Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

  • Chernobyl
  • Thread starter Kutt
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In summary, the Chernobyl NPP was shut down in 2000, and since then the spent fuel has been a source of concern. There have been many proposals for removing the fuel, but due to political complications, none of them have been successfully completed. Recently, there has been an increase in pressure to completely decommission the site, and the current plan is to finish the abandoned ISF-2 storage site and defuel 1-3. The picture showed a scrapped reactor 5 and 6, and the author mentioned a plan to build a giant dome over reactor 4 and dismantle it using giant cranes and robotic machines. The video also mentioned that Fukashima Daiichi in Japan is more dangerous and highly radioactive than Chernobyl.
  • #106
nikkkom said:
I am delighted that radiation was monitored.
However, are we mere mortals not deserving to know the measured levels?

the less you know - better sleep:smile:

the actual levels of accumulated dose can be seen working on personal dosimeters.
The level of exposure rate, as you know, depends on how far away from the source.
The sources on the tube a lot and they are not uniformly distributed.
As far as I know, the maximum dose of 1 mSv.
far more dangerous specific activity of the alpha-emitters in the air.
It is not reported ...

However, the installation of the shelter continues during disassembly of the pipe, then everything is OK.
Those who work on the pipe and next to her wearing a mask, it is visible in the photo.
In addition tools were used for fixing dust.

Map for 2004.


More can be read here
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Engineering news on
  • #107
Game Over.

VS-2 dismantling was completed.

Works on dismantling of the ChNPP II Generation Ventilation Stack (VS-2) were completed. 7 blocks with total weight of 330 tons were dismantled according to the Work Execution Plan.
Works on fragmentation of the dismantled blocks are underway within the specially prepared areas. The dismantled fragments are transported to Power Unit No.3 Turbine Hall by special vehicles for temporary storage.
440 fragments have been already placed at the Turbine Hall.
Prior to the placement, the fragments are subject to dust fixation by special compound, and pass the acceptance control for compliance with the criteria of temporary placement at the reserved areas.
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  • #109
Works on recovery of Unit 4 Turbine Hall roof are in progress within the Shelter Object Local Zone
Crane­ КС–8165 with lifting capacity 100 tons was delivered to the Chernobyl NPP industrial site. It will be engaged into works on recovering the confinement of Unit 4 Turbine Hall.
This crane, along with the other two being already on the site, will be used to remove the remaining wall panels damaged as a result of the collapse in February this year. These works are of high complexity, because a direct access to the panels is blocked by metal towers erected during elimination of the accident consequences in 1986. Following the removal of the damaged panels from behind the metal towers and their bringing down on the ground, they will be fragmented and transported out for disposal at the RWDF “Buryakovka”.
In addition Crane­ КС–8165 will be used for installation of a covering three-dimensional block, by which the opening in the roof of Unit 4 Turbine Hall at axes 50-52 will be closed. Another crane, the forth one, lifting Crane POTAIN MD-3200 will assembled on the site to lift and install the covering three-dimensional block. All metal structures of the covering three-dimensional block have been already delivered to 10-km zone, and part of them has been already delivered to the ChNPP industrial site for pre-assembly
  • #112
Consequences airstrike on Chernobyl


...Another 6 (six !) years ago by the Russian military invasion plan was developed in Ukraine. In the invasion plan envisaged, in order to intimidate and demoralize the population of Ukraine, apply air demonstration nuclear explosion over the territory Polesie. Quote from the article I.Dzhadana "Operation" Clockwork Orange '"(2008):" Air Demonstration nuclear strike in the stratosphere in the southern part of the Pripyat marshes produced at night, would help immensely in this case. He would not inflict significant damage, except for disabling power lines and electrical appliances in a radius of 100 km. But he would have been seen in hating "Muscovites" Lviv and even in Poland. He immediately sobered be hotheads, clearly indicating answered by a serious commitment to the Kremlin. "

For skeptics who believe that this revision exalted Bandera eating breakfast Russian children and the elderly, we note that in the article "Operation Clockwork Orange" (again, written by Russian military analyst!) Described three stages of intervention in Ukraine. Surprisingly, the first phase of the war with Ukraine, described in the article has already been implemented. Seizure of the Crimea occurred in full compliance with the script operations "Clockwork Orange." Similarities are impressive - the author with an accuracy not only have the number of Russian invaders, the script of their movement in the Crimea, but even just have numbers of military units of the Russian Federation armed forces involved in the conflict. And this, in April 2008! In this regard, there is currently no reason to distrust the Russian analyst (more about the stages of Russian intervention on the territory of Ukraine

After this article was published in the editorial office received a lot of angry comments that accuse us Russophobian inflamed imagination. Once again - the scenario strike in Ukraine was developed by the Russian military analysts. We just tried to estimate its radiological consequences. All complaints and dissatisfaction with the specific scenario capture Ukraine, please speak to the author's site-I.Dzhadana "Operation" Clockwork Orange "."
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  • #113
LabratSR said:
Chernobyl cap could be casualty of Ukraine crisis


at a given time all work is carried out according to plan

April 17, 2014

Within the NSC project on the construction site were performed the following work:
- Delivery of equipment to the site and basic designs western arches;
- Erection western arches;
- Installation of suspension towers for crane girders of the main cranes;
- Preparation and installation of containers piddomkrachuvannya western arches;
- Pre-assembly of panels cladding;
- Installation runs for housing;
- Installation of external and internal cladding (West Arch);
- Installation of air ducts bulk of zahыdnoyi of the arches of stainless steel;
- Placing the foundation service area (southern grillage reinforcing tape);
- Placement of root piles for the foundation of the service area (south strip);
- Placing her building technology and supporting facilities.
Erection western arches to the first head:
According to the project (including the weight of the secondary structures and crane girders) - 4513.0 tons
Assembled - 4166.06 tons (92.31%)
Erection of the eastern part of the Arch:
According to the project (including the weight of the secondary structures, crane girders and bolts) - 13,743.109 tons
Assembled - 12,791.71 tons (93.08%)
Covering the bases service areas:
Concrete for the project - 11795.73 m 3, signed 5674.2 m 3 (48.10%)
Fittings for the project - 2447.009 tons produced 1598.649 tons (65.33%)
Arrangement of root piles (south strip):
The project - 216 units, completed by the project marks 152 units (70.37%)

  • #114

Comprehensive “active” tests (commissioning stage) are in progress at Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP)

Comprehensive “active” tests (commissioning stage) are in progress at Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP).
Radioactive waste (evaporated concentrate), accepted from the Liquid Waste Storage Facility into the LRTP receiving tanks, was characterized. The recipe was selected. On 14.04.2014 the first four drums were filled with cement compound according to the testing program procedures.
The RAW packages were placed at the LRTP final product holding area. In 7 days it is planned to perform the control of quality of the final product and its compliance with the RAW packages acceptance criteria for disposal at the near-surface disposal facility of the “Vektor” site.
Upon the compliance with the criteria, the RAW packages are planned to be transferred to the Engineered Near-Surface Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility.
During the waste immobilization operations, the malfunctions in equipment operation and exceedance of radiation safety control levels were not revealed.
  • #115
The most interesting thing about Chernobyl works today are money flows: how much and whose money is spent (Europe's? Ukraine's?) and who benefits - who owns the companies which execute vast number of projects.

There are many influental people interested in prolonging Chernobyl works ad infinitum.

One of useful approaches is to avoid actually closing for good any open problem - it's best to partially solve it instead.
  • #116
In the Chernobyl zone built storage of spent nuclear fuel

"Cabinet has decided that will take another step toward energy independence. It is about building the Central repository for spent nuclear fuel. Today addressed the issue of allocation of land in the Chernobyl zone with a total area of ​​45 hectares, "- said Nedashkovsky...

..."The construction of the repository will be engaged in a U.S. company Holtec International. The tender was held in 2004, and in late 2005 a contract was signed with the company. It will build turnkey this store - said Nedashkovsky. - The company will build up to the moment of delivery of the starting complex, and then to the extent of technology transfer will be carried out Ukrainian construction company. Store will operate "Energoatom". Cost of the project on the feasibility study for the entire fuel filling stage - UAH 3.7 billion, the cost of launching complex - 1.2 billion UAH ", - explained Nedashkovsky.

He also clarified that the facility will be used to fuel Rivne, Khmelnytsky and South-Ukrainian NPP...
...Design and construction of a centralized repository conducted in compliance with the Civil Protection, technological, nuclear and radiation safety, international treaties.

The total storage capacity of 16,529 spent fuel assemblies of VVER-440 and VVER-1000.

The contract for construction CSSNF between "Energoatom" and winner of the relevant tender company Holtec Internatinal (USA) was signed in late 2004, but for many reasons, including because of the change of the political situation and the economic crisis in 2008, the project was actually frozen .
  • #117
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the current year on direct activities on decommissioning Chernobyl and transformation of the "Shelter" into an ecologically safe system 745 271 000 UAH.

This is stated in the government decree number 108 of April 16, 2014.

According to the document, to maintain in a safe condition of the first, second, third Chernobyl NPP and existing spent fuel storage will be allocated Rs 376.508 million for decommissioning and partial dismantling of individual systems and components units - UAH 63.617 million.

To carry out organizational and technical measures for the management, operation, maintenance, repair systems, life support Chernobyl ensure monitoring of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Cabinet send UAH 234.182 million.

The creation of the industrial area of ​​Chernobyl infrastructure for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in 2014 provided 27,264,000 USD, and for the release of nuclear fuel units - 43.7 million UAH.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2013 sent for events on decommissioning Chernobyl and the transformation of the "Shelter" into an ecologically safe system of 728.271 million UAH.

Completion of construction of the "Shelter" at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is scheduled for 2015. The cost of construction is estimated at 980 million euros, while contracts with concern "Novarka" fixed sum of 935 million euros.

is the average budget last few years
however, given the devaluation is approx 63 million dollars
last year it was 91 million dollars
  • #118

With country being very much strapped for cash, and with increased freedom of press and grassroots activity against corruption, I found this, much-needed journalist investigation of corruption in govt agencies tasked with dealing with Chernobyl.

It's not a particularly deep investigation, but a few interesting tidbits there.

First, wood from the zone is being harvested and sold (there are videos of trucks hauling logs). Apparently, officials who can approve such activity sell it very cheaply (much below market prices) to their shell companies.

Second, the old guy (Volodymyr Tokarevsky) in the video mentions that The Arc is being financed and "in process of being constructed" for something like 12 years, cost has ballooned from $500m to $2bn - and continues to increase.

He also mentions that almost every project ever started there (spent fuel storage, liquid waste treatment plant) is never finished.

Cynically, all is just as I suspected it to be.
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  • #119
Forest fire blazes in Chernobyl off-limits zone
Information on radiation state of aerial environment at Chernobyl NPP site
Created on 29 April 2015
At Chernobyl NPP industrial site routine monitoring of volumetric activity of 137Cs (Cesium-137) in air samples is constantly performed by the stationary control station. The volumetric activity of 137Cs in the sample of ambient air is within the range not exceeding the maximum values for 2014 and the 1st quarter of 2015.

Since April 27, 2015, the personnel of the radiation monitoring laboratory in ChNPP RSS started a sampling using the portable sampling equipment additionally to the scheduled radiation monitoring. The results of the express measurements show, that the volumetric activity in air samples is at the level of minimum-measured activity. Exceedance of the control levels is not fixed. Confirming the results obtained on the basis of the data of stationary radiation monitoring system - component of the Integrated Automated Monitoring System (IAMS). This system allows monitoring of nuclear and radiation safety of the Shelter object and the surrounding areas, including the state of the main building structures and seismic activity, in real-time.

RM & EWS Chernobyl
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  • #120
storage of spent nuclear fuel №2
  • #121
nikkkom said:
The current state of Chernobyl site very much looks like a giant permanent source of kickbacks.

For example:
Of course! As long as it is there, all parties involved can continue to demand more $$$ for the ongoing cleanup. I bet they love the "ongoing" part, all of them: Ukrainian bureaucrats, Western companies, Ukrainian companies.
Another billion-gobbling plan. As if we *need* that reactor dismantled. What for? Someone is eager to grow plutonium-laced veggies on the nearby fields?

The basements and ground floors of Chernobyl Unit 4 can be just filled with concrete, completely covering all corium and heavily contaminated structures; then the remaining structures on top can be dismantled. But that is way too CHEAP!
Seriously. Just seriously. So what your saying is that we don't need to get rid of the biggest man-made catastrophe EVER. I'm sorry, but "fill the basements with concrete" WOULD NOT WORK. Were not talking about a couple of small lumps of uranium here and there, no, were talking about the single most radioactive place on the planet, and you want to "fill the basements with concrete", and knock down the upper levels, exposing the reactor core and reigniting a huge radioactive bonfire, killing everyone within a 400 kilometer radius? By the way, NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, is cheap when your dealing with radiation, not even death! do you know what they had to do with the bodies of the SL-1 plant operators? they had to bury one of them with the wreckage of the reactor, and the other two were buried in lead and tungsten coffins under five feet of concrete, and that was only a minor catastrophe! The reactor containment around Chernobyl was a hasty job with very little planing, and it is already brittle and cracking. if nothing is done soon, then it could contaminate the water supply, crack open or even explode again. And you want to "fill the basements with concrete". shame on you for even suggesting that they are doing it for a profit. shame on you.
  • #122
nikkkom said:
Why bother with the step 1, considering how costly it is, and that it will inevitably disturb the material and spread around some radioactive dust?

What's the problem with leaving melted fuel and high-level waste where it is now?
because the high level waste is slowly melting into the ground, and if it reaches the water table, then it could contaminate the water of most of Europe. also the sarcophagus was not built as a permanent structure.
  • #123
Kutt said:
You're right, even if they did somehow completely clear and decontaminate the site and turned it into a big green field of grass, that piece of land would have little to no economic value and would be a complete waste of effort and money.

The Chernobyl exclusion zone is a bustling haven for variously environmental and scientific research. It would probably be a better decision to just build a secondary sarcophagus to reduce radiation levels in Pripyat and surrounding areas to normal background levels.

The only place in Chernobyl that has DANGEROUS levels of radiation is inside the reactor block itself. All of the nuclear fuel is contained entirely inside the sarcophagus and poses no environmental threat.
yes it does
  • #124
Paterick Meyer said:
Seriously. Just seriously. So what your saying is that we don't need to get rid of the biggest man-made catastrophe EVER. I'm sorry, but "fill the basements with concrete" WOULD NOT WORK. Were not talking about a couple of small lumps of uranium here and there, no, were talking about the single most radioactive place on the planet, and you want to "fill the basements with concrete"

Yes, I do. Concrete is good at shielding from radiation, it prevents access by people, animals, and rainwater. What's not to like?

and knock down the upper levels, exposing the reactor core and reigniting a huge radioactive bonfire

I want nothing of the sort. I do not propose exposing anything. (Not to mention that exposing the core now would not ignite any fire. It's not physically hot anymore, it is "only" very radioactive. BTW, _even now_ it has access to air, former reactor core and adjacent rooms/cavities are by no means airtight. Do you see any fires? Smoke?)
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  • #125
Paterick Meyer said:
because the high level waste is slowly melting into the ground

No, it does not. It is only marginally warmer than ambient air.
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  • #126
December 2015 Drone Footage of the New Safe Containment

  • #127
nikkkom said:
The current state of Chernobyl site very much looks like a giant permanent source of kickbacks.

We are 26 years after disaster and it's still nowhere near that state. That tell a lot about nuclear industry, and about Ukrainian government.

Having a first-hand knowledge about said government, I don't expect prospects of rapid changes; I am sure massive squandering of money while making some progress at glacial pace will continue.

Three years later after above quote: nothing has changed. The video is a testament that any progress on site is indeed glacial. "New Safe Confinement" is still not in place. 2016 is the tenth year since its construction began in 2007.
  • #128
nikkkom said:
The video is a testament that any progress on site is indeed glacial. "New Safe Confinement" is still not in place. 2016 is the tenth year since its construction began in 2007.

continental drift outruns most things in our nuclear industry, too .

Toward the end of my career i picked up Gorbachev's Peristroika . He understood bureaucracy.

All i know to do is watch the show. Parkinson's Law of Delay pokes such fun at bureaucracy it actually becomes fun to watch, at least from where i fit in the organization - a couple notches below Homer Simpson . If you can find a copy i recommend it.

old jim
  • #129
Paterick Meyer said:
biggest man-made catastrophe EVER.
Bhopal Disaster (3787 fatalities, 1/2 million exposed), the Titanic (1500 fatalities), Minamata (2265), WWII and all the wars for that matter, ...
  • #130
Wanggongchang Explosion - killed 20,000

Great smog of London - killed thousands, injured ~100,000.

Wilhelm Gustloff - got sunk in WW II, 9000 died, including ~5000 children.
And many more (and that list only includes ships sunk by submarines)

As usual, Wikipedia has a list.

Various military actions had death tolls exceeding those numbers significantly, but usually it is unclear what counts as "one event". The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are certainly one event each, with a death toll of >100,000 and >50,000 respectively.

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