series.
  • #47
Frame Dragger said:
HOLY explative deleted! I wouldn't have gotten that in a million years, and I love star trek(s)!

Howard's man-child and his alter-ego were two of the more memorable characters from the original series, imo. I remember being really creeped out when the episode first aired.


Next clue:
Janus said:
Hari's legacy.
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  • #48
Argentum Vulpes said:
Would this be Psychohistory; combing history, sociology, and mathematical statistics to make exact predictions of the collective actions of very large groups of people. Delvopled by Hari Seldon the intellectual hero of Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series.

Bingo!. Your turn.
  • #49

"Lets moon them."
  • #50
Argentum Vulpes said:

"Lets moon them."

  • #51
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
  • #52
Ivan Seeking said:
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

  • #53
maverick_starstrider said:

Whoops, mine was a guess at the quote "Let's moon them", by Argentum Vulpes.
  • #54
Janus said:

Yup Janus nailed what I was thinking about. Ivan would also be correct but I forgot about that until I just read it.
  • #55
@Ivan: Heh, it was still a good one. *waits for Janus*

I'm loving this game.
  • #56
Argentum Vulpes said:
Yup Janus nailed what I was thinking about. Ivan would also be correct but I forgot about that until I just read it.

What was the context for Firefly?
  • #57
Pilot episode, The crew has just been discovered pulling illegal salvage off of an alliance transport. It is Jane's line right before they start running.
  • #58
Argentum Vulpes said:
Pilot episode, The crew has just been discovered pulling illegal salvage off of an alliance transport. It is Jane's line right before they start running.

Huh, I saw that but it's not ringing a bell. What was the meaning? Is it just an expression for leaving someone behind?

For some reason, Firefly didn't capture my interest.
  • #59
I think it might have to do with the fact the main engine of the Firefly class ships is kinda like a project Orion engine. Also the big reason I liked Firefly was it was a western in space, so incredibly different then any of the Sci fi shows up to that point.
  • #60
Argentum Vulpes said:
I think it might have to do with the fact the main engine of the Firefly class ships is kinda like a project Orion engine. Also the big reason I liked Firefly was it was a western in space, so incredibly different then any of the Sci fi shows up to that point.

It has been so popular with other members that I intend to give the next disk [Netflix] a try. Some shows just take a little time to sink in.

While we're waiting for Janus, I want to give another plug for Primer. It is a MUST SEE for hard sci-fi lovers. It is far too dry for most viewers, and even for the sci-fi hearty, the first half hour is pretty tough, but the plot makes it worth the ride.
  • #61
Darwin did not make this trip.
  • #62
Janus said:
Darwin did not make this trip.

The Voyage of the Space Beagle
  • #63
Ivan Seeking said:
The Voyage of the Space Beagle

Oh I loved that book... I actually read it IN a library (in a corner of the stacks) when I was a kid. *wistful*
  • #64
Ivan Seeking said:
The Voyage of the Space Beagle

Yes. and I didn't even get to use my second clue:

"It's not about Snoopy traveling to the Moon"
  • #65
On this planet [name required], if you use the toilet, you get a receipt. Why?
  • #66
Ivan Seeking said:
On this planet [name required], if you use the toilet, you get a receipt. Why?

Because if you don't the balance will be taken OUT OF YOU, surgically. Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Douglas Adams, Baruch Dayan Emet.

Oh the name... I haven't read the book in a while, so I remember the sound from the radio show... Bethsilameen? Betsilamine?
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  • #67
Frame Dragger said:
Because if you don't the balance will be taken OUT OF YOU, surgically. Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Douglas Adams, Baruch Dayan Emet.

Oh the name... I haven't read the book in a while, so I remember the sound from he radio show... Bethsilameen? Betsilamine?

Yes! [is the name right? I'm not even sure] The planet was suffering from erosion resulting from space tourism, so the mass intake and return for each visitor were closely monitored. You hope to excrete as much as you eat or you go under the knife.
  • #68
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes! [is the name right? I'm not even sure] The planet was suffering from erosion resulting from space tourism, so the mass intake and return for each visitor were closely monitored. You hope to excrete as much as you eat or you go under the knife.

Ahhh, that was a GOOD one.


Here's the hint, in reference to a "character" in a book.

Silence in the coldest season.
  • #69
Ivan Seeking said:
Yes! [is the name right? I'm not even sure] The planet was suffering from erosion resulting from space tourism, so the mass intake and return for each visitor were closely monitored. You hope to excrete as much as you eat or you go under the knife.

It's "Bethselamin" to be exact.
  • #70
Frame Dragger said:
Here's the hint, in reference to a "character" in a book.

Silence in the coldest season.

Another clue?

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