Conservation of Angular Momentum bicycle problem

In summary, a bicycle wheel with a moment of inertia of .37 kg*m^2 is spun up to 14 rad/s, rotating about a vertical axis. A student holds the wheel while sitting on a rotatable stool. The total moment of inertia for the system is 3.6 kg*m^2. After the wheel is flipped over, the angular velocity of the student and stool will be 2.89 rad/s. This is calculated by using the conservation of angular momentum equation: Angular Momentum (of stool and student) + Angular Momentum (of wheel) = constant.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a demonstration, a bicycle wheel with moment of inertia = .37 kg*m^2 is spun up to 14 rad/s, rotating about a vertical axis. A student hold the wheel while sitting on a rotatable stool. The student and the stool are initially stationary and have a moment of inertia equal to 3.6 kg*m^2. If the student turns the bicycle wheel over so its axis point in the opposite direction, with what angular velocity will the student and stool rotate? Assume the wheel, student, and stool all have the same axis of rotation.

Homework Equations

Im not entirely sure if you need the equation for angular momentum, or just to know that it is conserved. Ill give the equation anyways.
Angular Momentum Equation: L=I*ω

Moment of Inertia Equation: I = m*r^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I figured that this question is all about the conservation of angular momentum. If I add the moment of inertia of the stool and student to the negative of the inertia for the bicycle wheel (because its now upside-down, right? ) I would get the total moment of inertia for the system. I have no idea how to proceed from here, becase the equation for moment of inertia is I = m*r^2, and I don't have an r to use. Maybe I need to look into the angular momentum equation some more (derivative of that equation to find the change of ω perhaps?)

I feel like this should be an easy problem (this is a reading review problem supposedly) but its just not clicking for me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Treat the system as having two parts: (1) The wheel, and (2) The student and stool.

Initially, only the wheel is rotating. So what's the total angular momentum of the system?

What happens to the angular momentum of the wheel when it is inverted?
  • #3
If I treat this system as two parts, then the angular momentum is just that of the wheel in the beginning, .37 kg*m^2. So does the angular momentum become negative if we flip the wheel on its z axis, becoming -.37kg*m^2?

this would mean that the angular velocity of the system would flip, becoming -14 rad/s right?

Does the angular momentum of the student and the stool have any use in this case?
  • #4
pogo2065 said:
If I treat this system as two parts, then the angular momentum is just that of the wheel in the beginning, .37 kg*m^2. So does the angular momentum become negative if we flip the wheel on its z axis, becoming -.37kg*m^2?

this would mean that the angular velocity of the system would flip, becoming -14 rad/s right?
The moment of inertia of the wheel doesn't change, but its angular momentum does.

Does the angular momentum of the student and the stool have any use in this case?
Consider the total angular momentum of the system. Can that change?
  • #5
Sorry, I was a bit confused while writing my previous post. I mean does the moment of inertia for the student and the stool matter?

So if I flip over the bicycle wheel, its angular velocity should become negative, right? (relative to the system, its now spinning in the other direction). Should I then use this new angular velocity and the sum of the moments of inertia (which don't change) to calculate the new angular momentum?

I feel like this is going in circles, since once I calculate that new angular momentum I would have to use all the same values again to calculate the angular velocity.
  • #6
pogo2065 said:
Sorry, I was a bit confused while writing my previous post. I mean does the moment of inertia for the student and the stool matter?
Of course it matters.

So if I flip over the bicycle wheel, its angular velocity should become negative, right? (relative to the system, its now spinning in the other direction).
Should I then use this new angular velocity and the sum of the moments of inertia (which don't change) to calculate the new angular momentum?
Treat the two parts of the system as separate (but loosely connected) entities.

I feel like this is going in circles, since once I calculate that new angular momentum I would have to use all the same values again to calculate the angular velocity.
Try this:

Ang Mom (of stool & student) + Ang Mom (of wheel) = constant.

If Ang Mom (of wheel) changes, how must Ang Mom (of stool & student) change?
  • #7
Doc Al said:
If Ang Mom (of wheel) changes, how must Ang Mom (of stool & student) change?

The Angular Momentum of the stool and student must change to make the equation still valid, since Angular Momentum is conserved.

So to calculate the Angular Momentum of the wheel:

AM(wheel) = .37*(-14) = -5.18

so then:

AM(wheel) + AM(Student) = constant.

-5.18 + 3.6*ω(student) = constant.

How should I proceed from here? I am not sure how to calculate the constant before the switching of direction of the wheel...

Im off to class for a bit but I will check back after.
  • #8
pogo2065 said:
The Angular Momentum of the stool and student must change to make the equation still valid, since Angular Momentum is conserved.

So to calculate the Angular Momentum of the wheel:

AM(wheel) = .37*(-14) = -5.18

so then:

AM(wheel) + AM(Student) = constant.

-5.18 + 3.6*ω(student) = constant.
Good. That's for after the wheel was flipped.

How should I proceed from here? I am not sure how to calculate the constant before the switching of direction of the wheel...
Do the same calculation for before the wheel is flipped.

(You're almost there.)
  • #9
So should i do something like:

AM(student-initial) + AM(wheel-initial)=AM(student-final)+AM(wheel-final)

and then solve it for the AM of the student-final.

so it would be:

3.6*0 +.37*14 = 3.6*x+.37*-14

and solve for the final angular velocity.

x = 2.89 rad/s

Is this correct?

EDIT: I just checked my work over and typed the answer into the online homework system for my class - i got it right. This was such a simple problem in hindsight!
Thank you Doc Al for all your help and patience as i struggled to grasp this concept. Your assistance has been invaluable!
  • #10
Excellent! :approve:

FAQ: Conservation of Angular Momentum bicycle problem

1. What is "Conservation of Angular Momentum" in the context of a bicycle?

The conservation of angular momentum refers to the principle that states that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a bicycle, this means that the total angular momentum of the wheels and the rider must remain constant as they move.

2. How does conservation of angular momentum affect a bicycle?

Conservation of angular momentum affects a bicycle by allowing it to maintain its balance and stability while in motion. As the wheels rotate, they generate angular momentum, which helps to keep the bike upright and prevents it from falling over.

3. What factors can affect the conservation of angular momentum in a bicycle?

The factors that can affect the conservation of angular momentum in a bicycle include the speed and direction of the bicycle, the weight and position of the rider, and any external forces acting upon the bike, such as wind or friction.

4. How is the conservation of angular momentum demonstrated in a bicycle?

The conservation of angular momentum can be demonstrated in a bicycle by performing a simple experiment. If a bicycle is placed on a turntable and the rider moves their arms in and out, the bike will start to rotate in the opposite direction to maintain its total angular momentum.

5. What are some real-life applications of the conservation of angular momentum in bicycles?

The conservation of angular momentum in bicycles has several real-life applications. It is used in the design of bicycles and other vehicles to ensure stability and balance while in motion. It is also utilized in sports such as cycling and motorcycling to perform tricks and stunts. Additionally, the principle is used in the development of gyroscopes, which are used in navigation and stabilization systems in various devices.
