Dark Matter & Gravitational Effects on Galaxies

In summary, dark matter surrounds galaxies in a spherical formation and can explain the non-Keplerian rotation of the galaxy. Despite Gauss's law stating that only mass inside the orbit of a body has a net gravitational force, the density of dark matter increases towards the center of the galaxy, permeating the whole galaxy. This is supported by the NFW radial profile, which explains the equal speed of dark matter particles. Additionally, tidal forces play a role in the gravitational effects of dark matter on the galaxy.
  • #1
My understanding is that dark matter surrounds a galaxy in a spherical formation. What I don't understand this type of dark matter can explain the non-Kepplerian rotation of the galaxy. According to Gauss's law, in a spherical shell, only the mass inside the orbit of a body has a net gravitational force on the body. Why then would the dark matter surrounding the galaxy have any gravitational effect on the anything inside of it?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's the 'surround' part that may have got you confused.

In one sense, dark matter does 'surround' dwarf galaxies, many spirals, etc ... the dark matter is present in regions beyond those where stars are observed.

However, the density of the dark matter increases towards the centre of the galaxy (the radial profile is a topic of considerable debate, both observationally and theoretically), so dark matter also permeates the whole galaxy (as well as surrounding it).
  • #3
Yes, I came to that conclusion. Thanks for confirming it. But I still don't know for sure how the dark matter causes the speed to be the same. A friend and I figured out that if the dark matter fills up the galaxy so that the mass at any point is proportional to r (distance from center), the speed will be the same. This probably isn't correct, so what is the real reason?
  • #4
If you google on 'dark matter radial profile', you get lots of references which include the mysterious letters 'NFW'. They stand for Navarro, Frenk and White, who wrote a paper (in 1996?) deriving a class of radial profiles. It's quite fun dipping into some of the papers google serves up ... sorry that I don't have a good one to recommend as a place to start :eek:
  • #5
Nereid said:
If you google on 'dark matter radial profile', you get lots of references which include the mysterious letters 'NFW'. They stand for Navarro, Frenk and White, who wrote a paper (in 1996?) deriving a class of radial profiles. It's quite fun dipping into some of the papers google serves up ... sorry that I don't have a good one to recommend as a place to start :eek:

Tidal forces is the short answer.

FAQ: Dark Matter & Gravitational Effects on Galaxies

1. What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a type of matter that does not emit or absorb light, making it invisible to traditional telescopes. It is thought to make up about 27% of the universe and is responsible for the gravitational effects we observe in galaxies.

2. How does dark matter affect galaxies?

Dark matter exerts a gravitational force on the visible matter in galaxies, causing it to orbit around the center of the galaxy. This allows galaxies to maintain their shape and prevents them from flying apart due to the high speeds of their stars and gas clouds.

3. What evidence do we have for the existence of dark matter?

Scientists have observed the gravitational effects of dark matter on galaxies through various methods, such as analyzing the rotation curves of galaxies and observing the gravitational lensing of light from distant objects. Additionally, the cosmic microwave background radiation provides evidence for the existence of dark matter.

4. How does dark matter interact with regular matter?

Dark matter does not interact with regular matter through any of the fundamental forces, except for gravity. This means that it does not emit or absorb light, nor does it have any electrical or nuclear interactions with regular matter.

5. Can we detect and study dark matter?

While we cannot directly detect dark matter, scientists are working on indirect methods to study its properties and distribution. These include using particle colliders to search for evidence of dark matter particles and analyzing the effects of dark matter on the large-scale structure of the universe.
