Confidence Interval for Registrations in 2700 Schools

In summary, a confidence interval is a range of values used in statistics to estimate the true population parameter with a certain level of confidence. When calculating a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools, the purpose is to estimate the true mean number of registrations in all 2700 schools based on a sample of data. This is important for making informed decisions and predictions. The interval is calculated by taking a random sample and determining the mean number of registrations, which is then used to estimate the true mean and margin of error. The width of the interval can be affected by factors such as sample size, variability, and chosen level of confidence. It is important to calculate this interval in order to gain insight and aid in decision making for school administrators and
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Homework Statement

in 225 out of 2700 schools, the number of registrations were recorded. The average was 3700, and the standard deviation 6000. Give the 95% confidence interval for the total number of registrations in all of the 2700 schools.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I first found the distribution of the number of registrations in one school.

[tex] T_I=\frac{\bar{I}-\mu}{S/ \sqrt{n}} \sim t_{n-1} [/tex]

Which is distributed as student's t distribution.

I then found the expected value and the variation of [itex]\bar{I}[/itex].
Var(T_I)=\frac{n-1}{n-3} &= Var(\frac{\sqrt(n)}{S} \bar{I} - \frac{\mu\sqrt(n)}{S} \\
\frac{n-1}{n-3} &= \frac{n}{S^2} Var(\bar{I}) \\
Var(\bar{I}) &= \frac{(n-1)S}{(n-2)n}
[/tex]The distribution of the total number of registrations is the sum of the distributions of the registrations in the separate schools. According to the Central limit theorem, that sum is approximately normally distributed.

[tex]\bar{T} \sim N\left(n \cdot E(\bar{I}), n \cdot Var(\bar{I})\right)[/tex]

The standardized variable is:
[tex]\frac{\bar{T} - n \cdot E(\bar{I})}{\sqrt{n \cdot Var(\bar{I})}/ \sqrt{n}} \sim N(0,1) [/tex]

And hence the 95% confidence interval is:
[tex] \left[n \cdot E(\bar{I}) - z_{0.025} \sqrt{n \cdot Var(\bar{I})}/ \sqrt{n}, n \cdot E(\bar{I}) + z_{0.025} \sqrt{n \cdot Var(\bar{I})}/ \sqrt{n} \right] [/tex]

Plugging in [itex]n=2700, E(\bar{I})=3700, Var(\bar{I})=161441.4414[/itex] finally gives:
[tex] \left[ 9989212.476 , 9990787.524 \right] [/tex]
The solution manual gives an interval that is much wider than this.
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  • #2
How can I confirm that my calculation is correct and the solution manual is incorrect?There are a few ways you can confirm that your calculation is correct and the solution manual is incorrect:

1. Check your calculations: Make sure that you have correctly applied all the formulas and that your arithmetic is correct. Double check your work to ensure that you haven't made any errors.

2. Use a different method: There are multiple methods for calculating confidence intervals, so you can try using a different method to see if you get the same result. This will help verify that your calculation is correct.

3. Use a calculator or software: You can use a calculator or statistical software to calculate the confidence interval. This will help you verify if your calculation is correct and will also provide a more accurate result.

4. Consult with a colleague or expert: You can ask a colleague or an expert in statistics to review your calculation and provide feedback. They may be able to identify any errors or provide insight on why your result may differ from the solution manual.

5. Check the data: Make sure that you are using the correct data for your calculation. If the data given in the problem is incorrect, then your result will also be incorrect.

6. Contact the author of the solution manual: If you are still unsure about your calculation, you can contact the author of the solution manual and ask for clarification or explanation on why their result differs from yours.

FAQ: Confidence Interval for Registrations in 2700 Schools

What is a confidence interval?

A confidence interval is a range of values that is likely to contain the true population parameter with a certain level of confidence. It is used in statistics to estimate the range of values that the population parameter may fall within based on a sample of data.

What is the purpose of calculating a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools?

The purpose of calculating a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools is to estimate the true mean number of registrations in all 2700 schools based on a sample of data. This can help in making informed decisions and predictions about the number of registrations in the entire population of schools.

How is a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools calculated?

A confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools can be calculated by taking a random sample of schools from the population of 2700 schools and calculating the mean number of registrations in the sample. This mean can then be used to estimate the true mean number of registrations in all 2700 schools, along with a margin of error.

What factors can affect the width of a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools?

The width of a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools can be affected by the sample size, the variability of registrations within the sample, and the chosen level of confidence. A larger sample size and less variability can result in a narrower confidence interval, while a higher level of confidence can result in a wider interval.

Why is it important to calculate a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools?

Calculating a confidence interval for registrations in 2700 schools is important because it allows us to estimate the true mean number of registrations in the entire population of schools with a certain level of confidence. This can provide valuable insight and aid in decision making for school administrators and policymakers.

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