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Inductance and capacitance have many analogies, both conceptually and formally. A capacitor connected to a voltage source carries the charge ##Q=C\cdot V##. The analogous equation for inductance is ##n\cdot \Phi=L\cdot I##.
Charge is physical, it's proportional to the number of excess electrons on one plate. But what exactly is ##n\cdot \Phi##? I know what the magnetic flux is, but I wonder if there's a more tangible interpretation analogous to charge.
Inductance and capacitance have many analogies, both conceptually and formally. A capacitor connected to a voltage source carries the charge ##Q=C\cdot V##. The analogous equation for inductance is ##n\cdot \Phi=L\cdot I##.
Charge is physical, it's proportional to the number of excess electrons on one plate. But what exactly is ##n\cdot \Phi##? I know what the magnetic flux is, but I wonder if there's a more tangible interpretation analogous to charge.