Could Dark Matter be H or He? They are pervasive

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of dark matter being composed of ordinary matter, specifically hydrogen and helium. However, this is ruled out by the measurements of the abundance of light elements and the lack of interaction between dark matter clouds. The conversation also mentions the theory of Fluorescent Dark Matter, but it does not fully explain the observed behavior of dark matter. Additionally, the presence of dense objects composed of ordinary matter is also ruled out as a potential explanation for dark matter.
  • #1
David Roberts
Hydrogen and Helium are pervasive throughout our universe so their interaction with light is universal too. Dark Matter has been theorized to not interact with light but couldn't that be masked by the Helium and Hydrogen we already see?
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  • #2
No. We know that the light elements heavier than hydrogen (like helium) were created in the first few minutes of the universe, during a period referred to as Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Measurements of the abundance of light elements like He-4, He-3, and deuterium agree very well with the predictions of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and this places tight constraints on the density of ordinary matter in the universe, and it is less than 20% of what other measurements tell us is the density of matter. So dark matter cannot be composed of ordinary atoms. It must be something else.
  • #3
So we are back to a heavier element that doesn't interact with light. At the moment from what I have read, we do not have any candidates for that element. Are there invisible heavy elements that would fit this niche? Maybe a heavy noble gas? But the mechanism of collecting it in the density we would need would then be unknown. I'm probably going down a dead end trail.
  • #4
Again. It is not composed of ordinary matter. Not protons and neutrons, and hence not ordinary atoms.
  • #5
Everything made out of protons, neutrons and electrons interacts with light. Even if it doesn't emit or absorb light, it still means it collides with other atoms and exchanges energy with them.
  • This leads to the disk shapes we see for galaxies, and to stars and planetary systems on smaller scales. Dark matter doesn't form disks and it doesn't clump on the scale of stars. It cannot be made out of atoms, no matter which element.
  • Everything that has charged components wouldn't pass through Earth, and would accumulate here. We would find this easily.
  • In the early universe, only hydrogen and helium existed. We can measure the amount. It agrees with the amount of matter today. There was no process that could have formed heavier atoms either. And heavier atoms would have changed the formation of the cosmic microwave background, again something that disagrees with observations.
  • Various more points.
  • #6
David Roberts said:
Hydrogen and Helium are pervasive throughout our universe so their interaction with light is universal too. Dark Matter has been theorized to not interact with light but couldn't that be masked by the Helium and Hydrogen we already see?

Fluorescent Dark Matter has been proposed for clouds of dark matter absorbing and emitting x-rays via a similar mechanism (albeit time and distance delayed) to how hydrogen clouds absorb and emit photons so the difference in wavelength of that which is absorbed and emitted by the dark matter will be the main physical difference. The link to the paper is at the bottom and there is an interesting proposed test for local Fluorescent Dark Matter but in all it just doesn't quite hit the spot.


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  • #7
Another reason that we know that it can not be any ordinary matter is because we're confident that it doesn't interact with itself. Atoms bounce off of each other (all kinds) but a cloud of dark matter will fly straight through another cloud of dark matter as though it wasn't even there. We see this in the Bullet Cluster. We know where the dark matter is based on gravitational lensing.
  • #8
newjerseyrunner said:
Another reason that we know that it can not be any ordinary matter is because we're confident that it doesn't interact with itself. Atoms bounce off of each other (all kinds) but a cloud of dark matter will fly straight through another cloud of dark matter as though it wasn't even there. We see this in the Bullet Cluster. We know where the dark matter is based on gravitational lensing.

These kinds of arguments still allow for dense massive objects composed of ordinary matter. For example, old stellar objects which have collapsed to neutron stars or black holes are essentially collisionless because they are so small. Also, small planet-sized objects would be dark and collisionless, and could be numerous enough to account for the dark matter. The real nail in the coffin for these hypotheses (which is called the MACHO hypothesis in the literature) is what I said in Post #2, which pretty eliminates the possibility of dark matter composed of ordinary matter objects.
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  • #9
phyzguy said:
These kinds of arguments still allow for dense massive objects composed of ordinary matter. For example, old stellar objects which have collapsed to neutron stars or black holes are essentially collisionless because they are so small. Also, small planet-sized objects would be dark and collisionless, and could be numerous enough to account for the dark matter. The real nail in the coffin for these hypotheses (which is called the MACHO hypothesis in the literature) is what I said in Post #2, which pretty eliminates the possibility of dark matter composed of ordinary matter objects.

Are you saying that increasing the number of protons + neutrons would change the hydrogen/helium ratio? How much helium and lithium would we expect with a 5x increase?
  • #10
stefan r said:
Are you saying that increasing the number of protons + neutrons would change the hydrogen/helium ratio? How much helium and lithium would we expect with a 5x increase?

Absolutely. Look at the graph below, from this recent paper. The blue lines are the predicted abundances of(from the top) He4, He3, D, and Li7. as a function of the baryon to photon ratio (η). The green bands are the measured abundances (with error bars), and the gray line is the baryon to photon ratio measured by Planck(also with error bars). He4, He3, and D all agree beautifully. Li7 doesn't agree, but that's another story. Notice that the measured Li7 abundance is only 10^-10 of H, so these are very difficult measurements. Setting the Li7 aside, you can see that if you changed the number of baryons by even a factor of 2, things wouldn't even be close. A factor of 5 is off the chart, but the discrepancies would be huge.



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  • #11
phyzguy said:
Absolutely. Look at the graph below, from this recent paper. The blue lines are the predicted abundances of(from the top) He4, He3, D, and Li7. as a function of the baryon to photon ratio (η). The green bands are the measured abundances (with error bars), and the gray line is the baryon to photon ratio measured by Planck(also with error bars). He4, He3, and D all agree beautifully. Li7 doesn't agree, but that's another story. Notice that the measured Li7 abundance is only 10^-10 of H, so these are very difficult measurements. Setting the Li7 aside, you can see that if you changed the number of baryons by even a factor of 2, things wouldn't even be close. A factor of 5 is off the chart, but the discrepancies would be huge.

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I did not read much of that paper yet. But did find this:
After selecting 28 object, Izotovet al.(2014) obtained YP= 0.2551±0.0022for the 4He mass fraction
But they use 0.2449 ± 0.0040 from a different source instead. Assuming the graph is correct 0.2551 would be off your chart to the right. That gives the impression of the same order of magnitude debate as dark matter in general.
  • #12
They explain why they used that data. Actually He4 is not as sensitive as He3 and D. If you increase η by a factor of 5 He3 and D would be way way off. Then you also have to explain why the Planck data and the BBN data just happen to both be off by a factor of 5 and yet agree with each other remarkably well.

Related to Could Dark Matter be H or He? They are pervasive

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is believed to make up about 27% of the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to our current detection methods, but its existence is inferred by its gravitational effects on visible matter.

2. How could dark matter be hydrogen or helium?

Dark matter being composed of hydrogen or helium is one of the theories proposed to explain its nature. These elements are the most abundant in the universe, so it is possible that they could make up a significant portion of dark matter. However, this theory has not been confirmed and there are other proposed candidates for dark matter, such as WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles).

3. What evidence supports the theory of dark matter being hydrogen or helium?

There is currently no solid evidence to support the theory of dark matter being composed of hydrogen or helium. However, some studies have suggested that the distribution of hydrogen and helium in the universe is consistent with the distribution of dark matter, leading to this hypothesis.

4. What would be the implications if dark matter is indeed hydrogen or helium?

If dark matter is composed of hydrogen or helium, it would have implications for our understanding of the universe and its formation. It could also potentially affect the predictions and models of the evolution of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe.

5. How are scientists trying to solve the mystery of dark matter?

Scientists are using various methods to try and detect and understand dark matter, including experiments with particle accelerators, astronomical observations, and theoretical modeling. The search for dark matter is an ongoing and active area of research in physics and astrophysics.

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