Dark Matter Galaxy Collision Galactic Double Slit Test

In summary: Cloud...of dark matter into motion.In summary, I'm becoming more and more convinced that light isn't the only particle that can interfere with itself, and that the behavior may instead be a function of a particle's level of interaction. The multi-galaxy collision we witnessed not long ago may have been the first time we've had the scale needed to test that theory. Quantum uncertainty cannot be observed in laboratories or colliders because the time scales would allow us to violate causality. If dark matter is a boson (pure higgs of some sort?), it would make sense that it could gravitationally interfere with itself in multiple galaxy collisions. The key being that nothing had the opportunity to stop or alter these interactions, but each interaction
  • #1
I'm becoming more and more convinced that light isn't the only particle that can interfere with itself, and that the behavior may instead be a function of a particle's level of interaction. The multi-galaxy collision we witnessed not long ago may have been the first time we've had the scale needed to test that theory. Quantum uncertainty cannot be observed in laboratories or colliders because the time scales would allow us to violate causality. If dark matter is a boson (pure higgs of some sort?), it would make sense that it could gravitationally interfere with itself in multiple galaxy collisions. The key being that nothing had the opportunity to stop or alter these interactions, but each interaction had multiple spatial outcomes with equivalent probabilities. "Observation" actually just denotes a probability of interference, and these ultra-massive, low-interacting galaxies would create plenty of uncertainty, and any line of thought which leads to "We can't observe that" also leads to reverse causality, in my mind sealing up that argument.

The smaller, brighter masses of the continuing galactic parts of collision observed were likely sling-shotted through because of the massive gravitational pull of the early dark matter interference, which likely significantly subsided in strength as the dark matter uncertainty was reigned in by the pull of the gravity of the normal matter. Why? Since normal matter can interact with so many more particles/forces, It's level of uncertainty is reduced by the number of nearby particles which could interact with it. Therefore, it's gravitational footprint would remain relatively static and condensed. This would cause jet stream like fields to form in the dark matter as the densely certain mass imposed just a bit more certainty on the dark matter around it, reducing the net gravitational pull.

If gravity turns out to be a function of the Higgs mechanism, it will be interesting to see if it can be depleted due to massive objects. If so we should see fewer interactions, and therefore lower resistance through that field. This IMHO is likely what gives rise to gravity, accelerating objects near mass due to lower space-time density. Either the Higgs is directly linked to space-time, or it is space-time.

TL;DR; I propose that Dark Matter's low rate of interaction gives rise to gravitational interference due to a higher interaction with the Higgs. As an echo of quantum uncertainty, it gives rise to large fluctuations in gravitational fields acting on normal matter. Normal matter counteracts this gravitational interference through via higher levels of certainty imposing on dark matter. Uncertainty seems to be a property of particles most purely interacting with forces.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
FesterCluck said:
I'm becoming more and more convinced that light isn't the only particle that can interfere with itself,

Electrons have been observed to interfere with each other.

And I'm sorry, I can't quite put my finger on it, but something sounds wrong about this.
  • #3
Quantum uncertainty cannot be observed in laboratories or colliders because the time scales would allow us to violate causality.
Double-slit experiments have been done with photons, electrons and even small molecules.

Everything can interfere with itself, as long as there is no source of decoherence.

If dark matter is a boson (pure higgs of some sort?), it would make sense that it could gravitationally interfere with itself in multiple galaxy collisions.
I don't think you have any clue about this stuff.
  • #4
Whovian said:
Electrons have been observed to interfere with each other.

And I'm sorry, I can't quite put my finger on it, but something sounds wrong about this.

My apologies, the double slit test is in regards to electrons. Photons do interfere with themselves, as they should being a wave.
  • #5
mfb said:
Double-slit experiments have been done with photons, electrons and even small molecules.

Everything can interfere with itself, as long as there is no source of decoherence.I don't think you have any clue about this stuff.

I had no clue the experiment had been done with other particles, thanks for that. I'll cautiously assume that means that dark matter could interfere with itself.

I had a long rant in response to your ending comment there, but instead I'll just rephrase more clearly. Also, please go read up on the Bullet galaxy collision and the multi-galaxy dark matter collision. Comparing them is where I started down this path.

If dark matter consists of particles which can interfere with themselves, that combined with current understanding that it only interacts via gravitational force leads me to believe that the differences between the behavior of dark matter in the multi-galaxy collision vs. the bullet galaxy collision are a result of a giant recursive version of the double slit test.

Particles which interact less are less susceptible to decoherence. If massive gravitational pulls were to be imposed on a cloud of dark matter, being that it interacts so very little, how could it ever break coherence? A chain reaction caused by the doppelganger dark matter particles could set this sort of thing off.

I'm not even sure if the gravitational effect of this situation has ever been discussed, simply because the scales are usually so small. But if a massive particle takes 2 paths, it would most definitely impose some gravitational force along all paths.
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Related to Dark Matter Galaxy Collision Galactic Double Slit Test

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that makes up approximately 85% of the universe. It does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible, and it can only be detected through its gravitational effects on visible matter.

What happens when galaxies collide?

When galaxies collide, their stars may pass by each other without colliding due to the large amount of space between them. However, the gas, dust, and dark matter in the galaxies will interact and can cause disruptions in the shape and structure of the galaxies.

What is a galactic double slit test?

A galactic double slit test is a hypothetical experiment that involves shooting particles through two slits in a galaxy and observing the interference pattern created on a screen. This test could potentially provide evidence for the existence of dark matter.

How does dark matter affect galactic collisions?

Dark matter can greatly affect the outcome of galactic collisions due to its large mass and gravitational pull. It can cause galaxies to merge or change shape and can also influence the paths of stars and gas within the galaxies.

What are the implications of a successful "Dark Matter Galaxy Collision Galactic Double Slit Test"?

If this experiment were to be successful and show evidence of dark matter, it would greatly advance our understanding of the universe and the role that dark matter plays in shaping its structure. It could also potentially open up new avenues of research and technology related to dark matter.

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