Define & Prove Abrahamic God: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnibenevolent

  • Thread starter munky99999
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In summary: I am not here to mislead, I am here to expand and help any and all.Your mind is omnipotent. If you don't understand.. then say you don't understand.. please, don't quote me and make false assumptions on the context of my speach.
  • #1
Ok so here is what I am looking for.

First Define your God.
secondly explain your God.(optional)
thirdly provide evidence/proof of your God.

Abrahamic God:
Omnipotent(all powerful)
Omniscient(all knowing)
Omnibenevolent(all loving)
He created everything in 7 days. The universe is 6000-10,000 years old. etc...
LooL you got me. Which is a pretty good reason why I don't believe in the Abrahamic God. But I don't claim to be omniscient. perhaps someone will believe in the abrahamic God and have evidence for his/her existence.

edit/ if your God is already self-evident, provide proof for the attributes.
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  • #2
My universe, my reality, my existence is my God, I am my God.
My God is all that is, my God is me.
My God is all around you and I.

I am an extension of my God. I am a part of my God, my God is a part of me. I am in control. My God is omnipresent, my God is omnipotent, my God is omnibenevolent. My God is the universe, my God is all that is within and without. My God builds the stars by himself, my God created me. My God is the creator, just as I am the creator. When I understand and know my God, all powers that my God possesses, I may possesses as well. My God gave birth to me, my God is my Father, I am my God's offspring. My God knows no limitations, my God recognizes no restrictions. My God is everything that is, has been and ever will be. This is WHAT my God is.

WHO is your God?

We argue and fight about "who"... we never stop to figure out "what"...
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  • #3

My universe, my reality, my existence is my God, I am my God.
You are your God. but then you say.
My God gave birth to me, my God is my Father
your parents are your god.

So basically your saying that your god is everything?

so everything is omnipotent according to
my God is omnipotent
But i don't follow that. I am definitely not omnipotent. but ok you continue.
When I understand and know my God, all powers that my God possesses, I may possesses as well.
and there is the scam/hitch. you have to follow and believe. before you get powers. but you don't get a reason to do so. which comes to the scam. they get you believing and string you along saying your almost there all the time.

Im allowed to call it a scam. as you missed the Mandatory most important part.
thirdly provide evidence/proof of your God.
  • #4
No, you misunderstood, my Father is the universe and the universes creations; the sun, the earth, evolution, humans, then my actual father. It's all related. Without one, we cannot have the other, they all gave birth up to the point of the present, which is now me. When you understand and know yourself, others, and your universe and every law that exists in this universe, every philosophy, every color, every vibration, you learn, WE learn. You can then apply what you learn to your life. My proof of my God are these words that you and I are reading and typing. My God is not a who, it is a what. I am not here to prove who is wrong and right, I am here to share in truth. If you don't understand, then say you don't understand. Please, don't quote me and make false assumptions on the context of my speach. I'm not here to sell a book. So this cannot possibly be a scam. I am sharing my enlightenment, we can learn and discuss it together. There's no need to attack and assume fallacy. I'm not here to mislead, I'm here to expand and help any and all. Your mind is omnipotent.
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  • #5
Serpo said:
If you don't understand.. then say you don't understand.. please, don't quote me and make false assumptions on the context of my speach.
Lol. if i don't understand. i will say it. but from what you had put there. i understood what you said. now if what the words say isn't what you mean. that's not my fault. its your fault. as in your not being articulate.

My proof of my God are these words that you and I are reading and typing... my God is not a who.. it is a what.
Ok that's fine. Your God is the fundamental particles and forces. Thats cool. But when you have attributes like omnipotence. you need to provide proof of this.which u still havent.
  • #6
I see, this will be a tear down session. I am the building and you are the steel ball dangling from the crane, have at it. I'm done.

I can only help you as much as you want to help yourself. Don't limit your ability to understand. A father is not limited to your biological human father. If what I mean isn't what you understand, then I am the one who understands what I mean and you are the one who doesn't, you see? I don't want it to get like this. I'm not here for an argument. Let's do this peacefully, please. It's not hard, try.

Omnipotent; your mind is all powerful. Without your mind, you cease to exist. Recognize this and you can become and do anything you so desire. Everything away from your mind is just an extension, including the body. All that is needed for enlightenment is the mind. Your mind is the Godhead of your existence and your reality. "Godhead", literally.

One must mold one's ego away from wanting to win, and into seeking and gaining truth and knowledge. If the ego is controlled, anything is possible. Get away from competitive nature and seek self pinnacle. When we compete with others, we are limited to the competition that we face. When we compete with ourself, we can create the competition to whatever level we'd like, we set the goals and the achievements. In doing so, we can reach heights never even imagined. You are your own worst critic, you are also your own best motivator. Everything must work both ways.
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  • #7
Serpo said:
I see, this will be a tear down session... I am the building and you are the steel ball dangling from the crane... have at it... I'm done.

I can only help you as much as you want to help yourself. Don't limit your ability to understand. A father is not limited to your biological human father. If what I mean isn't what you understand... then I am the one who understands what I mean... and you are the one who doesn't... you see? I don't want it to get like this... I'm not here for an argument... let's do this peacefully, please. It's not hard... try.
im not here to be converted or anything.....
so enough preaching.

so either explain yourself and give logical evidence to why you believe it. or don't post here. follow the guidelines pretty much.

you defined. your almost trying to explain. but you don't have to. next is logical evidence or proof. which you haven't given anything to.

oh and also. this isn't a tear down session(yet). I haven't stated your wrong or anything like that. But until you give evidence for what you believe. It is meaningless beliefs. and if you believe in a scam. Like a pyramid scam. We have the right to call it so. Because that is what it is.
  • #8
Serpo said:
Omnipotent; your mind is all powerful. Without your mind, you cease to exist. Recognize this and you can become and do anything you so desire. Everything away from your mind is just an extension, including the body. All that is needed for enlightenment is the mind.

    Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful
   1. One having unlimited power or authority: the bureaucratic omnipotents.
   2. Omnipotent God. Used with the.
Well that's the definition of the word. So perhaps explain a little further? But perhaps your speaking of imagination. and its simple to defeat that. I give you a paradox and regardless of how "omnipotent" your mind is. you can't defeat it. Which is why its a paradox.

or are you explaining that people can unlock things like telekinesis and telepathy?
  • #9
Precisely... perhaps you should read my thread in skepticism and debunking.

You are making me feel very inferior with your words. I'm not sure if that's what you're aiming for. But that is the feeling I am getting... if anyone else is reading this and they do understand my logic, chime in please. I can't explain it too much more... it has many meanings, as I have already pointed out. Yes. My explanation of the mind being omnipotent fits that definition perfectly. You have control over your every move, your every thought, your every second of existence and your every perception of reality.

I'm not here to convert you. I'm not here to preach. Only sharing. Make of it what you will, take it or leave it... but don't pre-dismiss it. I understand and respect your skepticism, but you can ask questions nicely.. and say things that are a bit less threatening... I mean no harm.

something like this... "next is logical evidence or proof. which you haven't given anything to." You didn't need to add the last sentence.. just simply ask me what is you wish me to explain.

I will treat you respectfully, kindly and patient... I expect the same back. :) Thank you.

I may say some things you don't understand initially. It's my nature to take meaning and shrink it to its smallest size, while still keeping its meaning.

My words are all wound up tightly together, you have to be gentle when unwrapping.
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  • #10
The wisest thing on the subject anyone has ever told me on the subject of religion was Les Sleeth in another thread. (and my father is a minister, so that's saying something)

Les Sleeth said:
I don't understand the insistence that God be infallable and omnipotent. Considering it from a logic perspective, if there is a consciousness powerful enough to create this universe, this solar system, this planet, life (biology), and a central nervous system capable of housing consciousness, then that is one heck of a creator, perfect or not. That creator doesn't need to be "perfect" to create all that we find here. Maybe he/she/it is doing the best he/she/it is capable of.

Likewise, logically speaking a creator doesn't need to be omnipotent to create this universe; he/she/it only needs to be powerful enough to create a universe (that applies to omniscience too . . . i.e., just knowledgeable enough know how to create the universe).

These old concepts are neither indicated logically, nor are they supported by any known evidence. IMO, they are merely assumptions made dogma by past popes and fed to the masses. I don't see why we need to attach those concept to God. All they do is raise doubt and drive some of the faithful crazy because they really don't make much sense.

I've read some of your other posts over the last few days, and frankly, I'm a little concerned for you. I've seen others like you, that have gone through an experience like yours. (and once it ended in a terrible conclusion, hence my concern). Heck, I can't say that I haven't been there before. I do think your heart is in the right place.

to answer the OP.

God to me is the universe in which we live, including the physical laws in which everything obeys.
My purpose here is to be thankful and try to effect change for the betterment of humanity/world/universe.
I don't think we are necessarily all tapped to become "fishers of men", and create mass converts, but to let it happen naturally.
I don't think our actions on Earth have any ramifications on whether we reach a heaven or hell. (in fact, that is an attribute to religious dogma as well.) Basically, whatever happens after we die will be the same for everyone.

I can see myself as a God, (not the universal God) as well as everyone else on earth. (a God that just happens to be bound by the laws of physics).

As for proof, I don't have anything other than my thoughts and experiences. The only proof will be revealed when we die. I will admit that in my theory, God doesn't even have to exist at all. But you will have just as much luck proving my God doesn't exist, as I would proving he does.
  • #11
you have very rational beliefs. and Imma assist you a little. Proof that you exist.

Rene Descartes.
I think therefore I am.

Essentially it goes.

I am thinking of a rose. This rose exists inside my mind. But The rose can only exist in my mind aslong as my mind exists.

So logically. My mind exists. which is dependant on my brain and body. So they must exist.

So this evidence would be perfect for you. The main reason why I am not poking holes. Is because there is no spots that can be poked. There is no paranormal things. such as omnipotence or fancy imaginary people. My guess would be your an agnostic. or Apatheism :bugeye:

You see that a perfect god with omnipotence etc, can't logically exist. But perhaps there is a lesser being who did these claimed things.

The thing i find with that is. If not believing in the non-perfect-god. Essentially its an alien with lots of power and knowledge. and thusly even a human could attain this power. Not making the alien special at all. Well as special as say Michio Kaku compared with Joe Schmo

My explanation of the mind being omnipotent fits that definition perfectly. You have control over your every move, your every thought, your every second of existence and your every perception of reality.
that definitely doesn't logically mean omnipotence. which means the power to do ALL.
well i definitely don't have the power to lift 900 kgs of weight. so i conclude you don't mean omnipotence. which removes all the pseudo out.
  • #12
Well, I think it is possible that God is omnipotent and infallible, I just don't think it's provable. Mr. Sleeth described it as a bit like Christian Mysticism. I am quite comfortable that I exist. My purpose is clear, and I don't even live up to my ideals, but I try. That's all I can ask of anyone.
  • #13
Well, I think it is possible that God is omnipotent and infallible, I just don't think it's provable.
Thats just it. if its not provable or anything. plus that the definition alone is illogical. Then how could you believe it exist over top anything else, even the Invisible Pink Unicorn.
  • #14
I agree it's weird. I'm not saying that it is true, or even needs to be true, and I don't believe it's true. Why others insist that this is so, I don't know. One thing about believing in a god that can do anything...well, he can do anything. How do you convince someone that this way of thinking is wrong? You don't, it's none of our business.
  • #15
Omnipotence is not perfection. It is potential. My god is not a who, it's a what. God is the Universe and all that lay within. One is a reflection of the universe. Anything one wishes to know, one has the potential of knowing, anything one wishes to do, one has the potential of doing. One has potential. Everything that is the creator, is a part of you too. The creator gave birth to you. The creator gave birth to all. We all share the creators DNA so to speak. I appreciate your concern for me... but MY concern is for the people. I am fine. Look at this world, look what we fight over. Look where we are headed... and you are concerned for me? Okay... :) God is all that is, that is all that needs to be said. All that is, is all that is. You are included. One is in control. You are your God. When one seeks truth, in actuality one does not pray to a pre-conceived idea of God. One asks one's self in confidence. All powerful? Yes, without the mind one is not here, now you tell me what is all powerful and controls one's very reality and existence? It is the mind. Therefore the mind is capable of, and is omnipotent. One has unlimited power and authority over one's self. One creates and controls everything that one so desires, when one realizes this, one can really begin to take control. One will notice it if one ever does it. Les Sleeth is right. If God is all that is, then God is all that is. That means mistakes too, but in quantum universal extro-spection(view from outside all that is biased, all that one has been taught.. watch the universe move and spin from outside of this universe and these pre-conceived notions of this reality) when viewing things from outside of this minds restrictions and hardwired ways of working ; There is no conceptualization of consistencies without expectation, all things are simply natural. Naturalness, no wrongs, no rights. They are happenning with the natural flow of things. Things are because they are. When one can accept this, one will realize even more of what I speak. Yet, that is the big picture, the small picture is ; One can correct one's own mental faults that are, whenever to be desired, finally recognized. The best advice I can give is to take control of your life. Stop asking questions and seeking answers, instead seek truth. Be kind and gentle to everyone. It's easy to act off of instinct, our instinct is not always to be nice. If you are always thinking about being nice, you are thinking correctly. You will naturally become more smart. Your brain will constantly be seeking truth instead of winning and ego. I just woke up here, so good morning :) One's attitude should effect one's success and failure, not the other way around. One can even be in control one's own death ; one can stop one's own heart. One can take one's own life. The responsibility is ours. The heaven or hell that you speak of can be reached here on this Earth. Success gains its beauty and respect in nakedness. One need not material objects to prove one's success, one's success should be measured mentally, spiritually and emotionally. When one doubts (one's self), one doubts all that is. Don't ever doubt, always have confidence, contemplation is best. Doubting does not seek truth, it seeks excuse, it seeks failure. To effect the future, we must act in what is the perceived present.
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  • #16
That's Really Perfect in an imPerfect Way

"That creator doesn't need to be "perfect" to create all that we find here. Maybe he/she/it is doing the best he/she/it is capable of."
Posted by Les Sleeth

This may not be in keeping to the tradition I was trained in, however I feel this morning that it is quite simply the most loving and forgiving thing I think I have ever heard.
If we can forgive the creator for creation based on a love and understanding that what ever the creator is, is doing the best it can, then so much can be accepted and understood on the imperfect levels we attempt to comprehend ... EVERYTHING down the line ... In which case it must then be (Trying.."all the way down").
  • #17
Yes Shoshana... Les sounds like a very bright man :) I'm glad he is explaining things as well. I opened up so that more of my kind who naturally understand will come forward in the future and guide us back to love and peace. It is true... to understand creation... you must also understand its faults. You understand its naturalness... you understand man's ego and expectation. You understand yourself. :) You're making me smile. I'm glad someone is understanding. Perfection can be found in imperfection. The only thing that kinda hit a sour note with me is the "trying part"... the creator is not trying... the creator just is. We must accept that the creator is the creation and in being so that we are capable of being the creator. Now let's do the best that he/she/it/US are capable of. We are the change, we are the responsibility... all that we seek is within us, and we are all within one another. We ARE the creation, we ARE the creators... We ARE the future. No matter how silly this sounds... this is all true, and we know it. To be completely honest, one must recognize one's own faults and admit them to self and others when need be. In honesty we find truth.
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  • #18
Serpo said:
Yes Shoshana... Les sounds like a very bright man :) I'm glad he is explaining things as well. I opened up so that more of my kind who naturally understand will come forward in the future and guide us back to love and peace. It is true... to understand creation... you must also understand its faults. You understand its naturalness... you understand man's ego and expectation. You understand yourself. :) You're making me smile. I'm glad someone is understanding. Perfection can be found in imperfection. The only thing that kinda hit a sour note with me is the "trying part"... the creator is not trying... the creator just is. We must accept that the creator is the creation and in being so that we are capable of being the creator. Now let's do the best that he/she/it/US are capable of. We are the change, we are the responsibility... all that we seek is within us. We ARE the creation, we ARE the creators... We ARE the future. No matter how silly this sounds... this is all true, and we know it.


With all respect due to this being an OPEN forum and my not wanting to discuss things with you privately, I must say that your stating that I "understand" has no attachment to your comments.

In fact I do NOT understand what drives you to place yourself in a position of leadership and insist that folks are unknowing if they do not subscribe to YOUR vision.

Frankly your comments are coming up with red flags all over them.

Do you think you might consider rejoining the rest of the humble human family of which you are a part and enjoy the comfort and joys of normal communications and friendships?
  • #19
Expalin to me the meaning of normal communications and friendship? Is that a statement made out of the ignorance of solo perception? It's narrow minded to call an act of thought or being, normal. I'm not seeking a leadership position. I'm seeking peace on Earth and enlightenment in humankind. I'm not a monster, I'm not a communist. Sorry for assuming that you understood, it appeared as if you did. My apologies. What drives me is myself, and my enlightenment in knowing that we all have the potential if we ever so desire it, and the time is now. There are no limitations on this planet. The mind should recognize no restrictions. If I am bringing up red flags everywhere, I'd like to have them pointed out :) I apologize ahead of time. I am a part of the human family... but it is not so humble. Do they care to join US? I don't view a very primitive (in cosmic terms) species of ape which cannot even decide on who's God is correct as a humble family. Maybe we don't live on the same planet. :P Joking. I am no better than anyone else.. as I have stated and will continue to state. If you can find faults in what it is I say... then find the faults. Don't make assumptions about my ambitions... I don't treat you in such a way, nor should anyone else. If you'd like to know what my ambitions are, simply ask. This is not MY vision.. it is the vision of many. This isn't about religion, this is about emotion and awakening to who's in control, our potential to be the best that we can be and using that potential in a positive manner. If we fail to come to a global realization of these things, we will not move forward.. and we will continue to burn in this hell. Children will be killed, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, aunts, uncles. Is this what we want? Why do we deny what the future will bring when there is no change in the people who are living it?
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  • #20
Serpo, friend, you just seem to be a little too manic. You posted before that you used mairjuana (in another thread), just cut that out for a while and come back to earth. What you are feeling, if it's anything like what I felt, is exciting. It's ok to be excited. Hopefully you can tell the difference between what is drug induced, and what is real. I apologise if that was too personal for you.
  • #21
Not at all... it IS personal... what have I got to hide? and why should I lie about it? I'm perfectly fine... what scares me is this world and the people who do not want to change. Again.. if there is anything about my philosophies that you can find that is false... please point it out. I will be as honest as I can... but, please stop attacking me about things I've already mentioned and come clean with (which I didn't even have to) and things that I've never even said... such as being a leader. I take responsibility for all of my faults and I will admit my wrongs. Yet, let's explain and discuss before claiming they are wrong... I have a lot of knowledge and wisdom... sometimes I say things only for me to understand and the reader cannot grasp them... simply ask me... I'm here to explain and that's all. I'm not used to sharing these things.. I've kept them in for 21 years... only for me to know. This is all new to me. All I want to do is talk and understand... and understand why we don't understand each other, and share WHY we don't understand each other. I view us all as one.. so anything I know about myself, you should know about me too. Secrets lead to dishonesty and disaster. Complete honesty means holding absolutely nothing back. I cannot justify who I am or my philosophies by keeping secrets from you. I am who I am... a normal human being like everyone else, who messes up and succeeds as well. Sometimes I miss the toilet if I am not careful... you know? :P See? :)
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  • #22
It wasn't meant as a personal attack, just humble concern for your well-being because I do care.

Anyway, the burden of proof is always on the side of the person making the claims, and Monkey99999, was asking you to prove your omnipotence. (although I will agree the concept of the post is a little underhanded. Who wants to post their beliefs only to be rediculed?)
  • #23
Sorry, I took offence to "manic". Thank you for caring. I mean that. My omnipotence is the all powerful control I have over myself. The more I accept this the more control I gain. The more control I gain, the more potent I become. There is unlimited potential in the mind, it just takes effort. Time is precious... why waste it? Just do... do because it will pass you by if you don't... accept and believe. Often times we spend our whole lives pondering and not acting. When you ponder and you find the truths... you must act on them... or they are empty. I can play the piano, I can play both the bass and the guitar right handed and left handed, upside down and backwards right handed and left handed. All because I just decided to do it... I plan on doing many more "crazy"(whatever that means ? :P) things.. because I believe that I can do them... and I don't want to sit around and procastinate as time passes me by. We can do whatever we want. Once you assert yourself... you realize it's not so hard after all. Smile and think positive. It's the future that matters. The future is created in the present.

Anything and everything you've ever wanted to change... just do it... starting today your book is empty. Write a new story.

Also, some in my generation, and most of the generations coming after us will stop getting married. They will recognize that true love is not defined by law. They will recognize many things that we so blindly ignore, and are so blindly led into believing as truth and tradition. It is going to be a beautiful time. I and many others already recognize this.
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  • #24
(although I will agree the concept of the post is a little underhanded. Who wants to post their beliefs only to be rediculed?)
well i missed a bunch of long posts and i don't have the time yet to read them. but this post had caught my attention because of my name.

I must say though. This post is not underhanded at all. It is nothing at all like this. It simply follows that if your beliefs are rational and have a reason(evidence/proof) to believe the way you do. Then your beliefs can't be rediculed. But if your beliefs are such that they are completely without rational thought and without any reason. Then you should be rediculed.

Take Santa Claus for example. We know he doesn't exist. The people who created the myth admitted that they made him up. But what if you found a man. who is 40 years old, who honestly and truly believes that santa claus exists. Like not as a joke or anything. That he worships the elves and santa year round. People would want to send him to a psychiatrist. But what if the people who created the myth didnt break and admit that he didnt exist. That you simply have to use rational thought to determine if he existed or not. You would first figure this." you would also find no evidence for his existence. where no presents just show up in your house.

So its logical not to believe in santa. and it would be right to redicule any person like the man above.

So if you want people to stop rediculing your beliefs. Perhaps a change of beliefs are in order? or perhaps state evidence that would make all redicule stop.

and according to
Mathew 10:1
10:1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
which basically means that your average man can have the power to heal all disease. and I am not saying to use the trepanning. This is the healing that you hear people claim they have pretty often. Guy touches blind person's eyes and they arent blind again type stories.

You show me one person who can do this. This would be huge evidence for the supernatural i would say. When you have evidence you then are the one who redicules the people without evidence.

"HAHA skeptic? you skeptics are all alike. how can you not believe in Jesus when we have this evidence to prove it all." or whatever.
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  • #25
What exactly is it that you are ridiculing me for? Are my philosophies not making sense? Perhaps they are above your intellectual capacity... or you really have just not taken the time to ask questions and understand yet because you want me to be wrong so badly? You ARE capable of understanding what it is that I am presenting here... just try it. I don't understand... please, just make me understand your reasoning. If that is at all possible. No one should ever be ridiculed. Only shown the path of truth. Ridiculing is for the insecure. Does it make you feel better or what? I don't get it at all. Your Santa story somewhat lends credence to my claims of the mind being omnipotent... thank you for clearing that up. :) See there is meaning in everything...

My evidence has been stated, the evidence that you have been providing has only been ridicule :( What does that do? Do you want us to get angry and fight? I still don't understand that philosophy... I don't intend on ridiculing you, even in points where I have seen you to be wrong. Let's not do that, it's pointless. Rather point out false evidence... my evidence is my proof... prove my philosophies to be false instead of just saying "you're not like everyone else... you MUST be ridiculed". First and foremost... let's get to the bottom of what it is you don't understand... then you can try and ridicule me. Don't ridicule before you understand. It doesn't make sense... patience... Unknowns, by default, are denied? That's not very philosophical, nor scientific. Investigate, please. I'm opening myself up for you... tear me apart... nicely. I'm giving you all of my time right now... the most precious gift to give in this life. Give me a nice gift back. Things are deeper than you imagine.
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  • #26
look serpo. your whole thing is flawed right from the:
My omnipotence is the all powerful control I have over myself.
Nobody has all poweful control of themselves. I do not have the power to stop my heart.I do not have the power to change my blood pressure. I do not have the ability to change my blood pH level. and no level of belief that i am in control and chanting ohms will ever change that.

To do anything of the sort. which your omnipotence claims. would be completely paranormal. If you can do it. which your omnipotence states you can. I suggest going to" and apply to earn $1 million.

What you keep failing to do is understand what omnipotence means. If you simply mean the normal control of your body or some improved version. This does NOT stipulate omnipotence at all.

and if i get an answer which states that the more i believe the more power i get. This is simply a pyramid scheme. Which is simply fraudulant to begin with.

So either you screwed up in defining your belief of omnipotence. OR you do have powers which are paranormal. Which if you goto the Amazing Randi and can earn $1million. Prove that you can do these things.

But perhaps my well above average IQ isn't enough to understand your philosophy. Please define what exactly you mean by.
The more I accept this the more control I gain. The more control I gain, the more potent I become.
and potent meaning Power obviously. What powers exactly do you get by simply accepting.
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  • #27
Wow... more ridicule. :( I myself cannot stop my own heart. I do not wish to. There are others who can do this and more. You should research into Nazi Germany total body control, and some Eastern religions... their monks are in control of much more than I have achieved yet. What keeps your heart beating? What makes your arm move? If you focus you can control these things. Yes you do have all powerful control over yourself and the future outcome of this Earth... if you wish to deny that then we will all fail and self destruct. You are the one failing to understand what omnipotence is... because you won't let yourself simply believe that it is true. Right now I am using my omnipotence towards other means. Unfortunately I live in the Western world, and I do not have time to meditate so deeply with others. Right now I am using my drive for musical purposes... I have to make lots of money so I can give to the poor and help stop war, discrimination, obsession of material possessions and starvation. No one in this world seems to care, and those that do seem to always be hated and outcast. The "in" crowd sure isn't doing a good job these days. By accepting that I am in control I am able to do anything and everything I am putting my mind to at this moment. I am accelling at the guitar at incredible rates. My intellect and my enlightenment are reaching new heights. My love and my compassion are stronger than ever. Becase I simply allow it to be. I am 100% honest now. In honesty we find truth. When we lie we become insecure which causes a mental block and leads us down devious roads. I am omnipotent because I choose to be. You have my name... and I expect you to see me on T.V. someday doing something great for the benefit of mankind. If that will not be proof enough, then I don't know what I can do to change this Hell. Anything you can think about, you can know and achieve if you emphasize yourself. Why should anything that is in reach of your imagination and thoughts not be in reach of reality? When in fact you are thinking about them while in reality. If the world accepts change, then the world will change. Until then I will be ridiculed and you will fight for and over your Gods. Your omnipotence is your potential. Which is up to you to do with it what you will.
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  • #28
It seems to me that a truly wise person can communicate a message in the fewest of words and be understood by all who hear their thoughts. What ever the "intellectual capacity".

A wise person is NOT insulting or defensive or even aggressive.

They love and are loved without coercion.

If there are more like you, then why don't you find a forum where you can communicate with ease with like kind.

You might find therein no resistance and much compatibility as I am obviously too unenlightened to appreciate what you are trying to say and I would so enjoy the original post.
  • #29
I'm sorry that none of you understand what I speak of... you give me thumbs down and you ridicule me. What is it that truly brings you to peace, joy and ultimate confidence. You must make yourself. You must take control, not be controlled. There are no websites that I am currently aware of. There is a website that I post on from time to time which somewhat suits my needs. ... I have a myspace profile that you can visit and get to know me there if you'd like, understand the phenomena and understand that I am a real person ... breathing living and having friends. I interact with real human beings like yourself everyday and have no problem... they love me and they understand me.. because they deal with me in person and see my love, compassion and hieghtened awareness. Anyway... thank you for letting me share my God... although it went nothing like I expected it to go from what the thread first stated it would be like. Love you all. Peace, joy and mass enlightenment to the world!

Peace and love in the light of truth,

There is no room for negativity in life when time is all that we have. It should be used wisely. Do you see how you can maximize the efficiency and experience of your existence? If not, ponder those things. Maybe you will reach truths and self enlightenment. All I can do is try and help.
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  • #30
munky99999 said:
I must say though. This post is not underhanded at all. It is nothing at all like this. It simply follows that if your beliefs are rational and have a reason(evidence/proof) to believe the way you do. Then your beliefs can't be rediculed. But if your beliefs are such that they are completely without rational thought and without any reason. Then you should be rediculed.

When a Jehova's Witness knocks on my door, why do I always slam the door in their face? (metaphorically speaking, of course). Because I am not looking to be converted. Nor am I open to anything they have to say. What makes their conversion tactic any different from yours? (I'm talking about the tactic only, not the substance of what you're trying to sell). I think most people naturally come to a crossroads at some time in their life when the are much more receptive to differing opinions. (take myself for instance, which is a reason why I looked for explanations here, at a forum full of intelligent, scientific minds). Where I differ from some people is I was raised in the faith, yet never believed. I didn't believe in God because I thaught I was smarter than them. In fact, I had no more evidence either way. All I had was a feeling. I have to get going...but to sum up, for now, even if your message is right, your timing might not be. Let people ask for your opinion first, you'll probably get better results.
  • #31
i think I am done argueing with you. you have failed completely at the factual definition of omnipotence. or you simply are avoiding the question.

What keeps your heart beating? What makes your arm move? If you focus you can control these things. Yes you do have all powerful control over yourself and the future outcome of this Earth... if you wish to deny that then we will all fail and self destruct.
thats what you don't understand. ok sure you have pretty wide control over your arm. But there are features that you simply CANNOT do EVER. Which omnipotence states you can.

If you are truly omnipotent over your body. You would have the power to human combust and reform back.
So Serpo you must state clearly that you can/could do this. OR its simply not omnipotence. and i want an answer for this before anymore.

You are the one failing to understand what omnipotence is... because you won't let yourself simply believe that it is true.
I have given the definition and i completely understand what omnipotence is. So you must have a WRONG definition for the word. Or else the above thing can be done.

When a Jehova's Witness knocks on my door, why do I always slam the door in their face?
Hey not me. I was outside during the summer talking to my neighbour about life and stuff. Hes a funny guy. Hes been to jail and everything and he speaks about what its like in jail. About all the pranks he's done. Anyway jehovahs show up and they are like "hi. we are to enlighten you about life" well it ended up with me deconverting the old guy. and the woman left crying about half way through. About the point where i showed her about the rules she has to follow to be a good christian. I believe it was Mark 7:9-10 which has jesus saying to kill disobedient children in essence. which in relation is Exodus 21:15-17 and leviticus 20:9

Because I am not looking to be converted. Nor am I open to anything they have to say. What makes their conversion tactic any different from yours?
Well I am semi-open-minded. I will listen to any evidence or proof which would stand up in science and rational/logic arguement. Not vague sayings which just claim to be true and be righteous without anything to back them up.

What makes their conversion tactic any different? well first of all. Let me point out. I am not here to convert anything. I am here to deconvert from illogical irrational beliefs. Virtually. the same argument can be used for say ohhhh about everything in science. How is their conversion tactic any different from a psychologist? Well its not if you put it that way. So your saying that we should stop(or give no credence to) all suicide hotlines, 911 phone calls, psychiatrists. They all take an illogical irrational problem and deconvert them from it. to leave a blank slate of logic and rational thought.

So your difference is. They want to give you their dogma. I want to give you logic. now logic is true. plenty of evidence for it obviously. while the jehovahs are selling the opposite.
  • #32
It's ok. I never intended to argue with you. Rather I came here to be understood and to share how you can maximize the experience of this existence by setting no limitations on yourself... that is the omnipotency that I speak of. I didn't come here intending for someone to spend all of their tme trying to prove me wrong... I know what I speak of is already right. I just wanted someone, if only just one person, to understand me... every change counts. Get motivation and enthusiasm from what I tell them... and perhaps change their life for the better. I'm not selling religion. I'm not selling books. I'm sharing a state of mind that has been reached through seeking what it was that I wished to discover and possess... which I am now achieving. As I said earlier... you are not informed well on this subject to begin with... you need to reasearch Eastern religions and some of the things that their Monks are capable of. Nazi Germany and their total body/mind control. I have no doubts anymore... with my own experiences and others as well... that almost anything can and will be done in time by only using the mind. You claim to be Christian... and believe in a God that is correct... a religion that says only Christians will make it to heaven... because you must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour... it's this ignorance that brings about world division and war... it is simply and obviously illogical to make such a conclusion when there are hundreds, if not thousands of other religions in the world that you fail to recognize. Again, for world peace to be achieved we must recognize WHAT our God is... It will be a common God... and I have given you the answers. There is no room for the ignorance and death that is brought about in fighting over the "who" of Gods and prophets. If it's logic and reasoning you seek... I'm right here.. don't be afraid to be my friend because I am different. :) How can someone (me) who seeks truth, peace and honesty... ever betray you? I can't even argue anymore.. it's a waste of time. Negativity is a waste of time. This life is ONE... there is not another. Maximize your efficiency. Life is not found in death. It is found here and now. We all have the potential to create heaven here on Earth... but we have been misinformed that this is only for an afterlife. If that is what you accept then you will never reach the potential and state of mind that is needed to create a peaceful world. You can create heaven in your mind at this very moment. It is not taboo. The idea was given to us, for us to sieze... not to push away into the idea of fairy tale and non-existence.
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  • #33
Are you now, for what I count as twice, drawing comparison between your intent to pushing a unanimously rejected style of communicating your PERSONAL belief system in, at times rude and insulting ways to "Nazi Germany and their total body/mind control"?

Is there a mentor watching this thread?
Do we merit some assistance please?
  • #34
No... you misunderstand... Nazi Germany... is the time period when total body control was being experimented with... er... :-/ oh well.. have at me.. rip me up... I have not insulted anyone on this site. Nor will I ever intend to, and if I ever have, never again. Gosh.. rude and insulting can be thrown around so loosely now days, can't it? I love you Shosh... You're all getting me somewhat down.. that's not a good sign... I suppose I should stay away for a couple days. No one wants to look at my philosophies.. instead take my words out of context... and falsify my ambitions... bleh... oh well. :) Soon enough you'll have to accept what your God is and not who... even if it means waiting for world war and nuclear terrorism. It appears as if you'd rather have the moderator shut me up than have any discussion with me on the matter. Suit yourself.

Peace and love in the light of truth,

What is insulting about it? One would have to take offence to it to notice an insultive nature. If that is the position that you are in, then you are in the wrong boat to begin with. I’ve stated my intentions and the conduct and context in which I am presenting them. This is not an insulting thread, I am sharing my thoughts and my research, how can that possibly be insulting to anyone when presented in such a kind manner? You are finding insult where it doesn’t exist because you are trying so hard to bring me down instead of just trying to understand and discuss what it is that I am trying to get across and present to you. You can control that as well. Or you can try and become my enemy? I just want to make some friends while we chat. Or is that such a rigid contribution to be asking for? It's not about first place, it's about truth and balance, which brings peace and understanding. Let's try and put that into practice. I can't be the only one doing it.

I am sensing too much hostility here. It's not good. Too many first place contestants and not enough team players... you know? We're all in this together... next time anyone here writes a post responding to someone(in any thread/category/forum), try saying something nice about them before you wrap it up. It helps... trust me. It not only helps you two get along and understand each other... it helps truth flow. If that other person doesn't want to deal with it... you don't have to stoop down to their level. Pick up your head and continue to spread some love and joy. I don't see much of that... it COULD be everywhere. If we lead by example, people will notice, and this world will begin to change. All it takes is for us to start changing... we all know we want it. Who likes to be stressed out everyday? I don't.. Scratch someones back, give a friend a massage. Give a hug or a smile. There's nothing wrong with making other people feel good. Don't be scared to face yourself. When I say yoursef, I mean all of us. Afterall, we all effect each other and we all create the future. What kind of example are YOU(everyone who is reading this) setting? We are all examples for each other, not just for the children.

Today the future was created, what part did you play?
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  • #35
munky, if it helps you believe anything I say... please don't ridicule me... I've seen others ridiculed for this, and they have lost all their credibility. I have made a UFO appear. There you have it. I'm sure the thread will be locked now. In any case, I've come clean with one of the so called "supernatural" phenomena that you speak of. I just call it natural. Shwew. And there is the "raison d'être"... I'm not sure how many others are competent of this, or if it's just a special gift for me. Who else would tell anyone? I have nothing to hide. Why should you believe me anyway? Telling the truth always gets me in trouble. Peace...

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