Confused regarding conservative and non conservative force

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of conservative and non-conservative forces. The work done by gravity is an example of a conservative force, as it only depends on the initial and final position. However, forces of push and pull are non-conservative, as the work done by them can vary depending on the path taken. It is important to note that for a force to be considered conservative, it must always be present, and not turned off at any point during the movement.
  • #1
Confused regarding conservative and non conservative force...

Ok , so here is my explanation :

Suppose I take a box at a height 5m from a reference point upwards. Work done by gravity on the block is -mg(5) J. Upwards is taken as positive and downwards as negative. Then I again take that box 5m downwards to that reference point. Work done by gravity now is -mg(-5) = 5mg J. So net work done by gravity is -5mg+5mg = 0 J. So we find that work done by gravity depends only on initial and final position. So gravitation is a "conservative" force.

Now , I analyze force of push and pull.

Assume that the system is free from any other forces except that of push and pull.

Right is taken as positive and left as negative. I push the box 5m rightwards. Work done by the force of push is 5F J , where F is force of push. The I again take the box 5m leftwards. Work done by force of push is now (-F)(-5) = 5F J. Net work done is 10F J , and not zero. Many say its zero. Why ?

Thus I investigate that forces of push are non conservative. Am I correct ?
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  • #2

No. A constant force is still a conservative force because it is the gradient of a potential. In this U=-kx and F=-dU/dx=k.What you are actually doing wrong is that you turn off the rightward force at some point. When you are talking about path independence the force must always be on. In this case this would mean that :
1. We apply F_r=k to the right until we get at some point Dx, the work done by F_r is E_r=kDx.
2. We turn on a force to the left F_l=-2k. The total force is then F=-k this will make the mass stop at 2Dx the work done by F_r is E_r=2kDx.
3.Now the mass is left to return to the starting point, The work done by the rightward force on the way back is -2kDx therefore the the total work done by it is 0, therefore F_r is conservative.
Note, the rightward force was never turned off and the magnitude of the leftward force can doesn't need to be -2k, it can even be time dependent. If you don't ever turn F_r of the work done by it to go to some point and return to the origin is always 0.

FAQ: Confused regarding conservative and non conservative force

What is the difference between conservative and non-conservative forces?

Conservative forces are those that do not dissipate energy and can be represented by a potential energy function. Non-conservative forces, on the other hand, dissipate energy and cannot be represented by a potential energy function.

How do I determine if a force is conservative or non-conservative?

A force is conservative if the work it does on an object is independent of the path taken. This can be determined by calculating the total work done along two different paths and seeing if they yield the same result. If they do, the force is conservative. If not, it is non-conservative.

What are some examples of conservative forces?

Some examples of conservative forces include gravity, elastic forces, and electrostatic forces.

What are some examples of non-conservative forces?

Some examples of non-conservative forces include friction, air resistance, and tension in a rope that is being stretched.

Why is understanding conservative and non-conservative forces important?

Understanding these types of forces is important in physics and engineering because it allows us to accurately predict the motion of objects and the energy changes involved. It also helps us to identify and minimize sources of energy loss in systems.
