Decay of false vacuum in new inflation

In summary, the time scale for the decay of the false vacuum is controlled by the mass-squared of the scalar field, which must be small compared to the Hubble constant in order for the inflationary model to work and allow for a slower decay of the false vacuum compared to the exponential expansion.
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In new inflation, the time scale for the decay of the false vacuum is controlled by

##- m^{2} = \frac{\partial^{2}V}{\partial\phi^{2}}\bigg|_{\phi=0}.##

This is the negative mass-squared of the scalar field when it is at the top of the hill in the potential diagram. This is an adjustable parameter as far as new inflation is concerned, but ##m## has to be small compared to the Hubble constant or else the model does not lead to enough inflation. So, for parameters that are chosen to make the inflationary model work, the exponential decay of the false vacuum is slower than the exponential expansion.


1. Why is the time scale for the decay of the false vacuum controlled by ##- m^{2} = \frac{\partial^{2}V}{\partial\phi^{2}}\bigg|_{\phi=0}?##

2. Why does ##m## have to be small compared to the Hubble constant or else the model does not lead to enough inflation?

3. Why is the exponential decay of the false vacuum slower than the exponential expansion?
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  • #2

1. The time scale for the decay of the false vacuum is controlled by the mass-squared of the scalar field because it determines the shape of the potential energy curve for the field. In new inflation, the scalar field is initially at the top of the potential energy curve, which is the false vacuum state. As the field rolls down the potential, the false vacuum decays and inflation begins. The rate of this decay is determined by the curvature of the potential energy curve, which is given by the mass-squared of the scalar field.

2. In order for the inflation model to work, the scalar field must roll slowly down the potential energy curve, allowing for a long period of inflation. If the mass-squared of the scalar field is too large, the potential energy curve will be too steep and the field will roll too quickly, leading to a shorter period of inflation. Therefore, in order for the inflation model to produce enough inflation, the mass-squared of the scalar field must be small compared to the Hubble constant.

3. The exponential decay of the false vacuum is slower than the exponential expansion because the mass-squared of the scalar field is small compared to the Hubble constant. This means that the curvature of the potential energy curve is relatively flat, allowing for a slow and gradual decay of the false vacuum. On the other hand, the Hubble constant is much larger, leading to a rapid and exponential expansion of the universe during inflation. Therefore, the decay of the false vacuum is slower compared to the expansion of the universe.

FAQ: Decay of false vacuum in new inflation

1. What is the "false vacuum" in new inflation?

The false vacuum is a hypothetical state of the universe in which the energy density is temporarily stable, but not the lowest possible energy state. In new inflation theory, the universe expands rapidly during this state, leading to the formation of galaxies and other structures.

2. How does the decay of the false vacuum occur in new inflation?

The decay of the false vacuum occurs through a process called "bubble nucleation." Essentially, small regions of the false vacuum will spontaneously transition to the true vacuum, releasing energy and causing the universe to rapidly expand in these regions.

3. What are the implications of the decay of the false vacuum in new inflation?

The decay of the false vacuum in new inflation is a crucial step in the formation of the universe as we know it. It allows for the rapid expansion of the universe and the eventual formation of galaxies and other structures, including the ones that make up our own solar system.

4. Is the decay of the false vacuum a confirmed phenomenon?

While the decay of the false vacuum is a widely accepted theory, it has not yet been directly observed. However, there is strong evidence for its occurrence, including the observed expansion of the universe and the distribution of galaxies and other structures.

5. Are there any potential consequences of the decay of the false vacuum?

Some theories suggest that the decay of the false vacuum could lead to the formation of cosmic strings, which are long, thin structures that could have significant effects on the evolution of the universe. However, the exact consequences of this phenomenon are still being studied and are not fully understood.

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