Change in momentum: Child jumping from a swing on a playground

  • #1
Homework Statement
A child is on a playground swing. The playground has a rubber safety
The child, of mass 32 kg, jumped from the swing.
When the child reached the ground she took 180 milliseconds to slow down and stop.
During this time an average force of 800 N was exerted on her by the ground.
Calculate the velocity of the child when she first touched the ground.
Relevant Equations
Force = change in momentum / time
800 - (32 x 9.8) = 32v/0.18 where v = velocity
this gives me v = 2.736 m/s
The answer given, however, is 800 = 32v/0.18, i.e. v = 4.5 m/s
The difference, of course, is the weight of the child. I don't understand why this is not allowed for in the net force acting on the child. Can someone put me straight here?
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  • #2
hendrix7 said:
Homework Statement: A child is on a playground swing. The playground has a rubber safety
The child, of mass 32 kg, jumped from the swing.
When the child reached the ground she took 180 milliseconds to slow down and stop.
During this time an average force of 800 N was exerted on her by the ground.
Calculate the velocity of the child when she first touched the ground.
I think that the force due to gravity was included in the average force exerted upon her from the ground.
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Likes hendrix7
  • #3
I interpret the force "exerted on her by the ground" as the normal force from the ground, which would not include the child's weight. So, I like @hendrix7 's solution (2.7 m/s). Just my 2 cents.
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Likes hendrix7 and MatinSAR
  • #4
Let's see what Sir Isaac has to say.
We average the forces over a time interval ##\Delta t##. The time-average of ##mg## is ##mg##.
##\bar {F}_{\text{net}}=\bar N-mg.##
##\bar {F}_{\text{net}}=m\bar a=m\dfrac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}.##
Thus, ##m\dfrac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}=\bar N-mg.##
The force exerted on the child by the ground is the normal force ##N##. We are told that the average force exerted on her by the ground during this time interval is 800 N. Thus, ##\bar N = 800~##N. Substituting, $$32~(\text{kg}) \frac{0-v_0~(\text{m/s})}{0.18~(\text{s})}=800~(\text{N})-32~(\text{kg})*9.8~(\text{m/s}^2)\implies v_0=-2.7~(\text{m/s}).$$The negative sign says that ##v_0## is "down" in the same direction as the acceleration of gravity.

I think that this solution is transparent and sound. The answer given is incorrect.
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Likes hendrix7 and MatinSAR
  • #5
kuruman said:
The force exerted on the child by the ground is the normal force N.
Unless ground includes the whole Earth, as @gneill suggests. But I agree, the given answer is a blunder.
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Likes hendrix7
  • #6
haruspex said:
Unless ground includes the whole Earth, as @gneill suggests. But I agree, the given answer is a blunder.
If the idea were to include the Earth, then the given information should have been something like "During this time an average net force of 800 N was required to stop her." Probably the author didn't think there is a difference between "net" and "ground" since, after all, it's the ground that stops the girl.
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Likes hendrix7
  • #7
kuruman said:
If the idea were to include the Earth, then the given information should have been something like "During this time an average net force of 800 N was required to stop her." Probably the author didn't think there is a difference between "net" and "ground" since, after all, it's the ground that stops the girl.
Thanks, kuruman, that makes sense to me, and thanks to everyone else who replied.
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Likes berkeman and kuruman

Related to Change in momentum: Child jumping from a swing on a playground

What is momentum and how is it related to a child jumping from a swing?

Momentum is a measure of the quantity of motion an object has and is calculated as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. When a child jumps from a swing, their momentum changes as they transition from swinging to free-falling, due to the change in velocity and direction.

How does the height and speed of the swing affect the child's momentum?

The height and speed of the swing determine the velocity of the child at the moment they jump off. A higher swing height and greater speed result in a higher velocity, which in turn leads to greater momentum. The momentum is directly proportional to the velocity of the child.

What forces act on the child when they jump from the swing?

When the child jumps from the swing, several forces act on them, including gravitational force pulling them downwards, air resistance opposing their motion, and the initial force exerted by the child to propel themselves off the swing. These forces influence the change in momentum.

How can we calculate the change in momentum when the child jumps from the swing?

The change in momentum can be calculated by finding the difference between the child's momentum just before jumping and their momentum just after jumping. This involves measuring the child's mass and their velocities at both points. The formula is Δp = m(v_final - v_initial), where m is the mass and v is the velocity.

What safety considerations should be taken into account regarding momentum when a child jumps from a swing?

Safety considerations include ensuring the child jumps from a safe height to minimize the risk of injury upon landing, having a soft landing surface like sand or rubber mats to absorb impact, and ensuring the child has proper supervision and guidance to prevent accidents. Understanding the momentum helps in assessing the potential impact forces involved.

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