Civil rights are only for minorites.

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In summary, California Education Secretary Richard Riordan made a joking comment to a preschooler about her name meaning "stupid dirty girl," causing backlash and calls for his resignation. Riordan apologized for the remark and stated that he was only teasing the child. Some defended him, while others called for his removal. The issue was eventually resolved, but Riordan's history of making insensitive remarks was brought into question. However, it was later discovered that the child was white, not African-American as initially reported, and Dymally's criticism was deemed unnecessary. Upon viewing the video of the incident, it was clear that Riordan's comment was meant to be playful and not offensive. Ultimately, the incident was deemed to be blown out of proportion.
  • #1
member 5645
"California education chief calls preschooler 'stupid dirty girl'
Riordan apologizes for remark"

Friday, July 9, 2004 Posted: 7:13 AM EDT (1113 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- State Education Secretary Richard Riordan jokingly told a child her name, Isis, meant "stupid dirty girl," prompting the head of the California NAACP on Thursday to call for his resignation.

Riordan, the wealthy former Los Angeles mayor known for his support of public schools, startled even friends last week with the comments at a promotional event for summer reading at the Santa Barbara library.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, his longtime friend, called Riordan's statement to the girl "unacceptable in any context" but gave no hint his job was in danger.

But Alice Huffman, president of the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said Thursday that Riordan "is not suitable to lead education in our state" and should be removed.

The conversation, videotaped by KEYT-TV, took place July 1. The girl, 6-year-old Isis D'Luciano, asked Riordan if he knew her name meant "Egyptian goddess."

Riordan replied, "It means stupid dirty girl."

After nervous laughter in the room, the girl again told Riordan the meaning of her name.

"Hey, that's nifty," he said.

A day later, Riordan issued a statement that said he "teased" the girl. "I immediately apologized to her, and I want to do so again for the misunderstanding," Riordan said.

The governor's chief spokesman, Rob Stutzman, said Thursday Riordan had not been asked to resign and, "That's the end of the issue, as far as we are concerned."

The girl's mother, Trinity Lila of Goleta, said her daughter was fine, and she considered the issue over.

"Obviously it hurt her feelings, but she didn't take it personally. She knew he was wrong and she let it go," Lila said. "I'm not going to sue them for therapy bills."

"He's already apologized repeatedly," Lila added. Although Riordan's office has tried to contact her, "I don't see what else is to be done."

But the issue has persisted. In an editorial Thursday, The Sacramento Bee said California "shouldn't have an education secretary who makes offensive, damaging remarks to young children for no apparent reason."

"He's the governor's top person on education, which means we would expect him to have some love and respect for children," Huffman said. "I think he is the wrong man for the job. There is no way for him to explain this away."

Riordan, a venture capitalist who started a foundation supporting literacy, has a reputation for awkward -- some might say insensitive -- remarks and behavior.

California Education Secretary Richard Riordan is under fire for his comment to a preschooler.

As mayor, he once greeted hunger strikers outside his office eating a hamburger. In a speech to school administrators earlier this year, he told a story about a nun physically disciplining a student that startled some in the audience.

"There wasn't an uproar, but some people felt the comment was inappropriate," said Joseph Jones, assistant executive director of the Association of California School Administrators.

Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, who had scheduled a protest by civil rights organizations, canceled the demonstration after an apparent mix-up over the girl's racial background.

Dymally was quoted in the San Jose Mercury News Thursday saying the child was "a little African-American girl. Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?"

The girl is white, with blonde hair.

Dymally did not return telephone calls. His office issued a statement Wednesday calling Riordan's remarks to the girl "outrageous and irresponsible," then issued another statement Thursday saying, "To err is human; to forgive is divine."

"Race is not a factor in this issue," Dymally said in Thursday's statement, adding that Riordan had apologized a second time. "It is time for us to move on."
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  • #2
I'm more shocked that the State Education Secretary for the Great State of California, appoears to be a stupid, dirty, uneducated fool.

What kind of ignoramus does not know who Isis is ?
  • #3
Civil Rights are for everyone.
  • #4
The whole affair is just shameful.

People talk just to feel warm air leave their mouth. I getting tired of some idiot saying anything to get tabloid time. I'm disgusted with the marching and protesting at the drop of a hat.

There are real civil rights issues, incidents like these trivialize the sacrifice people have made.
  • #5
RE: "As mayor, he once greeted hunger strikers outside his office eating a hamburger."

He is making a statement about the merit of their strike. Sounds okay to me if he feels that way.

Riordan shouldn't lose his job over something like this. Sometimes we say things we shouldn't. He apologized, and that should settle the matter.
  • #6
If anything, the following comment is even dumber:

Dymally was quoted in the San Jose Mercury News Thursday saying the child was "a little African-American girl. Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?"

Apparently, yes. Dymally has no business criticizing Riordan for making dumb comments.
  • #7
I just saw the video clip of the incident. Clearly Riordan was just being playful with the little girl. It's ridiculous to make a big deal out of this.

I take back my previous know how it gets in the heat of the moment !
  • #8
Gokul43201 said:
I just saw the video clip of the incident. Clearly Riordan was just being playful with the little girl. It's ridiculous to make a big deal out of this.

I take back my previous know how it gets in the heat of the moment !

Yeah, after I saw the clip the "uneasy" laughter was hardly UNEASY.

FAQ: Civil rights are only for minorites.

What does it mean when people say "civil rights are only for minorities"?

When people say this, they are suggesting that only certain groups of people, typically racial or ethnic minorities, are entitled to civil rights protection and that others do not face discrimination or inequality.

Is it true that civil rights only apply to minorities?

No, this is not true. Civil rights are guaranteed to all individuals by the government and protect against discrimination or unequal treatment based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion, and national origin.

Why do some people believe that civil rights are only for minorities?

This belief may stem from a lack of understanding of what civil rights are and who they protect, as well as societal biases and prejudices that contribute to the marginalization of certain groups.

Are there any civil rights laws that specifically benefit minorities?

Yes, there are laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that were specifically enacted to address discrimination and protect the rights of minorities. However, these laws also apply to all individuals regardless of their race or ethnicity.

What can be done to address the misconception that civil rights are only for minorities?

Education and awareness about the purpose and scope of civil rights laws can help combat this misconception. It is important to promote inclusivity and equality for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics.

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