Continue solutions of ODEs around the origin

In summary, continuing solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) around the origin involves analyzing the behavior of these solutions in the vicinity of a singular point. This process typically requires transforming the ODE into a suitable form, applying series expansions, and ensuring convergence of the solutions. The approach helps in understanding the local dynamics of the system and can lead to insights about the stability and qualitative behavior of solutions near the origin. Techniques such as power series methods and the use of analytic functions are often employed to extend solutions beyond their initial intervals of validity.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Solve the following equations when ##z## is real and positive. How will the solutions change if continued one revolution around the origin in the positive direction? a) ##2zx'-x=0## and b) ##z^2x'+x=0##.
Relevant Equations
By "continued one revolution around the origin", they basically mean evaluate ##x(ze^{2\pi i})##.
What confuses me is that my solution differs from that given in the answers at the back of the book.

Solving the ODEs is fairly simple. They are both separable. After rearrangement and simplification, you arrive at ##x(z)=Cz^{1/2}## for a) and ##x(z)=De^{1/z}## for b). In both solutions, ##C## and ##D## are positive constants.

Then I'm asked to evaluate ##x(ze^{2\pi i})## and a TA claims that ##x(ze^{2\pi i})=C(ze^{2\pi i})^{1/2}=Cz^{1/2}e^{\pi i}=-Cz^{1/2}## for a) and that ##x(ze^{2\pi i})=De^{1/(ze^{2\pi i})}=De^{1/z}## for b). This is also the answer given in the back of the book. I agree for b), but for a), why isn't it true that ##x(ze^{2\pi i})=C(ze^{2\pi i})^{1/2}=C(z\cdot1)^{1/2}=Cz^{1/2}##?

Edit: This problem appears in a section on differential equations with singular points, i.e. where the matrix ##A(z)## in the corresponding system ##x'(z)=A(z)x(z)## has a singularity.
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  • #2
Which branch of the square root are you using? In the principal branch, [itex]\arg z \in (-\pi, \pi][/itex] and [itex]\arg z^{1/2} = \frac12 \arg z \in (-\pi/2, \pi/2][/itex] so that [itex]\operatorname{Re}(z^{1/2}) \geq 0[/itex]. However, in the branch in which [itex]\arg z \in (\pi, 3\pi][/itex] then [itex]\arg z^{1/2} = \frac12 \arg z \in (\pi/2, 3\pi/2][/itex] so that [itex]\operatorname{Re}(z^{1/2}) \leq 0[/itex]. [itex]e^{0i}[/itex] is not in this branch, but [itex]e^{2\pi i}[/itex] is.

In both cases, [itex]\sqrt{re^{i\theta}} = r^{1/2}e^{i\theta/2}[/itex] with [itex]r^{1/2} \geq 0[/itex].
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  • #3
Right, a branch...I forgot! I guess the book uses the latter branch, i.e. for which ##\arg z \in (\pi, 3\pi]##, since they input a real positive number and get a negative positive number. It makes more sense now. Thank you.

FAQ: Continue solutions of ODEs around the origin

What is an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)?

An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) is an equation that involves functions of one independent variable and their derivatives. It describes the relationship between the function and its rates of change, and it is used to model various physical, biological, and economic systems.

Why is the origin significant in solving ODEs?

The origin (usually the point where the independent variable and the dependent variable are both zero) is often significant because it can be a critical point where the behavior of the solution changes. In many physical systems, the origin represents an equilibrium or starting point, and understanding the solution around this point can provide insights into the system's overall behavior.

What methods can be used to continue solutions of ODEs around the origin?

Several methods can be used to continue solutions of ODEs around the origin, including power series expansions, the method of Frobenius, numerical methods like Euler's method and Runge-Kutta methods, and perturbation techniques. These methods help in approximating the solution near the origin and extending it to a larger domain.

What are power series solutions, and how are they used around the origin?

Power series solutions involve expressing the solution of an ODE as an infinite sum of terms in the form of a power series. Around the origin, this method is particularly useful because it allows for the approximation of the solution by considering the series expansion centered at the origin. This is effective for ODEs with regular singular points at the origin.

What challenges might arise when continuing solutions of ODEs around the origin?

Challenges in continuing solutions around the origin include handling singularities, ensuring the convergence of series solutions, dealing with non-linearity, and maintaining numerical stability. Additionally, the behavior of the solution near the origin might be highly sensitive to initial conditions, requiring careful analysis and precise computations.

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