Conducting Sphere and Grounded Conducting Plate

In summary, the problem involves finding the potential at a general point in space outside a conducting sphere of radius R and charge +Q, which is 2R to the right of a grounded conducting plate. The potential can be calculated using the method of images, where the sphere is treated as a point charge at the center, and an opposite charge is placed at a distance of 4R away. The potential is then expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials to obtain a solution. However, it is important to consider whether the charge on the shell is uniform, as this affects the accuracy of the method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A conducting sphere of radius R carries a total charge of +Q. Its center is placed a distance 2R to the right of a grounded conducting plate. What is the potential at a general point in space outside the sphere and to the right of the plane? (Carry out to at least four terms)

Homework Equations

La Place's Equation, solved using separation of variables.
Legendre Polynomials

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm trying to do this as an image charge problem. I placed a sphere of charge -Q on the opposite side of the conducting plate. My boundary conditions state that at 2R, potential goes to zero and as r goes to infinity, potential goes to zero. I set up an equation for the charge distribution of the -Q sphere: Q = integral(sigma * da). My first attempt was to approximate both spheres as point charges, but the boundary conditions do not allow for that. The directions say to include the first four terms, thus I know think that I must use the infinite sum solution to la Place's equation.

Thank you
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  • #2
The method of images looks like the easiest way to do this to me. It will give you an exact answer which you can expand in spherical harmonics (Legendre Polynomials) to get the same solution that solving Laplace;s equation would give.

(1) Method of images:
You should know that the potential outside of a conducting sphere with charge Q is the same a a point charge Q at the center of the sphere. Use that to obtain the exact solution, and check that it gives a potential of zero at the location of the plane.

Then, expand your solution in terms of Legendre polynomials and calculate the first 4 coefficients.

(2)Laplace's equation--SoV:

The boundary condition that the potential on the plane is zero is fine, although you need to be careful to express that condition properly. (Saying that [itex]V(2R,\theta)=0[/itex] is not the right condition)

Your other boundary condition; that [itex]V\to 0[/itex] as [itex]r\to \infty[/itex] is true, but(!) way too restrictive! It contains no information about the charged sphere.. Instead, try using a more informative boundary condition: what is the potential far from the conducting plane, but not so far that the potential due to the charged sphere is zero? (i.e. what is V at [itex]r\gg 2R[/itex]?)

If you post your work for either method (or both) I will be happy to assist you further.
  • #3
I agree with using the method of images, and I don't understand why the problem talks about "the first four terms", because the solution can be found exactly. Hint: what is the shape of the equipotential surfaces due to two opposite point charges?
  • #4
gabbagabbahey said:
The method of images looks like the easiest way to do this to me. It will give you an exact answer which you can expand in spherical harmonics (Legendre Polynomials) to get the same solution that solving Laplace;s equation would give.

(1) Method of images:
You should know that the potential outside of a conducting sphere with charge Q is the same a a point charge Q at the center of the sphere. Use that to obtain the exact solution, and check that it gives a potential of zero at the location of the plane.

Then, expand your solution in terms of Legendre polynomials and calculate the first 4 coefficients.


I thought that I could do the point charge at the center of the sphere for each one and then the problem become trivial, but don't you have to take into account the radius the sphere?

So with the idea that the sphere becomes a point charge, you have two point charges, one positive, one negative a distance 4 r away from each other. Giving a potential of

V(x,y,z) = 1/(4*pi*epsilon naught)*[q/(sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z-2R)^2))-q/(sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z+2R)^2))]

When z=0, at the plate, then V=0 and when x^2+y^2+z^2 >>(2R)^2, V goes to 0.

Then I could convert it over to the spherical and put in the Legendre polynomials?
  • #5
source.decay said:
I thought that I could do the point charge at the center of the sphere for each one and then the problem become trivial, but don't you have to take into account the radius the sphere?

Hmmm... maybe there is more than meets the eye to this problem: For a spherical shell of uniform charge density, and total charge Q, the potential outside the shell will be the same as the potential due to a point charge at the center of the sphere (you can see this by using Guss' law to quickly find the field outside the sphere).

But what if the charge on the shell isn't uniform? Does the same thing apply?

Can you be sure that the charge on the shell is uniform in this case?

So with the idea that the sphere becomes a point charge, you have two point charges, one positive, one negative a distance 4 r away from each other. Giving a potential of

V(x,y,z) = 1/(4*pi*epsilon naught)*[q/(sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z-2R)^2))-q/(sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z+2R)^2))]

When z=0, at the plate, then V=0 and when x^2+y^2+z^2 >>(2R)^2, V goes to 0.

Then I could convert it over to the spherical and put in the Legendre polynomials?

IF the charge on the spherical shell is uniform, then this would be a correct approach.

So, the burning question is whether or not the charge is uniform on the conducting shell. Can you reason why it isn't?

FAQ: Conducting Sphere and Grounded Conducting Plate

What is a conducting sphere?

A conducting sphere is a spherical object made of a material that allows electric charges to flow freely. It can be either a solid or hollow object and is often used in experiments to demonstrate the principles of electrostatics.

How does a conducting sphere interact with other objects?

A conducting sphere can influence the electric field of other objects around it. If a positively charged object is brought near a conducting sphere, the charges in the sphere will redistribute themselves, causing an attraction between the two objects. If a negatively charged object is brought near the conducting sphere, there will be a repulsion between the two objects.

What is a grounded conducting plate?

A grounded conducting plate is a flat object made of a material that allows electric charges to flow freely. It is connected to the ground, which serves as a large reservoir of charges. This allows any excess charges on the plate to be neutralized, making it an effective way to dissipate electric charges.

How does a conducting sphere interact with a grounded conducting plate?

When a conducting sphere is brought near a grounded conducting plate, the charges in the sphere will redistribute themselves due to the influence of the plate. This redistribution can result in a net charge on the sphere, with the opposite charge being induced on the plate. However, if the conducting sphere is grounded as well, the charges on both objects will neutralize, resulting in no net charge on either object.

What are the practical applications of conducting spheres and grounded conducting plates?

Conducting spheres and grounded conducting plates are used in various applications, including electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection, lightning rods, and capacitors. They are also used in experiments and demonstrations to illustrate concepts such as electric fields and charge redistribution.
