Curves & Parameters on a Manifold M

In summary, a smooth curve on a manifold M is a C^\infty map from an interval of the real line into M. This definition allows for different curves to have the same subset of M as their image, and for curves to be considered as equivalence classes under reparametrization. However, certain applications may require more specific equivalence classes. A curve may also retrace the same points, and orientation is another factor that may not be detectable from the point set. In general relativity, being a geodesic is considered a property of a curve, but the term curve may be used in its colloquial sense or as the directed trace of an equivalence class of curves.
  • #1
A smooth curve, [itex]C[/itex], on a manifold [itex]M[/itex] is simply a [itex]C^\infty[/itex] map of [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] (or an interval of [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]) into [itex]M, \enspace C:\mathbb{R}\to M[/itex] (Wald: General Relativity, p. 17).

A curve on a manifold [itex]M[/itex] is a smooth (i.e. [itex]C^\infty[/itex]) map from some interval [itex](-\epsilon,\epsilon)[/itex] of the real line into [itex]M[/itex] (Isham: Modern Differential Geomtry).

These definitions seem to suggest that the same subset of [itex]M[/itex] could be the range/image/arc of many different curves, each having a different parameter. Is that right, or should I think of a curve as an equivalence class of such maps?
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  • #2
Yes and no.

For a great many purposes, reparametrizing a curve doesn't change anything, and so you can consider an equivalence class under reparametrization.

Some applications might not be that permissive and you would need to take care. Others (e.g. homotopy, or line integrals of complex analytic functions) might be even more permissive allowing wider equivalence classes.

As for the point set, one rather important feature of a curve that might not be detectable from its trace is that a curve may retrace the same points. I think for most applications, a curve that goes once around the circle and a curve that goes twice around the circle will be different.

Orientation is another matter that isn't detectable from the point set.
  • #3
Thanks, Hurkyl. Isham says the word curve should be reserved for the map itself, as opposed to its image/range/trace. Is there a standard (or preferable) term for the sort of point set (one-dimensional submanifold?) that's colloquially called a curve, a word which doesn't specify a parameterisation? Path perhaps, or oriented path (if an orientation is given)? In the context of general relativity, timelike curves in the sorts of spacetime we have experience of don't retrace the same points, so I guess that wouldn't be an issue there. And references to "closed timelike curves" seem to treat these as (hypothetical) non-orientable paths, in which case I suppose the word curve, in Isham and Wald's sense, wouldn't really apply, since any given map gives an orientation, doesn't it? In fact, would "non-orientable curve" be a contradiction in terms and "oriented curve" a tautology?

In the context of general relativity, being a geodesic is usually said to be a property of a curve, although perhaps curve is to be taken there in its colloquial sense or as the directed trace of an equivalence class of curves having the same unit tangent vector field. Otherwise, could the same future-directed timelike path be paramaterised with one parameter as a geodesic and, with another parameter, as a non-geodesic curve? I'm guessing not, as that seems to go against the spirit of defining physical properties independently of coordinate representation.
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FAQ: Curves & Parameters on a Manifold M

1. What is a manifold?

A manifold is a mathematical concept that describes a space that locally resembles Euclidean space. In other words, it is a space that can be smoothly mapped onto flat space, but may have global curvature.

2. How are curves defined on a manifold?

In order to define curves on a manifold, we need to use a parametrization. This means that we use a set of functions, called coordinate functions, to map points on the manifold to points in Euclidean space. The curves on the manifold are then defined as the image of a smooth function from a real interval to the manifold.

3. What is a tangent vector on a manifold?

A tangent vector on a manifold is a vector that is attached to a point on the manifold and represents the direction and rate of change of a curve passing through that point. It can be thought of as the velocity vector of the curve at that point.

4. How do you calculate the length of a curve on a manifold?

To calculate the length of a curve on a manifold, we first need to define a metric tensor, which describes the distance between two points on the manifold. Then, we can use the metric tensor to calculate the infinitesimal length of the curve at each point, and integrate over the entire curve to get the total length.

5. What are geodesics on a manifold?

Geodesics are the curves on a manifold that locally minimize distance between two points. They can be thought of as the straightest possible curves on the manifold. In other words, if you were to walk along a geodesic, you would feel like you are walking in a straight line, even though the manifold may have curvature.

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