Circular waveguide wave-equation

In summary, the conversation discusses solving the wave-equation in cylindrical coordinates and separating it into 3 ODEs. The focus is on the phase differential equation, where the solution is given as Ae^{im\phi}+c.c. The question arises as to why 'm' must be an integer and whether the phase is quantized. The explanation is that m is quantized in order for the solution to be single valued and satisfy the condition of continuity at 2pi. This can be achieved through the use of m*phi in the cosine function.
  • #1
I am solving the wave-equation (more specifically Helmholtz Eq.) in cylindrical coordinates.
I've separated the equation into 3 ODE's.
- The radial differential equation
- The phase differential equation
- The z differential equation (direction of which the EM wave propagates)

My issue is the solution to the phase's differential equation. It has the simple solution:
[tex] Ae^{im\phi}+c.c. [/tex] (easy to prove).

Why is 'm' an integer?
Are the phases 'quantised'?

I've read in many books that m must be an integer to allow continuity at [tex] 2\pi [/tex], but that's as far as they go...I'm very confused...
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  • #2
[tex] Ae^{im\phi}+c.c. [/tex] is just 2Acos(m*phi) (at least if A is real). As phi is an angular coordinate then the value of the solution at phi must equal to the value of the solution at phi+2pi because they represent the same point. Hence, m is an integer. The phase isn't quantized, 'm' is quantized by the requirement that solution be single valued.
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  • #3
Your exact explanation to 'm' is what's confusing me...
I understand that phi must equal phi+2pi, but how do you go about saying that m*phi allows the relation (or phase continuity) phi+2pi to be satisfied??
  • #4
n0_3sc said:
Your exact explanation to 'm' is what's confusing me...
I understand that phi must equal phi+2pi, but how do you go about saying that m*phi allows the relation (or phase continuity) phi+2pi to be satisfied??

The condition

[tex] \cos[m (\phi + 2 \pi)] \equiv \cos[m \phi + 2 m \pi] = \cos[m \phi] [/tex]

can be satisfied only if m is integer.

  • #5
Thanks Eugene, I was thinking about the problem in too much depth.

FAQ: Circular waveguide wave-equation

What is the circular waveguide wave-equation?

The circular waveguide wave-equation is a mathematical equation that describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a cylindrical metal tube with a circular cross-section. It takes into account the dimensions of the waveguide, the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, and the properties of the materials used in the waveguide.

How is the circular waveguide wave-equation derived?

The circular waveguide wave-equation is derived from Maxwell's equations, which are a set of fundamental equations that describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields. By applying boundary conditions and simplifying the equations for a cylindrical geometry, the circular waveguide wave-equation is obtained.

What are the applications of the circular waveguide wave-equation?

The circular waveguide wave-equation is used in the design and analysis of circular waveguides, which are commonly used in microwave and radio frequency systems. It is also used in the development of microwave components such as filters, couplers, and antennas.

What are the limitations of the circular waveguide wave-equation?

The circular waveguide wave-equation assumes a perfect, lossless waveguide and does not account for losses due to material properties or imperfections in the waveguide. It also does not take into account the effects of higher-order modes, which can occur at high frequencies or with non-ideal waveguide dimensions.

Can the circular waveguide wave-equation be extended to other geometries?

Yes, the circular waveguide wave-equation can be extended to other geometries such as rectangular, elliptical, or coaxial waveguides. However, the derivation and resulting equations may differ depending on the specific geometry and boundary conditions.
