Dark matter and energy explained by negative mass

In summary: The author only considers the first Friedmann equation and never considers the second (he writes the second down as equation 3 and then never mentions it...).
  • #106
Ibix said:

Incidentally, there's a bug in your code. x**3/2 is interpreted as (x**3)/2, whereas what you want is x**1.5.

Good job! I have now corrected the typo. This effectively made the gravitational constant time-dependent without changing the sign of any interactions. I have verified that the main conclusion about the way the relative velocity fails to change over time stands.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #107
Elroch said:
negative masses tend to accelerate to where they have more potential energy according to Newton's laws, so it would be a mistake to think this causes opposite sign masses to repel each other (i.e. accelerate apart).

Negative inertial masses accelerate in the direction of increasing potential energy, yes. And the equivalence principle requires particles with negative gravitational mass to also have negative inertial mass. If both of those things are true, then yes, masses of opposite sign do not accelerate apart; their accelerations are equal in magnitude and in the same direction, not equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Elroch said:
Regarding my frame, it was centred on the centre of the particles and stayed so, regardless of their motion at the start or later.

Then in your frame, the centre of the particles does not accelerate, by definition: it is at rest. Which is what I said before.

You can't have it both ways: if you want to say the centre of the particles accelerates, you have to use an ordinary inertial frame, in which the centre is not at rest (except possibly at a single instant at the start). If you want to use a frame centred on the centre of the particles, then you can't say the centre of the particles accelerates, because in that frame, it doesn't.

And actually, as I said before, you can't consistently define a frame "centred on the centre of the particles", at least not if you want to use the rest of the mathematical machinery normally associated with such a frame (as in your example of the hydrogen atom), since at least one key part of that machinery, the reduced mass, is undefined in the case we are discussing.
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  • #108
PeterDonis said:
Negative inertial masses accelerate in the direction of increasing potential energy, yes. And the equivalence principle requires particles with negative gravitational mass to also have negative inertial mass. If both of those things are true, then yes, masses of opposite sign do not accelerate apart; their accelerations are equal in magnitude and in the same direction, not equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Glad we can finally agree on that!
PeterDonis said:
Then in your frame, the centre of the particles does not accelerate, by definition: it is at rest. Which is what I said before.

You can't have it both ways: if you want to say the centre of the particles accelerates, you have to use an ordinary inertial frame, in which the centre is not at rest (except possibly at a single instant at the start). If you want to use a frame centred on the centre of the particles, then you can't say the centre of the particles accelerates, because in that frame, it doesn't.

And actually, as I said before, you can't consistently define a frame "centred on the centre of the particles", at least not if you want to use the rest of the mathematical machinery normally associated with such a frame (as in your example of the hydrogen atom), since at least one key part of that machinery, the reduced mass, is undefined in the case we are discussing.
We are not obliged to use the same frame all the time: different ones are useful for different things. I don't see any flaw in my reasoning that is due to switching frames. The centre of the two particles accelerates with respect to an observer in a Galilean/inertial frame. We can use an accelerating frame centred on the centre of the two particles, as long as we are careful not to assume it is Galilean or inertial.
Well done for spotting the special problem with the centre of mass frame when the total mass is zero which stops us using that transformation. It is useful otherwise. I had actually spotted that the reduced mass blew up, but was looking for a way round this. The answer is probably to take masses that almost perfectly balance, say mass m and -m(1-δ) The reduced mass is near enough (-m / δ) and the total mass of the system is , so the product of the two is near enough -m2, and this must determine the dynamics of the transformed system, taking the (well-behaved) limit, you can derive the behaviour of the system with total mass exactly zero.
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  • #109
Elroch said:
We are not obliged to use the same frame all the time

Of course not. I never said we were. I only said that the particular "frame" you were trying to construct is problematic for the particular case we are discussing.

Elroch said:
taking the (well-behaved) limit

No, the limit is not well-behaved, because the reduced mass diverges. The dynamics of the system in the transformed frame is determined by the reduced mass, not the product of the reduced mass and the total mass.
  • #110
Elroch said:
I had actually spotted that the reduced mass blew up, but was looking for a way round this.

The simplest solution is to compute the dynamics in an ordinary inertial frame, and then compute the relative position and relative velocity between the two particles (by simply subtracting vectors). This tells you the relative motion of the two without having to do any problematic frame transformations.
  • #111
PeterDonis said:
No, the limit is not well-behaved, because the reduced mass diverges.
None of this is actually physically problematic if the negative masses aren't fundamental particles with the same absolute mass as their positive mass counterparts; Farnes doesn't claim that they are either. In other words, if the creation tensor generates effective negative masses through some dynamical mechanism wherein the masses are proportional to the creation process, then this problem disappears.

If the negative mass particles are however equal in magnitude to the positive mass, as it would be in the case of elementary particles with their mass quantized in the same manner, then the essential question is whether this divergence is inherent or removable; there are of course multiple ways to answer this question.

Perhaps one of the simplest ways to do this would be if mathematically the limit from the left and the limit from the right just corresponds physically to whether the negative mass is the active or passive gravitational mass within the duo; I have a feeling that such an Ansatz misses something essential but I can't quite put my finger on it.
  • #112
PeterDonis said:
Of course not. I never said we were. I only said that the particular "frame" you were trying to construct is problematic for the particular case we are discussing.

No, the limit is not well-behaved, because the reduced mass diverges. The dynamics of the system in the transformed frame is determined by the reduced mass, not the product of the reduced mass and the total mass.

You can do the calculation for a small δ. If it is very similar for sufficiently small δ, all is fine. In fact what you find is the finite force determined by the product of the two transformed masses acts on the reduced mass, which grows to infinity as δ shrinks. The conclusion is that the fictitious reduced mass accelerates less and less as δ shrinks, which implies that the two particles have a constant relative velocity in the limit.
  • #113
Elroch said:
You can do the calculation for a small δ. If it is very similar for sufficiently small δ, all is fine. In fact what you find is the finite force determined by the product of the two transformed masses acts on the reduced mass, which grows to infinity as δ shrinks. The conclusion is that the fictitious reduced mass accelerates less and less as δ shrinks, which implies that the two particles have a constant relative velocity in the limit.
Indeed, but assuming identical particles of opposite mass, it is exactly this limit which is problematic. If the positive mass, which starts off at rest, is impinged upon by the force of the negative mass, would the two go off with a constant relative velocity or remain at zero velocity?
PeterDonis said:
As far as I can tell, Farnes accepts all this as given in his paper; he just doesn't fully consider the implications for his model.
Exactly. This is precisely why one would prefer a Newton-Cartan treatment, because the geometrodynamics of the problem - which might turn out to be essential in some manner, perhaps even w.r.t. removing the divergence - is fully retained, in stark contrast to the pure Newtonian case.
  • #114
PeterDonis said:
The simplest solution is to compute the dynamics in an ordinary inertial frame, and then compute the relative position and relative velocity between the two particles (by simply subtracting vectors).

This was simple enough that I went ahead and coded it. Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from math import *G = 6.67e-11def negate(f):
    # Avoids "minus zero" floating point result
    return f if f == 0.0 else - fclass V3(object):
    # Poor man's 3-vector implementation, just the properties we need for this program
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
    def __str__(self):
        # For convenient print output
        return "({}, {}, {})".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
    def __neg__(self):
        # For unary - operator
        return V3(negate(self.x), negate(self.y), negate(self.z))
    def __add__(self, other):
        # For + operator for two vectors
        return V3(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        # For - operator for two vectors
        return V3(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        # For * operator for vector and scalar
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            return V3(other * self.x, other * self.y, other * self.z)
        raise TypeError("Cannot multiply V3 by {}".format(type(other)))
    __rmul__ = __mul__  # allows * to work regardless of order of operands
    def radius(self):
        # For convenience in calculations
        return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
    def unit(self):
        # Unit vector pointing in the same direction as this vector
        r = self.radius()
        return V3(self.x / r, self.y / r, self.z / r)
    def is_zero(self):
        # For convenience in calculations
        return (self.x == 0.0) and (self.y == 0.0) and (self.z == 0.0)class Run(object):
    # Simulation run with given initial conditions
    headings = "r_pos v_pos r_neg v_neg r_diff v_diff".split()
    def __init__(self, r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg):
        # Initialize time step arrays with initial conditions
        self.r_pos = [r_pos]
        self.v_pos = [v_pos]
        self.r_neg = [r_neg]
        self.v_neg = [v_neg]
    def increment(self, vec, dvec, dt):
        # Convenience operation to add new value to time step array
        vec.append(vec[-1] + dt * dvec)
    def output_line(self, *fields):
        # Convenience for line output
        return " ".join(str(f) for f in fields)
    def execute(self, steps=10000, dt=0.001, show_output=True, full_output=False):
        # Run simulation for given number of time steps
        for _ in range(steps):
            r_vec = self.r_pos[-1] - self.r_neg[-1]
            if r_vec.is_zero():
                break  # stop iterating if particles collide
            u_vec = r_vec.unit()
            r = r_vec.radius()
            a = (G / r**2) * u_vec
            self.increment(self.r_pos, self.v_pos[-1], dt)
            self.increment(self.r_neg, self.v_neg[-1], dt)
            self.increment(self.v_pos, a, dt)
            self.increment(self.v_neg, a, dt)
        if not show_output:
        lines = []
        itemcount = min(steps + 1, len(self.r_pos), len(self.r_neg), len(self.v_pos), len(self.v_neg))
        indexes = range(itemcount) if full_output else (0, -1)
        for i in indexes:
            r_pos = self.r_pos[i]
            r_neg = self.r_neg[i]
            v_pos = self.v_pos[i]
            v_neg = self.v_neg[i]
            r_diff = r_neg - r_pos
            v_diff = v_neg - v_pos
            lines.append(self.output_line(r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg, r_diff, v_diff))
        return linesZERO = V3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
INCX = V3(0.000001, 0.0, 0.0)
INCY = V3(0.0, 0.000001, 0.0)initial_datasets = [
    # r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, ZERO),  # base case, no relative velocity
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, INCX),  # moving apart
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, - INCX),  # moving together
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, INCY),  # moving transverse
]if __name__ == '__main__':
    for dataset in initial_datasets:
        R = Run(*dataset)
        for line in R.execute():

And here is a quick summary of the output for the four cases. Each case runs for 10000 time steps, which equals 10 seconds of simulated time. The masses are plus and minus 1 kg, and they start out separated by 1 micrometer in the x direction. The positive mass is at the origin and is motionless. The negative mass is at x = plus 1 micrometer and has the given initial velocity for each case.

Base case: no relative velocity. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 3334 meters and moving at about - 667 meters per second in the x direction. Their separation is still 1 micrometer and they still have zero relative velocity.

Moving apart: the negative mass starts out moving at + 1 micrometer per second in the x direction. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 507 meters and moving at about - 60 meters per second in the x direction. Their separation in the x direction has increased to about 10 micrometers, and their relative velocity is unchanged.

Moving together: the negative mass starts out moving at - 1 micrometer per second in the x direction. Here the simulation ends before the full 10,000 steps because the particles collide. Their x velocity is well in excess of the speed of light at this point so the simulation is clearly unphysical anyway for this case, it would need to be redone to properly capture relativistic motion.

Moving transverse: the negative mass starts out moving at +1 micrometer per second in the y direction. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 604 meters, y = - 467 meters, and are moving at about - 66 meters per second in the x direction and about - 60 meters per second in the y direction. Their separation is about 1 micrometer in the x direction and about 10 micrometers in the y direction, and their relative velocity is unchanged.

The quick and dirty summary of all this is that the runaway solution is present even with (small) nonzero relative velocity. The particles do slowly increase their separation if they have a nonzero relative velocity away from each other, but that does not prevent them from both drastically running away from their original position in an inertial frame. (Note that this latter fact points out a key limitation of using a frame in which the center of the particles is always at rest: it prevents you from seeing the runaway motion.)
  • #115
Auto-Didact said:
Indeed, but assuming identical particles of opposite mass, it is exactly this limit which is problematic. If the positive mass, which starts off at rest, is impinged upon by the force of the negative mass, would the two go off with a constant relative velocity or remain at zero velocity?
Exactly. This is precisely why one would prefer a Newton-Cartan treatment, because the geometrodynamics of the problem - which might turn out to be essential in some manner, perhaps even w.r.t. removing the divergence - is fully retained, in stark contrast to the pure Newtonian case.
There is no doubt about the answer to your question which may have been motivated by a little confusion between the relative velocity of the particles and the velocity of one of the particles relative to a Galilean/inertial frame.
Whatever the initial relative velocity of two identical particles of opposite mass, it never changes afterwards.
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  • #116
PeterDonis said:
This was simple enough that I went ahead and coded it. Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from math import *G = 6.67e-11def negate(f):
    # Avoids "minus zero" floating point result
    return f if f == 0.0 else - fclass V3(object):
    # Poor man's 3-vector implementation, just the properties we need for this program
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
    def __str__(self):
        # For convenient print output
        return "({}, {}, {})".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)
    def __neg__(self):
        # For unary - operator
        return V3(negate(self.x), negate(self.y), negate(self.z))
    def __add__(self, other):
        # For + operator for two vectors
        return V3(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        # For - operator for two vectors
        return V3(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        # For * operator for vector and scalar
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            return V3(other * self.x, other * self.y, other * self.z)
        raise TypeError("Cannot multiply V3 by {}".format(type(other)))
    __rmul__ = __mul__  # allows * to work regardless of order of operands
    def radius(self):
        # For convenience in calculations
        return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
    def unit(self):
        # Unit vector pointing in the same direction as this vector
        r = self.radius()
        return V3(self.x / r, self.y / r, self.z / r)
    def is_zero(self):
        # For convenience in calculations
        return (self.x == 0.0) and (self.y == 0.0) and (self.z == 0.0)class Run(object):
    # Simulation run with given initial conditions
    headings = "r_pos v_pos r_neg v_neg r_diff v_diff".split()
    def __init__(self, r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg):
        # Initialize time step arrays with initial conditions
        self.r_pos = [r_pos]
        self.v_pos = [v_pos]
        self.r_neg = [r_neg]
        self.v_neg = [v_neg]
    def increment(self, vec, dvec, dt):
        # Convenience operation to add new value to time step array
        vec.append(vec[-1] + dt * dvec)
    def output_line(self, *fields):
        # Convenience for line output
        return " ".join(str(f) for f in fields)
    def execute(self, steps=10000, dt=0.001, show_output=True, full_output=False):
        # Run simulation for given number of time steps
        for _ in range(steps):
            r_vec = self.r_pos[-1] - self.r_neg[-1]
            if r_vec.is_zero():
                break  # stop iterating if particles collide
            u_vec = r_vec.unit()
            r = r_vec.radius()
            a = (G / r**2) * u_vec
            self.increment(self.r_pos, self.v_pos[-1], dt)
            self.increment(self.r_neg, self.v_neg[-1], dt)
            self.increment(self.v_pos, a, dt)
            self.increment(self.v_neg, a, dt)
        if not show_output:
        lines = []
        itemcount = min(steps + 1, len(self.r_pos), len(self.r_neg), len(self.v_pos), len(self.v_neg))
        indexes = range(itemcount) if full_output else (0, -1)
        for i in indexes:
            r_pos = self.r_pos[i]
            r_neg = self.r_neg[i]
            v_pos = self.v_pos[i]
            v_neg = self.v_neg[i]
            r_diff = r_neg - r_pos
            v_diff = v_neg - v_pos
            lines.append(self.output_line(r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg, r_diff, v_diff))
        return linesZERO = V3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
INCX = V3(0.000001, 0.0, 0.0)
INCY = V3(0.0, 0.000001, 0.0)initial_datasets = [
    # r_pos, v_pos, r_neg, v_neg
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, ZERO),  # base case, no relative velocity
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, INCX),  # moving apart
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, - INCX),  # moving together
    (ZERO, ZERO, INCX, INCY),  # moving transverse
]if __name__ == '__main__':
    for dataset in initial_datasets:
        R = Run(*dataset)
        for line in R.execute():

And here is a quick summary of the output for the four cases. Each case runs for 10000 time steps, which equals 10 seconds of simulated time. The masses are plus and minus 1 kg, and they start out separated by 1 micrometer in the x direction. The positive mass is at the origin and is motionless. The negative mass is at x = plus 1 micrometer and has the given initial velocity for each case.

Base case: no relative velocity. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 3334 meters and moving at about - 667 meters per second in the x direction. Their separation is still 1 micrometer and they still have zero relative velocity.

Moving apart: the negative mass starts out moving at + 1 micrometer per second in the x direction. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 507 meters and moving at about - 60 meters per second in the x direction. Their separation in the x direction has increased to about 10 micrometers, and their relative velocity is unchanged.

Moving together: the negative mass starts out moving at - 1 micrometer per second in the x direction. Here the simulation ends before the full 10,000 steps because the particles collide. Their x velocity is well in excess of the speed of light at this point so the simulation is clearly unphysical anyway for this case, it would need to be redone to properly capture relativistic motion.

Moving transverse: the negative mass starts out moving at +1 micrometer per second in the y direction. At the end of the simulation, the masses are at about x = - 604 meters, y = - 467 meters, and are moving at about - 66 meters per second in the x direction and about - 60 meters per second in the y direction. Their separation is about 1 micrometer in the x direction and about 10 micrometers in the y direction, and their relative velocity is unchanged.

The quick and dirty summary of all this is that the runaway solution is present even with (small) nonzero relative velocity. The particles do slowly increase their separation if they have a nonzero relative velocity away from each other, but that does not prevent them from both drastically running away from their original position in an inertial frame. (Note that this latter fact points out a key limitation of using a frame in which the center of the particles is always at rest: it prevents you from seeing the runaway motion.)
Note that my program had used the same procedure and come to the same conclusion except it is inaccurate to say there is a "runaway" solution when there is any initial relative velocity. By contrast, the velocity (in any inertial frame) of each of the particles is asymptotic to a constant value in all such cases, as it is when both masses are positive and not gravitationally bound. The "runaway" situation is when the velocity of the particles tends to the speed of light (in a Galilean theory, they would tend to infinity).

The reason this is so is that the distance between the particles increases at least linearly with time (once they are heading apart), and the two accelerations are determined by the square of this distance. The integral from t=0 to infinity of an inverse square is finite. This bounds the magnitude of the absolute value of the velocity of each particle and ensures the limit exists by absolute convergence.

The sole case in which this is not so is when the initial relative velocity is zero, so it never increases.(I am excluding the case where the particles collide for obvious reasons).
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  • #117
Elroch said:
my program had used the same procedure

I couldn't understand what your program was doing so it was easier to just implement my own.
  • #118
Fair enough. I have no doubt we have both gained insight.
  • #119
Elroch said:
The reason this is so is that the distance between the particles increases at least linearly with time (once they are heading apart), and the two accelerations are determined by the square of this distance. The integral from t=0 to infinity of an inverse square is finite.

I see what you're saying, but I don't think this invalidates the term "runaway solution". First, the acceleration going like the inverse square of the distance is the non-relativistic approximation; when relativistic effects are taken into account this gets modified, and we would have to look at the relativistically correct math.

Second, even if there is a bound on the velocity (or the kinetic energy in the relativistic version), it can still be the case (and probably will be for at least a significant range of initial conditions) that the kinetic energy of the positive particle is much, much larger than it was initially, and that's the key point. Remember that the prediction from Farnes's paper that we're talking about is that these "runaway" pairs can explain the observation of cosmic rays, and in particular cosmic rays with energies beyond the GZK limit (because we only observe the positive mass particle of the pair, not the negative mass particle), so the question is how rare such pairs are predicted to be. Showing a finite bound on kinetic energy is not enough to assess that; we have to know what the finite bound is for the range of expected initial conditions, and how rare that makes such pairs. If the bound is too low, then Farnes's model predicts that such pairs can never produce a positive mass particle with high enough kinetic energy to account for cosmic rays at all. If the bound is too high, the model predicts that such cosmic rays are more common than we actually observe. The bound would have to be just right for the model prediction to match observations, and that seems like a highly fine-tuned fit to me. (My personal guess, as I've already said, is that the model ends up predicting such cosmic rays to be much more common than we actually observe; but I admit that's just a guess, not based on actually doing the math.)
  • #120
PeterDonis said:
I see what you're saying, but I don't think this invalidates the term "runaway solution". First, the acceleration going like the inverse square of the distance is the non-relativistic approximation; when relativistic effects are taken into account this gets modified, and we would have to look at the relativistically correct math.
No, I was referring to the inverse square law of gravitation which determines the acceleration of the each of the two particles just like for positive masses, except both accelerations are in the same direction. This law gets very accurate as two objects move apart in general relativity (it's pretty accurate all the time unless they are black holes or neutron stars that are very close). This means that if two objects have a constant relative velocity, the force of one particle on the other is of the order of the inverse square of time once they are heading apart, so the same for acceleration, so the integral of this converges rapidly.
To see whether a pair of objects is going to accelerate by a large fraction of the speed of light, just multiply the usual gravitational acceleration by the time they are going to stay close. Eg An Earth and a negative Earth-mass object so close they are nearly touching for a year will reach relativistic speeds (1g x 1 year is roughly the speed of light).
PeterDonis said:
Second, even if there is a bound on the velocity (or the kinetic energy in the relativistic version), it can still be the case (and probably will be for at least a significant range of initial conditions) that the kinetic energy of the positive particle is much, much larger than it was initially, and that's the key point. Remember that the prediction from Farnes's paper that we're talking about is that these "runaway" pairs can explain the observation of cosmic rays, and in particular cosmic rays with energies beyond the GZK limit (because we only observe the positive mass particle of the pair, not the negative mass particle), so the question is how rare such pairs are predicted to be. Showing a finite bound on kinetic energy is not enough to assess that; we have to know what the finite bound is for the range of expected initial conditions, and how rare that makes such pairs. If the bound is too low, then Farnes's model predicts that such pairs can never produce a positive mass particle with high enough kinetic energy to account for cosmic rays at all. If the bound is too high, the model predicts that such cosmic rays are more common than we actually observe. The bound would have to be just right for the model prediction to match observations, and that seems like a highly fine-tuned fit to me. (My personal guess, as I've already said, is that the model ends up predicting such cosmic rays to be much more common than we actually observe; but I admit that's just a guess, not based on actually doing the math.)
My example above indicates that except in the most extreme cases (eg ridiculously perfectly velocity-matched and mass-matched neutron star and negative mass equivalent), the perfectly balanced masses need to be virtually stationary relative to each other over a very long time to have a chance of acquiring relativistic speeds as a pair. A pair of small mass objects can't get to high speeds even if perfectly balanced in mass and velocity (which is too unlikely to happen).
Needless to say the gravitational acceleration generated by a cosmic ray on a velocity matched partner is so insignificant no-one you can very safely ignore it.
So the artificial, delicately balanced "runaway" situation is completely irrelevant to cosmic rays as stands, and Franes should have realized this if that is what he meant.
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  • Like
Likes Auto-Didact
  • #121
I think that the concept of a negative mass is silly.
By analogy, a velocity of less than zero is silly.
  • #122
rootone said:
I think that the concept of a negative mass is silly.
By analogy, a velocity of less than zero is silly.

You mean like -10 km/s ?

  • #123
rootone said:
By analogy, a velocity of less than zero is silly.

Not if you take direction into account.

If you mean a magnitude of velocity less than zero is silly, that's true.
  • Like
Likes rootone
  • #124
Elroch said:
An Earth and a negative Earth-mass object so close they are nearly touching for a year will reach relativistic speeds (1g x 1 year is roughly the speed of light).

If they are both also Earth sized, yes.
  • #125
Elroch said:
the artificial, delicately balanced "runaway" situation is completely irrelevant to cosmic rays as stands, and Franes should have realized this if that is what he meant.

It sounds like you are going for the option that I described here:

PeterDonis said:
If the bound is too low, then Farnes's model predicts that such pairs can never produce a positive mass particle with high enough kinetic energy to account for cosmic rays at all.
  • #126
Elroch said:
For velocities to rise indefinitely, it would be necessary for the masses to be perfectly matched and the particles to have exactly zero initial relative velocity, so it simply would not occur naturally.
Hi Elroch:

I do not understand the above quote. I wonder if you would please explain in some detail what would happen if there were a +mass particle near a -mass particle, and the initial conditions are that relative to the center of mass, the velocity vectors of these two particles have the same magnitude and opposite directions. Note that the initial relative velocities are not zero. I do not have the skills to do the math with any confidence that I will not make mistakes, but intuitively it seems that if the two particles initially are moving towards each other, then the results would be that particles would follow each other at an accelerating speed which eventually would overwhelm the initial velocity.

  • #127
Buzz Bloom said:
Hi Elroch:

I do not understand the above quote. I wonder if you would please explain in some detail what would happen if there were a +mass particle near a -mass particle, and the initial conditions are that relative to the center of mass, the velocity vectors of these two particles have the same magnitude and opposite directions. Note that the initial relative velocities are not zero. I do not have the skills to do the math with any confidence that I will not make mistakes, but intuitively it seems that if the two particles initially are moving towards each other, then the results would be that particles would follow each other at an accelerating speed which eventually would overwhelm the initial velocity.

Well, both particles accelerate in the direction of the positive mass particle but, if the masses are equal, their relative velocity remains constant. So, given your description, they get further apart. The distance between them is thus O(time) and the interaction forces and the accelerations are O(time-2). So the velocities are asymptotically constant (the integral of an inverse square is bounded), as is also true for two positive masses that are not bound together (For anyone not familiar with the terminology, google "big O notation" and "asymptotic").
  • #128
Elroch said:
Well, both particles accelerate in the direction of the positive mass particle but, if the masses are equal, their relative velocity remains constant. So, given your description, they get further apart. The distance between them is thus O(time) and the interaction forces and the accelerations are O(time-2). So the velocities are asymptotically constant
Hi Elroch:

Thank you for your response to my question. I think the last part of the above quote from your post refers only to relative velocity Vr, and does not include velocity V0 relative to the original center or mass. If I understand your explanation correctly,
|V0| = |Vr| + F(t)​
Where F(t) is the increase in velocity due to the accelerations imparted to the each mass by the other mass. F(t) monotonically increases, but the rate of increase decreases as the particles becomes further apart and the acceleration decreases. Now, I understand F(t) is more complicated than a Newtonian calculation due to SR effects. If all this is correct, then I have an additional question.

The increase in |V0| implies an increase in kinetic energy, which might also be described as an increase in mass-energy. Question: Isn't this increase a violation of the conservation law regarding mass-energy? If so, doesn't this violation imply that the Farnes speculative idea fails to be a reasonable way to think about the physics?

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  • #129
PeterDonis said:
Not if you take direction into account.

If you mean a magnitude of velocity less than zero is silly, that's true.
Yes. but mass doesn't have a direction.
Now that would be really weird.
  • #130

I have a simple question about Farnes’ paper that I have seen in any of the responses. Hope I didn’t miss it.
How could the negative mass “haloes” collect or group around galaxies if, as his figure 1 shows, there is no attraction (i,e., inward acceleration) between negative and positive mass? It seems that negative mass would tend to distribute itself uniformly throughout the universe?
  • #131
If the net mass is positive, all the masses (both negative and positive) would gravitate towards the centre of mass, at which point you can imagine the (positive) total net mass existing. While this is an imprecise description, I think it might clarify the issue.
  • #132
But. . . Well I guess I see your point. The positive masses coalesce, negative masses do not. Thus any encounter between the two is un-symmetric, with the smaller negative accelerating towards the larger positive. Thanks.

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