ChemE going into Junior Year.... Help me get back on track.

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  • Thread starter VoltaicChemE
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In summary, the speaker had a difficult sophomore year in college due to personal issues and it affected their academic performance. They have since bounced back and are determined to improve their grades by seeking help and getting involved in extracurricular activities. They also recognize the importance of building connections with peers and not giving up when faced with challenges. The speaker's ultimate goal is to achieve a 4.0 GPA, but they understand that research experience and practical skills are also important for their future career.
  • #1
Academically, I look like I slacked off sophomore year at UIUC. On the other hand, living in a really bad situation and losing focus during that year can do a number on you, but it's my fault I let it affect me.

Here's where we are, everyone. Over the course of a year, I have gone from having a 3.90 with my math classes having my best performances to a 3.53 with my math classes having my worst performances (sadly, flat C's in Calc III AND Linear Algebra, not proud at ALL, but the B+ in Diff Eq was... somewhat alright). On positive notes, I'm out of that horrible situation, and my discipline (or pressure to want to succeed) has returned. Additionally, I look quite good on paper after completing a biological research program over the summer at the University of Pittsburgh and having done previous biology research projects in high school.

However, while we may be human, I cannot deny I have always pressured myself to get a high GPA in order to counter algorithms or GPA requirements. So, as failsafes, tutoring will be used and mentoring will help me focus. Some have suggested resources on campus to help me deal with any emotional trauma I may have suffered. Additionally, while it would have been better to start last year, I am using my research experience to attempt to get into some labs on campus. Finally, becoming even more involved in a rocketry club on campus (thanks to more freedom with time) can allow me to look good for a potential internship involving propulsion. NASA may be a very far reach at this point, and I probably won't be an astronaut or anything, but it's always been a dream. I should definitely be spending more of my time doing that instead of acting in plays, which albeit can be quite fun.

Simply put, do I look ready to get back to getting 4.0's or close by working my butt off? I know I can do it, and there's nothing more I want to do, really. What suggestions would you have?
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  • #2
It sounds like you're on the right track. If you did have a difficult life situation and if it is still affecting you, or if you just want to get it off your chest, I do highly recommend speaking to your school's mental health professionals. I don't know any situation in life where people those are more readily available than when you're in school.

It is good to join clubs, not just for the experience of the club itself, but also for the connections you make in the club. You need to be close to people who have already taken your courses; they can be lifesavers.

Finally, a 4.0 in engineering simply comes with not knowing when to give up. You probably know by now (especially so) that sometimes it's difficult to keep working on a problem or studying because you're not getting anywhere and your time for sleep is drastically draining, but you have to keep working.

Also remember that a 4.0 isn't everything. Grad schools and I assume industry will care FAR more about how those research experiences went than your GPA, provided you have a solid GPA (and 3.5 is solid).

Related to ChemE going into Junior Year.... Help me get back on track.

1. What classes should I take to get back on track for my Junior year as a Chemical Engineering major?

As a Chemical Engineering major, some recommended classes for your Junior year include Thermodynamics, Mass and Energy Balances, Transport Phenomena, and Chemical Reactor Design. It is also important to consult with your academic advisor for specific requirements and course recommendations.

2. How can I improve my study habits and time management skills for my Junior year in Chemical Engineering?

To improve your study habits and time management skills, you can try creating a study schedule, breaking down larger tasks into smaller manageable ones, and seeking help from professors or tutoring services when needed. It is also important to prioritize your tasks and stay organized.

3. What extracurricular activities or internships should I participate in to enhance my Chemical Engineering skills during my Junior year?

Participating in internships, research opportunities, and joining relevant clubs or organizations can greatly enhance your Chemical Engineering skills during your Junior year. These experiences can also provide valuable networking opportunities and allow you to apply your knowledge in real-world settings.

4. How can I balance my coursework and extracurricular activities during my Junior year as a Chemical Engineering major?

To balance your coursework and extracurricular activities, it is important to prioritize and manage your time effectively. Make sure to stay organized, communicate with your professors and extracurricular advisors, and remember to take breaks to avoid burnout.

5. What are some resources available to help me succeed in my Junior year as a Chemical Engineering major?

There are many resources available to help you succeed in your Junior year as a Chemical Engineering major. These may include academic support services, study groups, tutoring services, and career services. Make sure to take advantage of these resources to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

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