Cutest Guy/gal At Physicsforums

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary, participants are asked to post pictures and give ratings on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the cutest. Some participants express concerns about the gender ratio and eligibility for judging. The conversation also includes introductions and discussions about interests, locations, and funny pictures. There is also a suggestion to have additional criteria for the judging process.
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  • #457
I can't go there. You'll have to upload it.
  • #458
Alrighty then...


  • chris3.jpg
    9.8 KB · Views: 379
  • #459
I am entering the contest!

allez ici:

edit: I realize the picture looks sort of pretentious. But as I said before...I have no scanner, so I have a limited selection to choose from...and I wanted to pick something other than the one I had put in the other thread.
End disclaimer.
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  • #460
Originally posted by ScionPunk352

that is his pic, tell me what you think...
I think he belongs in our contest! Is he up for it? Swimsiut, talent competition... We haven't yet decided
(I think the whole drooling story can be found somewhere around the 20's pages in this thread - it started when Zooby saw Evo's picture. This has been a VERY fun and, erm... interesting(?) thread! )
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  • #461
Who, my boyfriend?
  • #462
Originally posted by qwpoi
I am entering the contest!
Finally a female contestant not claiming to be a judge! :wink:

Very pretty qwpoi! You've got a 1940's femme fatale look going there with part of your face obscured. The other picture you posted in the member picture thread was also very cute, IMHO. :smile:
  • #463
Originally posted by qwpoi
I am entering the contest!

allez ici:

edit: I realize the picture looks sort of pretentious. But as I said before...I have no scanner, so I have a limited selection to choose from...and I wanted to pick something other than the one I had put in the other thread.
End disclaimer.
HEY! You're a little cutie pie! Thank goodness you don't show any leg, or I'd be worried about you walking off with my possible 'Most Kick-A$$ Legs Award'. I haven't heard a dang thing from any of the GUY JUDGES in this contest, so I haven't a clue who's holding up their end of things - but I'm quite certain you'll be a major contender.
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  • #464
Originally posted by ScionPunk352
Who, my boyfriend?
Yeah! HE'S CUTE! If you posted his picture for us, I hope that means you're entering him in the contest, too. Now, if you don't think you want to be COMPETING against him in the Cutest Guy contest, you better say so now and we'll try our best to ignore (yeah, right! ) this handsome example of the male species. (Of course, I HAVE alread save his picture into my 'PF Contender' file, and since fossils have poor memories I MAY forget to delete it, in which case he COULD end up with something like a 'Cutest Friend of a PFer' award or something... :wink:)

Right, Evo? (Work with me here. We could end up with LOTS more pix of cute guys!:wink:
  • #465
Oh, you want cute guys? I have a whole lotta around me...they line up for's so true that they gay guys are always not always nice...fortunately chris is a nice dude...
  • #466
Originally posted by ScionPunk352
Oh, you want cute guys?
Of COURSE! This thread HAS turned into the Cutest Guy/girl CONTEST, right? Monique, Evo and I are the judges for the guys. My personal feeling is - the more contestants, the better! :wink:
  • #467
Have you looked at the other pics of guys in my album? including those of myself?
  • #468
Originally posted by Tsunami
Right, Evo? (Work with me here. We could end up with LOTS more pix of cute guys!:wink:
As judges, it is our duty to make sure that we have as many pictures of cute guys, regardless of age, race, nationality, favorite food, or whatever.

The winner will solely be judged by the amount of fine European dark chocolates sent in unmarked boxes to the judges.
  • #469
WHAT? DO U KNOW HOW MUCH THAT WILL COST?! Time to go to my boifriend's grandma's house...she is as rich as queen elizabeth...j'k...
  • #470
Originally posted by ScionPunk352
WHAT? DO U KNOW HOW MUCH THAT WILL COST?! Time to go to my boifriend's grandma's house...she is as rich as queen elizabeth...j'k...
Tsunami, we could have a winner here...
  • #471
Originally posted by ScionPunk352
Have you looked at the other pics of guys in my album? including those of myself?
I HAVE NOW! Nice slideshow!
But, WAY TO GO, ACE! Now you went and provided competition for your buddy in HIS category!
  • #472
Originally posted by Evo
As judges, it is our duty to make sure that we have as many pictures of cute guys, regardless of age, race, nationality, favorite food, or whatever.

The winner will solely be judged by the amount of fine European dark chocolates sent in unmarked boxes to the judges.
God, love you, dear.
  • #473
isn't that nice...LOL!
  • #474
Might I asked what just happened Tsunami?
  • #475
Originally posted by ScionPunk352
Might I asked what just happened Tsunami?
You mean my multiple post? I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my computer. Gonna have to log off and do some fixin' in a minute.

Here's a great site for you after you've talked to your boyfriend's granny:

zoobyshoe quote:
You just quintuple posted. You don't need chocolate, you need lithium.

I've always been trigger-happy.
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  • #476
Originally posted by Evo
The winner will solely be judged by the amount of fine European dark chocolates sent in unmarked boxes to the judges.
Ya sure that's what you told me in that PM right, and how many boxes have you gotten so far, and my 'honorable mention', not even Ha don't bother boys, you've not the trucking facilities needed to bribe the judges...( )

( )

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( ) ( )
  • #477
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Ya sure that's what you told me in that PM right, and how many boxes have you gotten so far, and my 'honorable mention', not even Ha don't bother boys, you've not the trucking facilities needed to bribe the judges...( )

( )

( )

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( ) ( )
So...someone is getting lots of chocolate? AND IT'S NOT ME? You are in deep doodoo, Mr. Robin (send Tsunami chocolates, too!) Parsons!
  • #478
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Ya sure that's what you told me in that PM right, and how many boxes have you gotten so far,
*(private to Mr Robin Parsons)Shhhhhhhhhhhh, that was "our little secret", remember?) BTW, the truffle centers were the best, send more!*
Gee, Tsunami, I don't know what he's talking about. I haven't received any chocolates...
  • #479
I've got loads of european chocolate laying around.. for some reason I had to get it myself though.. *ponders*
  • #480


!pretty please??!
(your MEAN friends won't share! I ALWAYS share MINE!...well...except that one time... . Oh yeah, maybe that other time, too. :smile:)

p.s. Evo!, you two-faced, conniving, chocolate-swilling stinker! Truffles are my FAVORITES! (only chocolate or nut flavored ones, tho - no fruity chocolates! - yuk.) I'm going to return your puppy to you if you don't share! And... and... well, something else, too. I don't know what just yet, but I'll think of something![b(]
(Dang. All this talk of chocolate has me on a bad Nirvana Jones. Rats.)
  • #481
Originally posted by Tsunami
p.s. Evo!, you two-faced, conniving, chocolate-swilling stinker! Truffles are my FAVORITES! (only chocolate or nut flavored ones, tho - no fruity chocolates! - yuk.)
I'm sorry! But when the truck load of chocolate backed up to my front door, I was overcome with greed.

Darn, I already ate all the good stuff. Ok,the next truck load will be sent to you. Perhaps Dimitri can send some to Monique since he is the closest to her.

PS - why do they even make the fruit ones? Does ANYONE eat those??
  • #482
You mean fruit flavoured chocolate or chocolate with fruit flavoured filling, cos i eat the second one! mmm mmmmmmmm!
  • #483
Originally posted by Evo
Perhaps Dimitri can send some to Monique since he is the closest to her.

Oh, you would like that wouldn't you. Did I mention that Belgian pralines (truffels in particular) are generally considered the best of the world :D

I just might brings some to that Greek restaurant in Amsterdam when we meet there
  • #484
omg 7500+ views... I think I have 3 of the most popular posts in PF.
  • #485
Pralines.. *mmmmmmh* those are good!

Haven't got those laying around.. YET! :wink:
  • #486
Ok, a summation of the chocolate bars I've got laying on my desk (just to make Evo and Tsunami jealous )

white chocolate
milk chocolate
pure chocolate
butterscotch chocolate
hazelnut chocolate milk
hazelnut chocolate pure
cappuccino chocolate

and they are all yummy!
..I take good care of myself
  • #487
Originally posted by jimmy p
You mean fruit flavoured chocolate or chocolate with fruit flavoured filling, cos i eat the second one! mmm mmmmmmmm!
The fruit flavored filling. OMG, *you* are the one that eats those! The chocolates made that way here are pretty nasty, maybe they're better where you are. I love chocolate covered cherries though.
  • #488
Originally posted by Dimitri Terryn
Oh, you would like that wouldn't you. Did I mention that Belgian pralines (truffels in particular) are generally considered the best of the world :D

I just might brings some to that Greek restaurant in Amsterdam when we meet there
Yes, the Belgians know their chocolate! Except after reading Monique's post, maybe should be sending US chocolate!

Originally posted by Monique
Ok, a summation of the chocolate bars I've got laying on my desk (just to make Evo and Tsunami jealous )

white chocolate
milk chocolate
pure chocolate
butterscotch chocolate
hazelnut chocolate milk
hazelnut chocolate pure
cappuccino chocolate
  • #489
back to the subject! RATE PEOPLE's PICs of themselves!
  • #490
Monique; cute holy grail! :wink:

(I know some more hiding tips, if you want!)

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