Confusion with Tensors: Understanding Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

In summary: So T(e_1) = d_{1,1} \phi_{1,1} (e_1) + d_{2,1} \phi_{2,1} (e_1) + d_{3,1} \phi_{3,1} (e_1) + \cdots + d_{n,1} \phi_{n,i} (e_n) We also have d_{1,1} = \phi_{1,1} (e_1) d_{2,1} = \phi_{2,1} (e_1) d_{3,1}
  • #1
First let me give the definition of tensor that my book gives:

If [itex] V [/itex] is a finite dimensional vector space with [itex] dim(V) = n [/itex] then let [itex] V^{k} [/itex] denote the k-fold product. We define a k-tensor as a map [itex] T: V^{k} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} [/itex] such that [itex] T [/itex]is multilinear, i.e. linear in each variable if all the other variables are held fixed. I know there are more general definitions but since this is the one I am using in my book, let's stick with this one.

Okay, now here is my problem. First off, assume from this point on that [itex] \mathbb{R}^n [/itex] has the usual basis. If [itex] L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) [/itex] is the set of all 2-tensors on [itex] \mathbb{R}^n [/itex] then it has a dimension of [itex] n^2 [/itex]. If [itex] M(n,n) [/itex] is the set of all n by n matrices with real entries then we have [itex] L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \cong M(n,n) [/itex].

However, let [itex] L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n) [/itex] be the set of all linear transformations [itex] f: \mathbb{R}^n \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^n [/itex]. It seems obvious to me that [itex] L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n) \cong M(n,n) [/itex]. But then this would imply that [itex] L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \cong L(\mathbb{R^n}, \mathbb{R}^n) [/itex] which is impossible since [itex] dim(L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)) = n^2 [/itex] and [itex] dim(L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n)) = n [/itex] (I proved its dimension is [itex] n [/itex] and I am sure the proof is correct).

Where have I gone wrong?
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  • #2
The correspondence between ##L(\mathbb R^n,\mathbb R^n)## and ##M(n,n)## is bijective. So these vector spaces must have the same dimension.
  • #3
That's what I thought as well. So this must just mean my "proof" that [itex] dim(L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n)) = n [/itex] is incorrect.
  • #4
Yes, I agree.
  • #5
JonnyG said:
First let me give the definition of tensor that my book gives:

If [itex] V [/itex] is a finite dimensional vector space with [itex] dim(V) = n [/itex] then let [itex] V^{k} [/itex] denote the k-fold product. We define a k-tensor as a map [itex] T: V^{k} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R} [/itex] such that [itex] T [/itex]is multilinear, i.e. linear in each variable if all the other variables are held fixed. I know there are more general definitions but since this is the one I am using in my book, let's stick with this one.

Okay, now here is my problem. First off, assume from this point on that [itex] \mathbb{R}^n [/itex] has the usual basis. If [itex] L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{n}) [/itex] is the set of all 2-tensors on [itex] \mathbb{R}^n [/itex] then it has a dimension of [itex] n^2 [/itex]. If [itex] M(n,n) [/itex] is the set of all n by n matrices with real entries then we have [itex] L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \cong M(n,n) [/itex].

However, let [itex] L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n) [/itex] be the set of all linear transformations [itex] f: \mathbb{R}^n \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^n [/itex]. It seems obvious to me that [itex] L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n) \cong M(n,n) [/itex]. But then this would imply that [itex] L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) \cong L(\mathbb{R^n}, \mathbb{R}^n) [/itex] which is impossible since [itex] dim(L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)) = n^2 [/itex] and [itex] dim(L(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n)) = n [/itex] (I proved its dimension is [itex] n [/itex] and I am sure the proof is correct).

Where have I gone wrong?

I think you need to specify the target space of ##L^2 (\mathbb R^n, \mathbb R^n) ## , i.e., bilinear maps into what space? If it is into the base field ## \mathbb R ## of dimension 1 as a over itself, then the dimension is ## n^2## as you said, if the target space is another vector space V, then ## Dim L^2 (\mathbb R^n , \mathbb R^n, V ) ## is the product of the individual dimensions. Sorry if this is obvious and I misread what you meant.
  • #6
He never mentioned ##L^2(\mathbb R^n,\mathbb R^n)##. The question was about ##L(\mathbb R^n,\mathbb R^n)## (linear operators on ##\mathbb R^n##) and ##L^2(\mathbb R^n)## (bilinear maps from ##\mathbb R^n\times\mathbb R^n## into ##\mathbb R##).
  • #7
OK. Is ##L^2(\mathbb R^n)## supposed to be maps into ##\mathbb R##, or into any vector space ( as in the case of matrix multiplication)?
  • #8
[itex] L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) [/itex] maps into the reals. I see the mistake in my "proof" that led to this confusion. It all makes sense now.
  • #9
Just curious, what was it?
  • #10
WWGD said:
Just curious, what was it?

***Sorry about the crappy LaTex ***

Well the correct proof would be to fix the usual basis for [itex] \mathbb{R}^n [/itex]. Let [itex] T \in L(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^n) [/itex]. Let [itex] \phi_{j,i} (e_i) = e_j [/itex] but be 0 on all other basis vectors. Note that [itex] 1 \le j \le n, 1 \le i \le n [/itex]. We show that the [itex] \phi_{j,i} [/itex] span [itex] L(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^n) [/itex]. We know that [itex] T(e_j) = \sum_{j = 1}^n d_{j,i} e_j [/itex] for some scalars [itex] d_{j,i} \in \mathbb{R} [/itex].

So [itex] T(e_1) = d_{1,1} \phi_{1,1} (e_1) + d_{2,1} \phi_{2,1} (e_1) + d_{3,1} \phi_{3,1} (e_1) + \cdots + d_{n,1} \phi_{n,i} (e_n) [/itex]

We do this for each [itex] e_i [/itex]. Clearly then, [itex] T [/itex] is a linear combination of the [itex] \phi_{j,i} [/itex]. It is also clear that there are [itex] n^2 [/itex] many of the [itex] \phi_{j,i} [/itex] and Linear independence is obvious.

The mistake I was making before was only allowing one index, so I ended up with only [itex] n [/itex] many of the [itex] \phi [/itex]
  • #11
Thanks; your Latex is fine.

Related to Confusion with Tensors: Understanding Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

1. What are tensors and how are they related to finite-dimensional vector spaces?

Tensors are mathematical objects that represent multilinear maps between vector spaces. In other words, they are a way to encode relationships between vectors and their transformations. They are closely related to finite-dimensional vector spaces because tensors can be defined and manipulated using the basis vectors and coordinates of a vector space.

2. How do tensors differ from regular vectors and matrices?

Unlike regular vectors, which are one-dimensional arrays of numbers, tensors can have multiple dimensions and represent more complex relationships between vectors. Tensors also differ from matrices in that they are not limited to representing linear transformations, but can represent more general multilinear transformations.

3. What is the importance of understanding finite-dimensional vector spaces in relation to tensors?

Finite-dimensional vector spaces provide the foundation for understanding tensors. Tensors can only be defined and manipulated in the context of a vector space, and finite-dimensional vector spaces allow for the use of coordinates and basis vectors, which are essential for working with tensors.

4. How can tensors be used in practical applications?

Tensors have many practical applications, particularly in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used to represent physical quantities, such as stress and strain in materials, and can also be used in machine learning algorithms for data analysis and pattern recognition.

5. What are some common sources of confusion when working with tensors and finite-dimensional vector spaces?

Some common sources of confusion include understanding the concept of basis vectors and how they relate to coordinates, the difference between contravariant and covariant tensors, and the use of index notation in manipulating tensors. It is important to have a solid understanding of the underlying concepts and notation in order to work with tensors effectively.

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