Concentrical conducting spheres with charge distribution and dielectric

In summary, the problem involves two concentric conducting spherical shells with radii a and b (a<b) and charges Q and -Q. The space between the shells is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant ε, covering half of the space between the shells. The goal is to find the electric field between the shells, the charge distribution for the inner sphere, and the surface density charge for the dielectric at r=a. The approach of using capacitance is useful, as the potential is constant on each sphere and the potential difference between the two spheres remains the same regardless of the presence of the dielectric. This leads to the conclusion that the electric field is the same in the two regions. The problem can be approached by considering
  • #1
Hi. I have this problem, which I must solve. It says: two concentric conducting spherical shells, of radius a and b (a<b), are charged at Q and -Q respectively. The space between the spheres is filled at its half by an hemisphere of dielectric with dielectric constante ε.

a)Find the field for every point between the spheres.
b)Compute the charge distribution for the inner sphere.
c)Compute the surface density charge for the dielectric at r=a.

Well, I don't know how to start with this. It bothers me that the dielectric fills just one half of the space between the spheres, specially bothers me the interface between the dielectric and the "empty" space (the space is actually filled by the electric field), the problem is I don't know how to considere the induced charge on that interface, and I don't how ti find the entire electric field.

I was tempted to write that in the space within the dielectric the field is just:
[tex]E=\frac{Q}{4\pi \epsilon r^2}[/tex]
And the "empty" space has a field:

[tex]E=\frac{Q}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}[/tex]
But then I wouldn't be having in mind the polarization on the dielectric.
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  • #2
I've been thinking that as the electric field is radial, there will be no induced surface charge at the interface between the dielectric and the empty space, so perhaps what I thought at first glance is not such a bad answer, I should have in mind the induced surface charges at the dielectric, but just for the interfaces between the dielectric and the conductors. What you think about this? by the way, I feel tempted to think about capacitance, because of the configuration, opposite charged conductors. Maybe I should use capacitance to solve this.
  • #3
Thinking in terms of capacitors is useful.

You have conducting spheres. What is constant all over a single sphere?

  • #4
The potential. I think I see more clearly now why is useful thinking in terms of capacitors. So I'll have two different capacitance depending on one of the angular coordinates, right? I'm not sure this approach will drive to the electric field, I usally work at the inverse, find the electric field, then the potential difference, then the capacitance, but this case is quiet complicated because of the induced charge in the dielectric.

Thanks for posting ehild.
  • #5
I think I just could consider Gauss, defining the dielectric in the region
[tex]E=\frac{Q}{4\pi \epsilon r^2}[/tex]
And empty space for
[tex]E=\frac{Q}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r^2}[/tex]
Then that should work. I mean, the electric field must be radial, so the interface doesn't bother at all. Is that wrong?
  • #6
It doesn't work because you don't have spherical symmetry in this case because of the dielectric.

As you noted, the potential is constant on each sphere, so the potential difference between the two spheres is the same, regardless of whether the dielectric is there or not. So what does that tell you about the electric field in the two regions?
  • #7
The electric field must be weaker in the dielectric than in the empty space. I know the electric field isn't symmetrical, but its radial, isn't it? I mean, the interface space-dielectric doesn't matter at all, and the only thing that changes is the dielectric constant. That's how I reasoned it. I'm not too sure, because of the induced charges, I don't know if that changes anything on the distribution of Q around the conductors.

How can I set this problem to find the electric field using capacitance? would you help me a bit with the set up?

Thanks for posting vela :)
  • #8
Actually, the electric field is the same. Remember that [tex]\Delta V = -\int \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{r}[/tex]As you said earlier, the potential is constant on each sphere, so the LHS is constant if you integrate from a point on one sphere to a point on the other. If you integrate radially outward from the inner sphere to the outer sphere, the path is essentially identical regardless of whether you're going through the dielectric or not, so the electric field must be the same in the two cases. (Yes, a bit hand-wavey.)

As ehild was hinting at, you'll probably find this problem easiest to analyze if you consider the configuration as two capacitors in parallel.
  • #9
What you mean with the LHS? sorry, missed that :P

But now I understand what you mean. I see why my solution is wrong. Thanks.
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Related to Concentrical conducting spheres with charge distribution and dielectric

1. What is the purpose of using concentrical conducting spheres in an experiment?

The use of concentrical conducting spheres allows for a more accurate measurement and analysis of electric fields and charges. The symmetry of the spheres allows for a uniform distribution of charges and a simplified calculation of electric potential and capacitance.

2. How is charge distribution determined in concentrical conducting spheres?

The charge distribution in concentrical conducting spheres is determined by solving Laplace's equation, which takes into account the boundary conditions and symmetry of the spheres. This equation relates the electric potential to the charge distribution and is solved using various mathematical techniques.

3. Can dielectric materials be used in concentrical conducting spheres?

Yes, dielectric materials can be used in concentrical conducting spheres. These materials are placed between the spheres and affect the capacitance and electric field between the spheres. The use of dielectrics allows for a wider range of experiments and can also help reduce the effect of external charges.

4. How does the distance between the spheres affect the electric field and capacitance?

The distance between the spheres directly affects the electric field and capacitance. As the distance increases, the electric field decreases and the capacitance increases. This relationship follows the inverse-square law, where the electric field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the spheres.

5. What are some practical applications of concentrical conducting spheres with charge distribution and dielectric?

Some practical applications of concentrical conducting spheres include capacitors, voltage dividers, and particle accelerators. They are also commonly used in experiments to study electric fields and charges, as well as in the design and testing of electronic devices. Additionally, concentrical conducting spheres with dielectric materials are used in the production of high-voltage equipment such as transformers and power lines.

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