Centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve?

In summary: The force is proportional to the square of the speed, so if you want to find the centrifugal force over a particular curve, you need to find the speed at the point of interest and then use the above equation to calculate the centrifugal force.
  • #1
Hi... I have kinda made this problem up myself. How would one calculate the effect of the centrifugal force over a curve. For instance the following problem is taken from Physics GRE test GR8677 Question 6, but I have modified the question.

The question states.

A particle is initially at rest at the top of a curved frictionless track. The x and y coordinates of the track are related in dimensionless units by y=(x^2)/4, where the positive y-axis is in the vertical downward direction. As the particle slides down the track, what is its tangential acceleration?

The solutions is gx/sqrt(x^2+4), which is easily obtained by differentiating y with respect to x to determine the slope of the tangent line, also related to tan(theta). Now you know both the opp and adj sides, so you can form sin(theta) from this giving you the answer.

Ok this is the tangential acceleration, but there must be some centrifugal acceleration which points perpendicular to the tangent line, and should decay because the radial length is getting larger. Any ideas in quantifying what the strength of the centrifugal acceleration is in terms of the position...

Or maybe, just determining the effective radius as a function of position.

Thanks in advance.



Here is my thinking. Similar to the derivation of the centrifugal acceleration, forgot about the fact that the blocks speed is increasing for the moment. I simply want to calculate the varying centrifugal force associated with the curved path. Consider a small time delta t, the vector change in velocity between time 0 and time dt should should point normal toward the surface. The speed we are assuming is the same, so the angle between the two velocity vectors is delta (theta).

Using the law of cosines, I can relate the change in the velocity vector (Delta V)^2= V^2 + V^2 - 2V^2 cos(delta theta), which obviously simplifies. Now I get that (Delta V) is 2*V*sqrt(1-cos(deta theta))

i have some ideas where to go next but I'm debating they will lead anywhere.

thanks again


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  • #2
The "velocity" vector is, of course, the derivative of the position vector with respect to time. The "acceleration" vector is the derivative of the velocity vector with respect to time. Resolve that acceleration vector into a component in the direction of the tangent to the curve at that point and a component perpendicular to the tangent. The component perpendicular to the tangent to the curve, multiplied by the mass, is the "centrifugal force" vector.

The component parallel to the tangent is the one responsible for changing the speed of the object.
  • #3
Yes I know this very well, that is how one can derive the centrifugal force around a circle.

The problem is determining what the centrifugal force should be over a particular curve, say y=x^2, given that you know your speed while traversing the curve.

FAQ: Centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve?

1. What is centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve?

Centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve is the force that acts on an object as it moves along a curved path. It is directed away from the center of the curve and is caused by the object's inertia trying to keep it moving in a straight line.

2. How is centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve calculated?

Centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve can be calculated using the formula a = v^2/r, where a is centrifugal acceleration, v is the velocity of the object, and r is the radius of the curve.

3. What factors affect centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve?

The two main factors that affect centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve are the velocity of the object and the radius of the curve. The greater the velocity or the smaller the radius, the greater the centrifugal acceleration.

4. How does centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve differ from centripetal acceleration?

Centrifugal acceleration and centripetal acceleration are often confused, but they are actually opposite forces. Centrifugal acceleration is the force that pulls an object away from the center of a curve, while centripetal acceleration is the force that pulls an object towards the center of a curve.

5. What are some real-world applications of centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve?

Centrifugal acceleration over a changing curve is a key concept in many fields, including physics, engineering, and transportation. It is used to understand and design roller coasters, car tires, and other curved structures. It is also important in fields such as aerospace, where it is used to calculate the forces acting on objects during flight.

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