Clocks Within Each Ship in Bell Spaceship Paradox

In summary, the "Bell's spaceship paradox" is paradoxical for those who misunderstand SR, but it is an easy scenario with identical rockets with length contraction integrated.
  • #36
stevendaryl said:
[...] The rule of thumb is: If you take an extended object, and accelerate it to relativistic speed, then it will tend to contract. [..].
I wonder why you say "rule of thumb".
Length contraction as the result of motion is a physical prediction of SR (e.g. §4 of ). Next, in order to be sure what we can predict based on classical material science, we need to do a Lorentz transformation to the frame in which the string is in rest (in fact, you nicely clarified that point). And based on the calculated prediction (not a rule of thumb) we can develop correct intuition
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  • #37
stevendaryl said:
Well, it's a little ambiguous what it means for something to be "physical". Certainly an outcome that can be verified using any frame is physically meaningful. But the reasoning used to explain/predict the outcome is often frame-dependent. Different frames would explain the same result in different ways. But being a little more loose, you could consider frame-dependent (or more generally, coordinate-dependent) effects to be "physical" if they can reliably be used in predicting physical effects.

The difficulty in reasoning about thought experiments such as Bell's spaceships, or the barn and pole, or the twin paradox, or whatever is that we don't actually have any Lorentz-invariant equations of motion to apply. If we did, there would be no ambiguity: Just pick a frame, and apply the equations of motion. If the equations are Lorentz-invariant, then you get the same result, no matter what frame you pick. But if someone just tells you "I have a pole moving at close to the speed of light" or "I have a clock moving at close to the speed of light" or "I have a string connecting two rockets moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light", you don't have equations of motion to derive the result. Instead, you have to use rules of thumb and intuition about how poles, clocks, strings work. The rules of thumb that we are most comfortable with are Newtonian physics, which are only applicable when things are moving slowly relative to the speed of light. So you can try to analyze things locally, in a frame where things locally are moving non-relativistically, and hopefully piece together the local pictures into a global picture.

But Bell's argument with his spaceship paradox is that we can augment purely Newtonian reasoning with intuitions specially developed for SR. He claims that we should start to think of Lorentz contraction as a physical thing, to get an intuition about things moving relativistically. The rule of thumb is: If you take an extended object, and accelerate it to relativistic speed, then it will tend to contract. To prevent it from contracting requires applying stresses on the object. Whether you call such reasoning "physical" or not is a matter of definitions, but Bell's point was that, at least in many circumstances, such reasoning gives you a quick intuition about what the right answer is.

I don't think that the ladder/pole paradox contradicts Bell's contractionistic reasoning. From the point of view of the barn frame, the pole is contracted, and it is possible to close both doors simultaneously. And if the barn doors are really strong, compared to the pole, it IS possible to get the entire pole into the barn at once. Of course, using "contractionistic" reasoning, you would conclude that AFTER the barn doors are closed, the pole would expand to its normal length, and would get smashed to pieces by the strong barn doors.

You get the same conclusion from the point of view of the pole. From that point of view, it's the barn that is contracted, not the pole. But it's STILL possible to fit the pole into the barn: You smash the barn into the pole at relativistic speed, and the pole will be crushed to a size that fits inside the barn.

Basically with barn/pole, until the collision, there is no physical contact between objects in different frames. Either frame can be "correct" about the other's contraction. Bell's Spaceship is *entirely* about ongoing interaction of items in different frames. So that's a big difference. This also comes into play if we try to close the barn doors on the pole. From the barn frame, the doors come down simultaneously, then the front of the pole hits the door, then what happens thereafter is some combination of 2 effects... one effect (which could predominate) is that the ladder comes apart as it smashes into the 2nd door. In this version, observer moving with the pole never sees any paradox, just a plain old collision - and no "crushing" takes place. It would have done so basically the same way even if the 1st barn door never closed. The 2nd effect - if the pole is to strong enough to stay together - involves rapid deceleration - in which the frame of the ladder is caused to become identical with the barn frame - with deceleration taking place along the ladder at < c in all frames. I have to go back and read more about that collision.
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  • #38
1977ub said:
Basically with barn/pole, until the collision, there is no physical contact between objects in different frames. Either frame can be "correct" about the other's contraction. Bell's Spaceship is *entirely* about ongoing interaction of items in different frames. So that's a big difference. This also comes into play if we try to close the barn doors on the pole. From the barn frame, the doors come down simultaneously, then the front of the pole hits the door, then what happens thereafter is some combination of 2 effects... one effect (which could predominate) is that the ladder comes apart as it smashes into the 2nd door. In this version, observer moving with the pole never sees any paradox, just a plain old collision - and no "crushing" takes place. It would have done so basically the same way even if the 1st barn door never closed. The 2nd effect - if the pole is to strong enough to stay together - involves rapid deceleration - in which the frame of the ladder is caused to become identical with the barn frame - with deceleration taking place along the ladder at < c in all frames. I have to go back and read more about that collision.

It seems to me that you are wrong in comparing the barn-pole paradox with Bells spaceships.

In the latter we have proper acceleration which is a frame-independent thing. The string breaks because in the rocket frame the ships are moving apart and the string stretches ( actually stretches) and thus breaks eventually. It is possible to find coordinates in which the ships appear not to move apart but that does not mean they are not, and physical reality is what happens locally.

In the barn-pole scenerio we assume two inertial frames and resolve the 'paradox' with a space-time diagram. What happens when the pole decelerates is irrelevant.
  • #39
Ok so this helps:
"At this point [soon after the ladder front colliding with the 2nd door] the ladder is actually shorter than the original contracted length, so the back end is well inside the garage. Calculations in both frames of reference will show this to be the case."

It helps to think of the ladder as two boulders with a spring between them. There will be a compression in all frames.

Now if Bell's "rope" is a 3 boulders with springs between, then once the two spaceships begin their acceleration, there should be some initial stress as the center boulder remains briefly in place while the end boulders start accelerating with the rockets (all in platform frame). Since the center boulder never has a direct acceleration from a rocket engine, I imagine it is always somewhat behind from the midpoint of the other two boulders.
  • #40
1977ub said:
Ok so this helps:
"At this point [soon after the ladder front colliding with the 2nd door] the ladder is actually shorter than the original contracted length, so the back end is well inside the garage. Calculations in both frames of reference will show this to be the case."

It helps to think of the ladder as two boulders with a spring between them. There will be a compression in all frames.

Now if Bell's "rope" is a 3 boulders with springs between, then once the two spaceships begin their acceleration, there should be some initial stress as the center boulder remains briefly in place while the end boulders start accelerating with the rockets (all in platform frame). Since the center boulder never has a direct acceleration from a rocket engine, I imagine it is always somewhat behind from the midpoint of the other two boulders.

I don't need help, thank you. I think most of what you've quoted is nonsense.

Well, I tried to help but clearly you have to find your own way with this.
  • #41
harrylin said:
I wonder why you say "rule of thumb".

Because it's an assumption about the nature of the forces making up the object. For example, if you have a lump of clay, and accelerate it by pushing on one end, it will be compressed. If you accelerate it by pulling on the other end, it will stretch. So the length is not a predictable function of velocity.
  • #42
1977ub said:
[...] Now if Bell's "rope" is a 3 boulders with springs between, then once the two spaceships begin their acceleration, there should be some initial stress as the center boulder remains briefly in place while the end boulders start accelerating with the rockets (all in platform frame). Since the center boulder never has a direct acceleration from a rocket engine, I imagine it is always somewhat behind from the midpoint of the other two boulders.
That's quite right. :smile:

In the standard Spaceship example that effect is neglected (it may be neglected if the rockets don't accelerate too fast). And assuming constant proper acceleration of the rockets then after take-off this situation will be stable.That detail does not affect the discussion in principle.
  • #43
stevendaryl said:
Because it's an assumption about the nature of the forces making up the object. For example, if you have a lump of clay, and accelerate it by pushing on one end, it will be compressed. If you accelerate it by pulling on the other end, it will stretch. So the length is not a predictable function of velocity.
Of course it's predictable by means of known classical materials science just as you explained yourself. The forces on the string and the amount of dynamic stretching are only neglected in this example because they are not essential for the principle and enormously complicate the calculation.
  • #44
harrylin said:
Of course it's predictable by means of known classical materials science just as you explained yourself. The forces on the string and the amount of dynamic stretching are only neglected in this example because they are not essential for the principle and enormously complicate the calculation.

You asked why I used the phrase "rule of thumb". It's a shorthand way of reasoning that doesn't require getting into complicated equations of motion, material properties, etc.
  • #45
stevendaryl said:
You asked why I used the phrase "rule of thumb". It's a shorthand way of reasoning that doesn't require getting into complicated equations of motion, material properties, etc.
Ah yes, on that I agree. :smile:
  • #46
harrylin said:
That's quite right. :smile:

In the standard Spaceship example that effect is neglected (it may be neglected if the rockets don't accelerate too fast). And assuming constant proper acceleration of the rockets then after take-off this situation will be stable.That detail does not affect the discussion in principle.

It depends what you mean by stabilize... It should never precisely stabilize, if the rockets truly follow identical programs, and there is no friction in space. Unless you mean a "stable" harmonic oscillation I suppose (in which I make it out that the midpoint of the oscillation will be somewhat to the rear of the midpoint of the "rope").

re "in Principle" : It depends upon the principle. If we accept going in that we are only asking about the integration of proper length of the rope vs the measured rope in S, and that's all we care about, using it as a proxy for "will the rope break," then I agree, that detail is not important.

I am accustomed to seeing the issue described as "will the rope break" if it is very fragile e.g. "silk" ?

If we look at that literally, then - whether or not we apply SR - the rope will break even if there is only the front ship! Acceleration pulling from the front causes a tension in the rope. Will the fact that there is a ship at the rear, pushing on the silk strand, stop that? No.
  • #47
1977ub said:
It depends what you mean by stabilize... It should never precisely stabilize, if the rockets truly follow identical programs, and there is no friction in space. Unless you mean a "stable" harmonic oscillation I suppose (in which I make it out that the midpoint of the oscillation will be somewhat to the rear of the midpoint of the "rope").[..]
Away from Earth at "1g" acceleration, the inertial forces on the string are similar to the gravitational forces on a string on Earth that is held up vertically between two anchor points on a wall (this may sound like GR but it's still SR as it's just the same in classical mechanics). If next you move the top anchor point very slowly upwards, the string will undergo stretching exactly as in standard pull tests.
If we look at that literally, then - whether or not we apply SR - the rope will break even if there is only the front ship! Acceleration pulling from the front causes a tension in the rope. Will the fact that there is a ship at the rear, pushing on the silk strand, stop that? No.
I'm afraid that I can't follow that at all. :oldconfused:
In Bell's example that effect is neglected, just as gravitation can usually be neglected in pull tests.
  • #48
1977ub said:
Ok. I see. I'm still trying to connect this to the relativity of simultaneity somehow, since length contraction and RoS seem to always be two sides of the same coin...

1977ub said:
if the rockets truly follow identical programs,

The text that I have bolded above is where the relativity of simultaneity is hiding in Bell's paradox. If the rockets are following identical programs, then they are changing their speed by the same amount at the same time, and relativity of simultaneity warns us that this definition is frame-dependent - two programs that are identical in one frame will not be identical in other frames.

Pole-barn paradox: in all frames the door closes and in all frames the tip of the pole strikes the far wall of the barn (or, if the rest length of the pole is sufficiently short compared with the rest length of the barn and the pole-carrier slows down quickly enough, comes to a stop before it hits the wall). Because of the relativity of simultaneity, in some frames the door will close before the tip hits, and in other frames the door will close after the tip hits. Length contraction follows from the relativity of simultaneity because we define the length of the pole as the distance between the position of its front end and its back end at the same time and we define the length of the barn as the distance between the position of the door and the far wall at the same time; both of these quantities are frame dependent because they are defined using the frame-dependent notion at the same time.

Bell's spaceship paradox: In all frames, a tension meter in the string will register progressively increasing tension in the string, and if that tension reaches the breaking point of the string, it will of course break. This has nothing to do with length contraction of the ships themselves - we could model them as point particles (and generally do, for simplicity). In a frame in which both spaceships change their speed by the same amount at the same time, so that the distance between them remains constant, their speed is necessarily changing, so we explain the increasing reading on the tension meter reading by saying the length of the string is contracting more as the speed increases; and indeed if we were to untie the string from the trailing ship we would see an increasing gap opening up between the loose end of the string and the trailing ship. However, in a frame that is comoving with the string, the two spaceships are not changing their speeds by the same amount at the same time, and the increase in tension in the string is explained by saying that the distance between the two ships at the same time is increasing.

If you want to use the physical properties of the string to calculate exactly when it will break, you will find it easiest to work in a frame in which the string is at rest and the two ships are moving apart. To do that, you'll need to know how rapidly they are moving apart, and the easiest way to do that is start with their trajectories in the frame in which their acceleration are "truly uniform" (your words, not mine) and then transform into a frame in which one or the other end of the string is at rest. That way, length contraction never enters into the problem, and you can analyze the behavior of the string using only well-understood classical materials science.
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  • #49
Nugatory said:
[..] However, in a frame that is comoving with the string, the two spaceships are not changing their speeds by the same amount at the same time, and the increase in tension in the string is explained by saying that the distance between the two ships at the same time is increasing. [...]
Note that such a frame is not an inertial frame (you know that certainly very well, but the OP may not be aware of the consequences!). The string's equilibrium length appears to remain unchanged at the cost of for example pretending that the distance between the two launchpad towers decreases during the flight for no good reason (how much depends on the angle of course). The action of the rocket engines results in zero motion of the rocket and instead, the Earth and distant stars are seen to magically accelerate. In other words, the laws of physics as assumed in SR do not hold. Nevertheless, the stresses in the string can thus conveniently and accurately be determined, as we both explained.

[where is the strike-through button? I made a correction in phrasing, adding "equilibrium"]
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  • #50
harrylin said:
Note that such a frame is not an inertial frame (you know that certainly very well, but the OP may not be aware of the consequences!). The string appears to remain the same length at the cost of pretending that the distance between the two launchpad towers decreases during the flight for no good reason. The action of the rocket engines results in zero motion of the rocket and instead, the Earth and distant stars are seen to magically accelerate. In other words, the laws of physics as assumed in SR do not hold. Nevertheless, the stresses in the string can thus conveniently and accurately be determined, as we both explained.
Can SR "handle acceleration" as I recently read? Can't we take "successive frames" that a particular ship passes through and say something meaningful. (I'm not sure how such an exercise would bear on this. )
  • #51
1977ub said:
Can SR "handle acceleration" as I recently read? Can't we take "successive frames" that a particular ship passes through and say something meaningful. (I'm not sure how such an exercise would bear on this. )
Yes you can! In fact, taking "successive frames" is exactly what stevendaryl and I did in our discussions. And it's certainly possible to give a meaningful discussion of the forces that the string "sees" over time, as discussed in detail by stevendaryl and Nugatory.
  • #52
harrylin said:
In other words, the laws of physics as assumed in SR do not hold.

Could you clarify? Which physical laws assumed in SR do not hold and why?
  • #53
1977ub said:
Could you clarify? Which physical laws assumed in SR do not hold and why?
I answered that question in the sentences before the one you ask about... :confused:
Or maybe you overlooked that I was commenting about the use of accelerated frames?
The main physics law for this discussion is that lengths of static objects in inertial frames do not contract without a physical cause. The law of cause and effect is maintained in SR.
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  • #54
harrylin said:
Note that such a frame is not an inertial frame (you know that certainly very well, but the OP may not be aware of the consequences!).

Yes, that's a good point... thanks. As far as I can tell, that frame is good for little other than showing that the string breaks because that's what strings do when you pull their ends apart. The physics of the string is easy to analyze in that frame, but as soon as you look beyond the string and the two ships it ceases to be helpful.

The non-inertial frame of Einstein's elevator/acceleration/gravity equivalence principle thought-experiment has the same problem that everything else in the universe seems to magically accelerate and length contract... That's why Einstein didn't put any windows in his elevator :smile:
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  • #55
1977ub said:
Can SR "handle acceleration" as I recently read? Can't we take "successive frames" that a particular ship passes through and say something meaningful. (I'm not sure how such an exercise would bear on this. )

SR can indeed handle acceleration - google for "Rindler coordinates".

Although there is no inertial frame in which an end of the string remains at rest, there are "momentarily comoving inertial frames" (MCIFs) in which that end of the string is momentarily at rest. These are useful if we want to calculate the apparent positions and speeds of the ships, the ground, and everything else at a particular moment in time (from the point of view of an observer in the ship at that end). They are not, however, especially useful for calculating the increasing separation of the two ships as time passes because the string is only monetarily at rest in these frames.

Note that the earthbound observer in Bell's original statement of the paradox is using a frame that is momentarily comoving with the string - at time zero and only then is the string at rest in this observer's inertial frame.
  • #56
It suddenly strikes me that perhaps here the subtle difference should be explained between "MCIF"'s and accelerating frames in SR.
As a matter of fact, this was unclear to me some time ago, and it's probably still not understood by many.

So I'll re-hash what we discussed here above, focusing at that difference.

Using co-moving inertial frames is described in detail in post #22 by stevendaryl. He shut off the engines temporarily so as not to be hindered by acceleration, but that isn't really necessary for small acceleration as I discussed in post #47 . With co-moving inertial frames nothing magical is suggested: firing the rocket engines accelerates the rockets, and not the Earth and the stars. Also nothing happens to the launch pad. In each step a small incremental Lorentz transformation is made to a consecutive inertial frame in order to call that the new rest frame.
This allows to follow during the flight how the string stresses according to static mechanics; however, we never forget (or, we should never forget) that in this approach the rockets are accelerating from rest in the launch pad frame and that nothing happens with the launch pad frame's dimensions; apparent changes to the launch pad must be due to changes in the string's co-moving measurement system, caused by its change of velocity. In the end nothing different can be concluded as when making a single Lorentz transformation from the launch pad frame to the frame in which the string is at the point of breaking. It's essentially the same, but refined by splitting it up in a great number of steps.

Using accelerating frames is described in detail in post #48 by Nugatory. Although it looks very similar to stevendaryl's analysis, in the end Nugatory considered the string as being in rest all the time - the point of view of the accelerating frame. I similarly used the equivalence between gravitational force and inertial force in post #47. The forces on a string at 1g constant acceleration are just the same as those on a vertically held string in the Earth's gravitation, and the stress increase can be perfectly simulated by an increase in the distance between the attachment points in such a rest frame, as was found before by means of Lorentz transformations. Such a mechanical equivalence (according to classical mechanics and SR) is only meant to simulate the forces that act on the string, as experienced by the string; it's perfect for calculating the moment that the string will break.
In Bell's spaceship example the string is not in rest in a gravitational field but accelerates due to the rocket engine's propulsion, and momentum is conserved. If we forget that and pretend that the string was all the time in rest, then we find that the string has the same equilibrium length all the time and the string undergoes classical stretching. Consequently, length contraction plays no role in the related physical interpretation. However, that goes at the cost of a magical change of dimensions of the launch pad and the rest of the Earth - even a magical acceleration of the Earth and the distant stars. You must not look out of the window, and even not look at your fuel gauge!
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  • #57
May I make a silly question? What are the initial conditions of this paradox? If I am right, the conditions were:
  1. Two identical rockets, and if programmed the program is equal
  2. Both rockets start at the same time, according to the initial reference frame (named S, for example)
  3. Both rockets are tied by a inelastic string, which will break if it is elongated (that is, to the minimum elongation, it breaks)
Am I missing something? Something like "both rockets are some way forced to accelerate with respect to the initial reference frame (maybe)?
  • #58
Stalin Beltran said:
May I make a silly question? What are the initial conditions of this paradox? If I am right, the conditions were:
  1. Two identical rockets, and if programmed the program is equal
  2. Both rockets start at the same time, according to the initial reference frame (named S, for example)
  3. Both rockets are tied by a inelastic string, which will break if it is elongated (that is, to the minimum elongation, it breaks)
Am I missing something? Something like "both rockets are some way forced to accelerate with respect to the initial reference frame (maybe)?
3. Both rockets are tied by an elastic string, which will break if the strain as measured in its momentarily co-moving frame reaches the elongation to break.
4. The string will break at a certain moment, and as interpreted in S, this is due to length contraction because the distance between the rockets remains constant in this frame. Length contraction refers in this context to a change of the stress-free length of an object as observed from a single frame.
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  • #59
Nugatory said:
To do that, you'll need to know how rapidly they are moving apart, and the easiest way to do that is start with their trajectories in the frame in which their acceleration are "truly uniform" (your words, not mine) and then transform into a frame in which one or the other end of the string is at rest. That way, length contraction never enters into the problem, and you can analyze the behavior of the string using only well-understood classical materials science.

Surely inertial frames, comoving or not don't come into the problem. As Nugatory says - transform to the local frame basis of anyone of the ships and it becomes clear that the ships ahead are getting further away and the trailing ships are falling further behind. This stretches the string.
  • #60
Mentz114 said:
Surely inertial frames, comoving or not don't come into the problem. As Nugatory says - transform to the local frame basis of anyone of the ships and it becomes clear that the ships ahead are getting further away and the trailing ships are falling further behind. This stretches the string.
In which sense that is correct and in which sense not, was the subject of the elaborated discussion here above - starting with Nugatory's post #48 .
  • #61
harrylin said:
In which sense that is correct and in which sense not, was the subject of the elaborated discussion here above - starting with Nugatory's post #48 .

I don't know what you mean. In what sense is the string breaking because it is stretched not correct ?
  • #62
harrylin said:
4. The string will break at a certain moment, and as interpreted in S, this is due to length contraction because the distance between the rockets remains constant in this frame. Length contraction refers in this context to a change of the stress-free length of an object as observed from a single frame.

Point 4 is part of the initial conditions, or is it part of the conclusions achieved by analyzing the paradox?
  • #63
Mentz114 said:
I don't know what you mean. In what sense is the string breaking because it is stretched not correct ?
I don't know if anyone would have a problem with saying that the string breaks "because it is stretched". The discussion on p.3 is about the use in SR of accelerating frames instead of inertial frames.
  • #64
Stalin Beltran said:
Point 4 is part of the initial conditions, or is it part of the conclusions achieved by analyzing the paradox?
Apart of the definition, point 4 is my sketch of Bell's analysis. And of course, my main remark concerned point 3.
  • #65
harrylin said:
Apart of the definition, point 4 is my sketch of Bell's analysis. And of course, my main remark concerned point 3.

That is important. I have been analyzing this paradox by taking little ##\Delta t##'s, and if the conditions are 1 to 3, the output will be no string broken (supposing I am right). I know we are not dealing that here, but I just wanted to be sure about the initial conditions.
  • #66
Stalin Beltran said:
That is important. I have been analyzing this paradox by taking little ##\Delta t##'s, and if the conditions are 1 to 3, the output will be no string broken (supposing I am right). I know we are not dealing that here, but I just wanted to be sure about the initial conditions.
Yes the initial conditions are as described in Wikipedia.

PS. if you find that the string doesn't break, then it may be a good idea to present your calculation here for debugging. Comparing the situations at t0=0 and t1 >>0 suffices for the analysis.
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  • #67
Stalin Beltran said:
That is important. I have been analyzing this paradox by taking little ##\Delta t##'s, and if the conditions are 1 to 3, the output will be no string broken (supposing I am right). I know we are not dealing that here, but I just wanted to be sure about the initial conditions.

If you are getting that answer, then you are making a mistake somewhere. The Lorentz transformations show that:

  1. If the accelerations are equal in the initial rest frame, then the accelerations are unequal in other rest frames.
  2. In particular, in the comoving rest frame of one of the rockets, the acceleration of the front rocket is greater.
  3. So in the comoving rest frame of one of the rockets, the distance between the rockets is increasing.
  4. Therefore, the string should break.
  • #68
harrylin said:
I don't know if anyone would have a problem with saying that the string breaks "because it is stretched". The discussion on p.3 is about the use in SR of accelerating frames instead of inertial frames.
OK. My point is that frames are irrelevant in the sense that we only need to find a frame independent analysis. The problem can be expressed in a frame independent way if we can find a Lorentz scalar that tells us if the ships are getting further apart. There is a tensor, ##\theta_{ab}=\partial_a u_b## which has a contraction ##\theta={\theta^a}_a## which tells us if the rockets move apart or get closer. For the case in question it is ##\gamma^3 a^2t##. The ships are moving apart.

The fact that people are using comoving frames to decide questions of physics and not getting clear answers makes me think those methods are very subtle and difficult to use. So, complicated and not needed for understanding.

Usually arguments that use the terms 'length contraction' and 'time dilation' are flawed. The only thing one can trust are Lorentz transformations and scalars. Of course relativity of simultaneity is a fact of life so the phrase 'at the same time' has to mathematically defined to be useful. In the rocket ships case there is no ambiguity because the simultaneity of the take-offs is attributed in one frame.
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  • #69
Mentz114 said:
I don't know what you mean. In what sense is the string breaking because it is stretched not correct ?

Do you have an opinion regarding why there was so much confusion regarding Bell's Paradox, even among experts?
  • #70
1977ub said:
Do you have an opinion regarding why there was so much confusion regarding Bell's Paradox, even among experts?
I'm as confused as anyone about this. But there is no observer who sits on the rope thinking 'why is the rope getting tighter when the ends are fixed ?' This is a mathematical fact as solid as you like. If the observer can't exist then the weird event can't exist and there is no need to 'explain' it. Trying to explain the impossible leads to confusion.

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