Contact Point between a Rigid Body and the Surface it sits (Semi-Ellipsoid)

In summary, a contact point between a rigid body and a surface is the location where the two objects make physical contact, determining the direction and magnitude of the contact force. The contact point for a semi-ellipsoid is determined by the point where the surface of the semi-ellipsoid touches the surface it sits on. Various factors, such as shape, dimensions, materials, and external forces, can affect the contact point. Understanding the contact point is important in predicting the behavior of a rigid body, and it can be calculated using equations or measured experimentally with sensors and tools.
  • #1
Hello, I've been having trouble with a certain part of a homework problem. I wish I had posted this earlier so there would be more time! Anyway...

The shape is a semi-ellipsoid (a Rattleback, in particular). Here's a good picture of what I'm talking about.
(Hopefully you don't mind if I use my own variables, rather than the picture's)
The origin, in my case, is in the center of the ellipsoid.

Homework Statement

In my problem,
Unit vectors:
e1 is by (from the picture)
e2 is bz (is pointing sort of into the screen -- hard to tell from the picture)
e3 is bx

and the Z axis (ez) is nx (from the picture)

α is the rotation around the e1 (by) axis
β is the rotation around the e2 (bz) axis
(so they're both angles down from the ez axis, representing the rotation of the ellipsoid in two different directions)

I should also note that ζ is the angle about the ez axis (so the fixed-to-the-room axis); however, it is not presented in the solution.

A is the contact point between the ellipsoid and the ground. (so that's BN)

a and b are the lengths of the semi-axes, and c is the 'height' (still a semi-axis, I suppose)

I'm supposed to show that the contact point, A, can be written as a function of the angles α and β by
x1 = -[itex]\frac{a^2}{p}[/itex] μ1
x2 = -[itex]\frac{b^2}{p}[/itex] μ2
x3 = -[itex]\frac{c^2}{p}[/itex] μ3

p2 = (aμ1)2 + (bμ2)2 + (cμ3)2
μi=ei dot ez

Then additionally parametrize the contact point as free point on the surface and show that:
μ1 = cos(α)sin(β)
μ2 = sin(α)
μ3 = cos(α)cos(β)

And I'm supposed to say which constraints characterize it.

Homework Equations

What I think are the relevant equations:


[tex] x=asin\phi cos \theta [/tex]
[tex] y=bsin \phi sin \theta [/tex]
[tex] z=ccos\phi [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm a little unsure as to how I should start regarding the angles. The parameterization of an ellipsoid given above uses those angles to describe the surface. The angles given in the problem are used to describe the rotation of the whole body.

I would say that the constraint (in one form or another) is this:
Since the slope at the contact point will be parallel with the ground, the gradient of the surface at the contact point (ΔF(A)) will always be orthogonal to the ez axis.

Where A is (x0 , y0 , z0)

So, without parameterizing it first, and just using cartesian coordinates, I tried to solve for (x0 , y0 , z0) by taking the gradient of F(x,y,z), dotting it by the ez vector, (0, 0, 1) and setting that equal to zero. Which means the z-coordinate will always be equal to zero. But, if the coordinate origin is centered in the middle of the ellipsoid, then the z coordinate should always be ≥ c.
Anyway, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to convert it to coordinates of α and β. I'd imagine it has to do with Euler Angles, but I'm not quite sure how to go about that.
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  • #2

Dear student,

Thank you for your post. It seems like you are on the right track with your approach. To convert the coordinates to α and β, you can use the following equations:

α = arctan(x1/x3)
β = arctan(x2/x3)

These equations come from the fact that the rotation about the e1 and e2 axes can be represented as rotations about the x and y axes, respectively, in a 3D coordinate system. Therefore, the angles α and β can be obtained by taking the arctangent of the ratio of the x and z coordinates, and the y and z coordinates, respectively.

As for the constraints, you are correct in stating that the slope at the contact point will always be parallel to the ground. This means that the normal vector to the surface at the contact point must be perpendicular to the ez axis, as you mentioned. This can be expressed as the dot product of the gradient of F(x,y,z) and the ez vector being equal to zero.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your homework problem!

Related to Contact Point between a Rigid Body and the Surface it sits (Semi-Ellipsoid)

1. What is a contact point between a rigid body and a surface?

A contact point between a rigid body and a surface is the location where the two objects make physical contact. It is where the forces between the two objects are transmitted and determines the direction and magnitude of the contact force.

2. How is the contact point determined for a semi-ellipsoid?

The contact point for a semi-ellipsoid is determined by the point where the surface of the semi-ellipsoid touches the surface it sits on. This point is typically located at the end of the major axis of the semi-ellipsoid.

3. What factors affect the contact point between a rigid body and a surface?

The contact point between a rigid body and a surface can be affected by various factors such as the shape and dimensions of the rigid body and the surface it sits on, the materials they are made of, and the external forces acting on them.

4. Why is the contact point important in understanding the behavior of a rigid body?

The contact point is important because it determines the direction and magnitude of the contact force between the rigid body and the surface. This helps in understanding how the rigid body will move and respond to external forces.

5. How can the contact point be calculated or measured?

The contact point can be calculated using mathematical equations based on the dimensions and shape of the rigid body and the surface it sits on. It can also be measured experimentally using sensors and measuring tools to determine the exact location of the contact point.

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