Computing the value of sine function accurately

In summary, the author developed a robust library to handle n digit arithmetic and followed the scheme Klaas van Aarsen wrote.
  • #1
Hi all
Simple question: How I can compute the value of \(a = \sin \left( 2017 \sqrt[5]{2} \right) \) under following assumptions:
  • No use of advanced numerical libraries is allowed.
  • Only accepted operations are: comparisons, absolute value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • More advanced operations must be returned to the use of allowed operations.
  • End result is needed by 25 digit accuracy.
Ps. I know, \( a \approx -1 \), so equivalent way is to find the number \(b = 1 + a. \) But what is the easiest way to do that? :unsure:

Thank you!
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  • #2
How about:
  1. Evaluate $\sqrt[5] 2$ by Newton Raphson with $f(x)=x^5-2$ and $x_{k+1}=x_k-\frac{f(x_k)}{f'(x_k)},\,x_0=2$.
  2. Evaluate $\tau=2\pi$ by one of its many algorithms. For instance $\tau = 8\tan^{-1}(1)=8\Big(1-\frac 13+\frac 15-\ldots\Big)$.
  3. Evaluate $x\overset{def}=\Big(2017\sqrt[5] 2 \bmod{\tau}\Big)-\frac 34\tau$.
  4. Evaluate $a=\sin\Big(x+\frac 34\tau\Big)=-\cos x=-\Big(1-\frac{x^2}{2!}+\frac{x^4}{4!}-\ldots\Big)$.
Intermediate results will need more than 25 digit accuracy.
A ballpark figure of 30 digit accuracy should suffice in this case.
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  • #3
Interesting! At least worth to try and see how it works! :giggle: Thank you!
  • #4
My approach was:

I typed a very robust library to handle n-digit arithmetic. And then followed the scheme Klaas van Aarsen wrote.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#procedures for N-digit computation

#number of decimals
N = 30

def tofloat(string):
  #to convert number from string to N-float
  minus = string.find('-')
  if(minus > -1): #number is negative
    minus = -1
    #remove it from the string
    string = string.replace('-', '', 1)
    minus = 1
  dot = string.find('.')
  if(dot == -1): #if decimal point does not exist
    #return integer part
    ip = int(string)
    dp = 0
    number = [ip, dp, minus]
    return number
  #if decimal point exists
  ip = int(string[:dot]) #integer part
  dps = string[dot+1:] #decimal part as string
  ldps = len(dps) #length of decimal part
  if(ldps == N): #no extra digits
    dp = int(dps)
  elif(ldps > N): #extra digits
    dp = int(dps[:N]) #first N digits
    e = int(dps[N]) #next digit
    if(e > 4):
      dp += 1
    if(dp > ONE1):
      dp -= ONE
      ip += 1
  else: #too few digits
    a = N - ldps
    zeros = '0' *a
    dp = int(dps + zeros)
  number = [ip, dp, minus]
  return number
def show(number,out=1):
  #routines to print N-digit number
  ip = number[0]
  dp = number[1]
  minus = number[2]
  string = ''
  if(minus == -1):
    string = '-'
  string = string + str(ip)
  if(dp > 0):
    #how many digits in dp?
    dps = str(dp)
    a = N - len(dps) # zeros missing
    if(a > 0):
      zeros = '0' *a
      zeros = ''
    string = string + '.' + zeros + dps
  if(out == 1):
  return string

def sum(a,b):
  #summation of numbers a and b
  na = a[0]*ONE + a[1]
  if(a[2] < 0):
    na = -na
  nb = b[0]*ONE + b[1]
  if(b[2] < 0):
    nb = -nb
  n = na + nb
  sig = 1
  #analyze the result
  if(n < 0):
    sig = -1
    n = -n
  number = [n // ONE,n % ONE,sig]
  return number

def subs(a,b):
  #substraction a - b
  number = sum(a,[b[0],b[1],-b[2]])
  return number

def prod(a,b):
  #product a*b
  #determine the sign of the result
  sig = a[2]*b[2]
  ip = a[0]*b[0]
  dp1 = a[0]*b[1]
  dp2 = a[1]*b[0]
  dp3 = a[1]*b[1]
  dp31 = dp3 // ONE
  #need to find the first dropped digit
  f = dp3 - ONE*dp31
  #one1d = ONE // 10
  f = f // ONE1D
  if(f > 4):
    dp31 += 1
  dp = dp1 + dp2 + dp31
  if(dp > ONE1):
    k = dp // ONE
    dp = dp % ONE
    ip += k
  number = [ip, dp, sig]
  return number

def div(a,b):
  #division a/b
  #sign of the result
  sig = a[2]*b[2]
  na = a[0]*ONE + a[1]
  na *= NSIFT1
  nb = b[0]*ONE + b[1]
  n = na // nb
  #last digit is for rounding
  r = n % 10
  n -= r
  n = n // 10
  #build number
  ip = n // ONE
  dp = n % ONE
  if(r > 4):
    dp += 1
    if(dp > ONE1):
      dp -= ONE
      ip += 1
  number = [ip,dp,sig]
  return number

NZEROS = '0' *N
NSIFT1 = int('1' + NZEROS + '0')
ONE = int('1' + NZEROS)
ONE1 = ONE - 1
ONE1D = ONE // 10

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ndigit as nd

#compute the value of a = sin(2017*(2)^(1/5))

def newite(x):
  #computes 5th root of x
  o = [1,0,1]
  r =,nd.tofloat('0.3'))
  p4 = nd.tofloat('4')
  while((o[0] > 0) or ((o[0] == 0) and (o[1] > 20))):
    r2 =,r)
    r4 =,r2)
    r5 =,r4)
    o = nd.subs(r5,x)
    n =,r4)
    d = nd.div(o,n)
    r = nd.subs(r,d)
  return r

def macatan(x,err = 20):
  #computes atan(x) with error less than err/N units
  x2 =,x)
  term = [5,0,1]
  su = x
  n = [1,0,1]
  sig = -1
  while((term[0] > 0) or ((term[0] == 0) and (term[1] > err))):
    x =,x2)
    n = nd.sum(n,[2,0,1])
    term = nd.div(x,n)
    if(sig < 0):
      su = nd.subs(su,term)
      sig = 1
      su = nd.sum(su,term)
      sig = -1
  return su

#compute 2^(1/5) by Newton iteration
fth2 = newite(nd.tofloat('2'))

#compute pi using Machin's serie:
#pi = 4*(4*atan(1/5) - atan(1/239))
#   = 16*atan(1/5) - 4*atan(1/239)

x1 = nd.tofloat('0.2')
x2 = [239,0,1]
x2 = nd.div([1,0,1],x2) # 1/239

pi1 = macatan(x1,1)
pi1 =,[16,0,1])
pi2 = macatan(x2)
pi2 =,[4,0,1])

pi = nd.subs(pi1,pi2) # pi
pi2 = nd.sum(pi,pi) # 2*pi

#compute the number 2017*2^(1/5)...
x =[2017,0,1],fth2)
#and remove 2pi-multiples
n2pi = nd.div(x,pi2)
xremove =,[n2pi[0],0,1])
x = nd.subs(x,xremove)
#now x ~ 3pi/2. Difference is
pi32 = nd.sum(pi,pi2) # 3*pi
pi32 =,nd.tofloat('0.5')) # 3*pi/2
x = nd.subs(x,pi32)

#compute the a = -cos(x) = -1 + x^2/2 - ...
#difference from -1

x2 =,x)
x = [1,0,1]
sig = 1
v = 0
nim = [1,0,1]
term = [0,45677,1]
su = [0,0,1]
while(term[1] > 20):
  x =,x2)
  v += 1
  nim =,[v,0,1])
  v += 1
  nim =,[v,0,1])
  term = nd.div(x,nim)
  if(sig > 0):
    su = nd.sum(su,term)
    sig = -1
    su = nd.subs(su,term)
    sig = 1

print('difference from -1:',,0))
a = nd.sum([1,0,-1],su)

#correct value:

FAQ: Computing the value of sine function accurately

What is the purpose of computing the value of sine function accurately?

The value of sine function is important in many mathematical and scientific calculations, such as in trigonometry, physics, and engineering. Therefore, accurate computation of sine function is crucial in obtaining precise results in these fields.

What is the most commonly used method for computing the value of sine function accurately?

The most commonly used method for computing the value of sine function accurately is the Taylor series expansion. This method involves breaking down the sine function into a series of terms and calculating each term to obtain an accurate result.

Are there any built-in functions or libraries available for computing the value of sine function accurately?

Yes, most programming languages have built-in functions or libraries for computing the value of sine function accurately. These functions or libraries are often optimized for performance and can be easily implemented in code.

What are some common sources of error when computing the value of sine function accurately?

Some common sources of error when computing the value of sine function accurately include rounding errors, limited precision of computer arithmetic, and using an incorrect value for the input angle. These errors can be minimized by using appropriate algorithms and data types.

Is it possible to compute the value of sine function accurately for very large or small angles?

Yes, it is possible to compute the value of sine function accurately for very large or small angles. However, as the angle approaches 90 degrees or 0 degrees, respectively, the accuracy of the computation may decrease due to the limitations of computer arithmetic.
