Control of pH in acidic range by thermal degradation

In summary: Hi GCT,thanks for your input! i am currently working with the formic acid/sodium formate system to test for feasibility, and will move to some of the more complex esters if i cannot induce enough of a pH change.--dave
  • #1
Hi all,

Long time lurker, very seldom poster.

I have a need for an aqueous soluble compound that will thermally decompose or oxidize to form acidic products in the temperature range 100-300 C.

It's well known that, on the other end of the scale, urea is water-soluble and near-neutral pH at room temperature but will decompose into a variety of products but most importantly ammonia (which dissolves in water to form ammonium ions, thereby raising the pH of the solution considerably). However, I've had considerable difficulty finding anything that can perform a similar function and make the solution more acidic.

The best thing I've found is ethylene glycol, which will oxidize to form ethylene oxide, some ethers, and release free protons. In practice, however, this is a pretty slow process and takes many days to equilibrate.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions from more experienced chemists!

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  • #2
uby said:
Hi all,

Long time lurker, very seldom poster.

I have a need for an aqueous soluble compound that will thermally decompose or oxidize to form acidic products in the temperature range 100-300 C.

It's well known that, on the other end of the scale, urea is water-soluble and near-neutral pH at room temperature but will decompose into a variety of products but most importantly ammonia (which dissolves in water to form ammonium ions, thereby raising the pH of the solution considerably). However, I've had considerable difficulty finding anything that can perform a similar function and make the solution more acidic.

The best thing I've found is ethylene glycol, which will oxidize to form ethylene oxide, some ethers, and release free protons. In practice, however, this is a pretty slow process and takes many days to equilibrate.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions from more experienced chemists!


Products of transesterfication are acidic and yield compounds such as acetic acid and alcohols upon autoclaving. I used to autoclave solutions containing anhydrides and esters - the resulting solution was relatively more acidic.
  • #3
hi GCT,

thanks for your input! i am currently working with the formic acid/sodium formate system to test for feasibility, and will move to some of the more complex esters if i cannot induce enough of a pH change.


FAQ: Control of pH in acidic range by thermal degradation

1. What is thermal degradation?

Thermal degradation is the process by which a substance breaks down or decomposes due to exposure to high temperatures.

2. How does thermal degradation control pH in the acidic range?

As the temperature increases, molecules in a solution start to vibrate more and more, causing them to break apart and release ions. This leads to an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions, which lowers the pH and makes the solution more acidic.

3. What factors can affect the rate of thermal degradation?

The rate of thermal degradation can be influenced by factors such as temperature, pH, the concentration of the substance, and the presence of catalysts or inhibitors.

4. How is the pH level monitored during thermal degradation?

The pH level can be monitored using a pH meter, pH paper, or a colorimetric indicator. These tools can measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution and provide a numerical pH value.

5. What are some common applications of controlling pH in the acidic range by thermal degradation?

Controlling pH in the acidic range by thermal degradation is important in various industries, such as food and beverage production, wastewater treatment, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. It is also used in laboratory experiments to study the effects of acidic conditions on different substances.
