Comparing Planck's Mass, Length, Time and Energy

In summary, Sean Carroll discusses Planck's set of four dimensioned quantities: Planck's mass, length, time, and energy. He compares them to actual things and explains that quantum gravity only becomes important at scales larger than the Planck mass or longer than the Planck time. Particle masses greater than ##m_p## and energies greater than ##E_p## are commonplace in classical GR, but are far removed from observable phenomena. Constructing a consistent theory of quantum gravity is more of a theoretical issue than a practical one. The LHC can accelerate protons to about a millionth of the Planck energy, but we would need a much larger accelerator to reach energies comparable to ##E_p##.
  • #1
George Keeling
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
Planck's mass, length, time and energy. I wanted to compare them with actual things. Some don't seem extreme.
Sean Carroll gives the Planck's set of four dimensioned quantities: Planck's mass, length, time and energy. I wanted to compare them with actual things.\begin{align}

m_p=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar c}{G}}&=2.18\times{10}^{-8}\rm{kg}&\rm{{10}^{7}\ E. coli}\phantom {100000000000000000000}&\phantom {10000}(1)\nonumber\\

l_p=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar G}{c^3}}&=1.63\times{10}^{-35}\rm{m}&\rm{Radius\ of\ proton\ ={10}^{-15}\ m}\phantom {10000}&\phantom {10000}(2)\nonumber\\

t_p=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar G}{c^5}}&=5.39\times{10}^{-44}\rm{s}&\rm{Cosmic\ inflation\ ends\ at\ {10}^{-32}s}\phantom {10000}&\phantom {10000}(3)\nonumber\\

E_p=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar c^5}{G}}&=1.95\times{10}^9\rm{J}&\rm{Sun\ emits{\ 10}^{26}\ Js^{-1}. \text{ A-bomb}\rm={10}^{12}}\ J&\phantom {10000}(4)\nonumber\\


&\phantom {10000}\nonumber

\end{align}He then says "Most likely, quantum gravity does not become important until we consider particle masses greater than ##m_p##, or times shorter than ##t_p##, or lengths smaller than ##l_p##, or energies greater than ##E_p##; at lower scales classical GR should suffice. Since these are all far removed from observable phenomena, constructing a consistent theory of quantum gravity is more an issue of principle than of practice."

Whilst it is unimaginable that we will see things shorter than ##t_p## or smaller than ##l_p##, particle masses ('point masses') greater than ##m_p## are commonplace in GR and energies greater than ##E_p## are happening all the time. Can anybody help me make sense of the ##m_p,E_p## parts? And why are those 'greater than' and the others 'less than'?
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  • #2
From your post I calculate "Planck momentum" of M_p c= 6.54 kg m/s which amounts a pitched baseball with 100 miles/hour speed. We can see it in major league game.
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Likes George Keeling
  • #3
He means energies involved in a single particle-particle collision. The LHC can accelerate protons to about a millionth of the Planck energy (if memory serves) (edit:) of a Joule, so we're going to need a bigger accelerator.
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  • #4
mitochan said:
From your post I calculate "Planck momentum" of M_p c= 6.54 kg m/s which amounts a pitched baseball with 100 miles/hour speed. We can see it in major league game.
Much better than collecting 10 million bacteria!
  • #5
Ibix said:
The LHC can accelerate protons to about a millionth of the Planck energy (if memory serves), so we're going to need a bigger accelerator say "After upgrades it reached 6.5 TeV per beam 13 TeV (= ##1.3\times 10^4## GeV) total collision energy," so that's ##10^{15}## times bigger!
  • #6
Correct - my memory was faulty. It's one millionth of a Joule they can reach (source). So we're going to need an even bigger accelerator.

Related to Comparing Planck's Mass, Length, Time and Energy

1. What is Planck's constant and why is it important in physics?

Planck's constant, denoted as h, is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency. It is important because it provides a link between the macroscopic world and the microscopic world, allowing us to understand the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

2. How are Planck's mass, length, time, and energy related?

Planck's mass, length, time, and energy are all related through the Planck constant. The Planck mass is the mass of a particle at the Planck scale, which is the smallest scale at which gravity can be measured. The Planck length is the smallest possible length that has any physical meaning. The Planck time is the shortest possible time that has any physical meaning. And the Planck energy is the maximum energy that can be contained in a single particle. All of these quantities are derived from the Planck constant, which is a measure of the fundamental scale of the universe.

3. How does Planck's constant affect our understanding of the universe?

Planck's constant plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, particularly in the field of quantum mechanics. It helps us to understand the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, which is essential for understanding the fundamental laws of nature. Without Planck's constant, we would not be able to accurately describe the behavior of particles and the universe as a whole.

4. Can Planck's mass, length, time, and energy be measured directly?

No, Planck's mass, length, time, and energy cannot be measured directly. These values are incredibly small and are only relevant at the Planck scale, which is far beyond our current technological capabilities. However, we can indirectly measure these quantities through various experiments and calculations based on the Planck constant.

5. How has our understanding of Planck's constant evolved over time?

Our understanding of Planck's constant has evolved significantly over time. Initially, it was introduced by Max Planck in 1900 as a proportionality constant in his theory of blackbody radiation. However, its significance in quantum mechanics was not fully recognized until the 1920s, when it was used to explain the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Since then, our understanding of Planck's constant has continued to evolve as we make new discoveries and advancements in the field of physics.

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